The beginning or the end.

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In the beginning everything was dark, cold and lifeless. There was everything and nothing at the same time, a blank slate akin to an artists canvas. Waiting to be filled with their masterpiece. A template and a-

Y'know now that I say that to myself again, I came to realize that it seemed really stupid to say all of that poetic stuff about being a blank slate waiting for an artists touch. I could've straight up said that I woke up to everything being as dark as it was during the Big Bang and I absolutely have no idea as to how or why I am here. One day I was chilling and living my life back on Earth one day at a time, and then boom. I'm over here floating in the absolute middle of nowhere fiddling with my flipping fingers until I either die or just- actually im not so sure. I haven't thought past the idea of waiting here until something interesting happened or I just... died.

But I didn't want to die, so it was back to thinking!

But first I wish I had something to drink, my throat was starting to get parched and then I paused for a moment because of what was in my hands. A drink. My favorite brand of soda to be specific. It just so happened to appear floating right in front of me.. exactly when I thought about It.


I grabbed the can and cracked it open before taking a tentative sip from it, immediately feeling that nice burning feeling from the carbonation in my throat. So without a doubt I immediately downed the rest of it without thinking and tossed the can away. Or as far as I could before it just lost its momentum and started floating in mid air. Which also brought up a good question. Where exactly am I?

Could it be a dream? Or maybe I'm in some sort of coma and this is my imagination running wild on my failing body. I then let out a small burp. Which made me doubt everything I had just said about my appearance here. But then why was I able to summon that can of soda and feel the carbonation?

Also, now that I took another moment to further take in the environment I was floating in. Despite the can floating around, there was absolutely nothing. Did I go back in time something? Or did I survive some sort of mass extinction event and now everything had regressed. Like the Big Crunch, which was the complete opposite of the Big Bang. Everything had ceased to exist and I was here...

That was a little depressing now that I thought about it. Even if it was one of the many outcomes I could've gone through to end up here, it sounded really far fetched. I'm not some sort of celestial being that transcends time itself, I can't just wave my hand and a planet would just be there floating..

I think I spoke too soon. Because either i hadn't noticed it, or I was actually able to summon a big ass white planet from out of nowhere! Flipping myself around and squinting my eyes at the planet, I recoiled in shock as my vision immediately zoomed into the surface of the empty planet.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. This was way too crazy to be real, I summoned a planet! I really don't know where to go from there, It was kinda just sitting there. Not spinning or orbiting anything, which was reasonable. But still, it was as if It was waiting for me to tinker with it.

I then let out a breath and opened my eyes once again, a clear thought finally passing through my skull. Was I isekaied?

As stupid as it seems, its kinda inching towards that factor. I mean, I guess it does explain the whole blank slate of a planet and the atmosphere around it, and with the being able to will whatever I want just by thinking about it..

Well.. I focused my gaze back onto the planet in front of me and wondered. I reached out a hand and pretended as if I was grabbing onto the planet, then I gently spun it like a top. Releasing it and wondering what would happen, I was pleasantly surprised to see it start...spinning! All on it's own too!

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