Chapter 4

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The next few weeks went by really fast. I got in a rhythm and was still getting used to being in a new place. I didn't hear from Zach other than a few texts saying he was sorry and wanted me back. I didn't text him back other than to meet me today at Tammy's office to finalize the divorce. I really had it with him. I was pushed to the side so much and never came first. I lay in bed now and notice all the times I was blinded by love. He didnt love me, not really and I am now seeing that. I took the day off to sign paperwork and meet up with Vick. She wanted to celebrate with me. I have to be there at eleven and I am free.

I can't believe I'm only twenty four and I'm getting divorced. I was just glad I was out of college for the summer and I had time to enjoy my new life. I haven't talked to Greyson sense that night either. He did call me one day and left a message, however, I didn't have the energy to listen to it. I just knew I'd give in and see him. I'm just not ready for that yet. I need time. I looked at the clock and it said nine twenty I get up and make my way to the kitchen.

"Morning B, I made coffee." she said pointing to her fancy espresso and coffee machine. I like coffee but not like her. I wondered if it's just for show but I was proven wrong when she made five cups in one day. I feel that is heart attack level caffeine but she was not fazed.

"Thanks V" I walk by and grab a cup and pour a bit in, adding cream and sugar. "You're still going to meet me at two right?" I asked her.

"Yes, two at the beach." she agreed

"Okay, I'm nervous to see him." i admit

"That's normal I think. Just remember he messed up and you're better off without him."she said, turning the pages of another listing she has to show today. "I really wish you would come work with me. It would be so much better for you."

"No, I will be done in a year and then I'll get a job at the school. That is my thing, I will achieve that goal." I declared and set my now empty coffee cup down and walked to the bathroom.

After my shower I did my makeup and hair. I left my curls and dried it to look nice. I stare at myself in the mirror. I see my blue eyes and brown curly hair. I pull my hair back to finish my makeup and brush my teeth. When I'm all done I take a deep breath and look at the full picture in the mirror. I always thought I was plain. Brown hair, blue eyes and no boobs really. I was a typical b cup and when I got the boobs I got hips. But nothing really special. I let my hair back down and walked to my bedroom and put my divorce outfit on.

I decided on a yellow summer dress that was casual but not too casual. I picked out brown braided sandals and a gold necklace my dad bought me on my wedding day. I thought it was sentimental enough for the day. I called him and told him about what happened. All he said was I'm sorry but I saw it coming. I never liked him. I just knew you loved him and you needed to make your choice not me. Which made me feel loved enough that he let me be me and make my own mistakes.

I grabbed my purse and a sweater for later. I looked at Vick and she smiled at me from her kitchen spot. I've learned she liked standing there more than anywhere else. She then blew me a kiss and I smiled back.

I step out onto the boardwalk and walk down to the cafe. It's a hot day and there are alot of people for a Thursday. I walk into the cafe and order a crepe with whip cream and strawberries. I then ordered another coffee but this time iced. I sit by the window and eat my morning treat. I enjoy living this close to everything. When I lived in the woods it was weeks before I went to town and saw anything or anyone. Here I have no excuse. I loved it and I rode my bike to work a lot. Eventually I will have to move out but I'm enjoying being with Vick.

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