Chapter 12

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When I was done eating I cleaned up and organized my clothes. I didn't really think about the clothes I packed. I didn't bring any extra bras or underwear. I grabbed my toothbrush but no toothpaste. I got my brush but no shampoo. I packed two pairs of shorts and five old shirts. After looking at everything I made a mental note to go to the store today. I was still really tired and I didn't really want to go back to the hospital yet. I needed to just think about the next steps.

I crawled back in bed and looked at my phone. I had one message from Vick just saying I hope you made it. Love you. Give me an update when ready. The best part of Victoria Duncan was her ability to know when someone needs space. She was always so good at that. I organize my pillows around me and turn the tv to Practical Magic. I let it play and I watched a bit until I fell asleep again.

I wake up to a knock on the door. Soft just low enough I almost didn't hear it. I get up and walk to the door looking out the peephole I see Greyson. I place my hand on the door and close my eyes. He knew me so well. I am so glad he's here. I open the door and he lifts his head up to look at me. I could tell he had been crying. He had a big envelope under his arm, a bag in one hand and two coffee cups in the other.

"Hi babe." he says "Can I come in?"

"Yes, come in," I answered. He sets the items down. He turns and looks at me. I start walking back to my bed. He grabs my hand and pulls me back. Wrapping his arms around me holding me tight. I can smell his long day on him along with his cologne. He pulls away and places a kiss on my forehead and then my lips.

"Im sorry Brooks." he says

"Me too." I said back. We walk to the bed and sit down. He takes his boots off and joins me under the covers. I curl up in his arms Like I have been and we lay in silence for a while. We just needed to be there with each other. He played with my hair. I played with my shirt on his chest. "I love you Greyson Sullivan. I meant that when I told you."

"I know" he stopped for a minute and I could feel him get emotional. "He's dying babe. I went and saw him."

"You did?" I ask "When?"

"Before here I stopped for that stuff and came here" he explained. "I didn't even bring anything with me. We talked for a while and he told me the truth. I feel like I don't know him."

"I know that's how I feel." i agreed "We talked yesterday and it was horrible and awesome at the same time. I was exhausted."

"I am now honestly." he says, holding the bridge of his nose.

"What did you bring?" i ask him

"Oh sorry. coffee, tea, a bagel and two doughnuts. I figured you didn't eat." he says

I lean up on my elbow and look at him. I can see the tiredness in his face. "What?" he whispers.

"I really do love you so much. Thank you for coming here. I needed you." I told him "I felt horrible leaving but all I knew was I had to go. Otherwise I'd think too hard about it and I would stay home. I'm so sorry for hurting you ."

"I know," he says, pulling me in to kiss me. That kiss turns into a harder kiss. Like all the electricity in the room was put into that one kiss. Which turns into more kisses. He leans over me on his elbow. I ran my hand up his shirt feeling his tacky skin from the emotions of the day. I can feel his hands feeling my skin. He ran his hand up my shirt and felt my breast. He kissed my neck and ran fingertips down to my underwear. He slid his hand down and felt the need that was there. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. Like he was looking inside my mind. I feel him move small circles and I move my thighs apart a little more. I needed him. His touch, his patience, his physical being. I close my eyes and feel the pleasure of every circle he makes. He just watches me enjoying his touch. That made me want him more than anything.

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