City life

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A/N: Been a while, huh? I've got some fun stuff coming up for the story in upcoming chapters. Just hold this one while I finish up the next one. 

I see why people always say that they do their best thinking on the toilet, especially the people that like to preach about how easily the ideas start coming to them when they popped a squat and started.. yeah, anyways. I was not actually doing any thinking on a toilet at the moment, I was just referencing that because I always found myself sitting off by myself and thinking about things. Which then always end up leading into one of my many ideas that  more than likely always come into fruition. 

I find it a bit funny. But I guess that since I find most things pretty funny, it's just another thing that just reflects how I am as a person. Or something nonsensical and philosophical like that.. I'm just making up things at this point. 

I let out a sigh and swung my legs off the statue I was sitting on, a particular one that I built on a newly constructed hill that looked over the capitol building of HomeWorld, it was a statue of myself and the other diamonds in varying poses just behind the statue of myself who held the pose akin to that of the Greek statue of Aristotle. Except with more clothing and without a book in my hands. 

There was a lot of things that I did while letting the diamonds get introduced to the whole prospect of having full dominion over a planet, though instead of it being me just teaching them how things were going to be run in the future, I instead surprised them with a gigantic city built just for them. Which albeit might've not been the greatest thing to do in retrospect since the diamonds were still in an earlier state of mind than they would be in the foreseeable future. There was no clearly insane White Diamond looming over the Gems all from the very creepy throne room of hers, no depressed blue diamond, no uptight and meticulous yellow diamond that tries to hide her own feelings, and there was no dead pink diamond. 

Yet. Which is a bit sad to think about, but I could probably skew things so that pink diamond doesn't have to give up her physical form to birth Steven. That's essentially what classifies her as ''dead'' in the show, to my knowledge at least. 

A hand went up to my chin as I thought about how I'd already messed with the dichotomy of how things work with the gems biology leaning towards more human like with the more ideas I keep getting in my head. So I could definitely make it so that pink diamond doesn't have to give up her physical form when trying to give birth to Steven, but then that would just bring up more complications on what exactly would happen from that point onwards. There could be a whole new turn of events if pink is still alive during all the strife and happenings during the show, but since her gem is technically supposed to be transferred to Steven...

"Hm.." I muttered before shaking my head. That'd have to be a decision I'd have to take into very deep consideration before I even do anything about it. 

But enough with the morbid talk, I have to go back and meet the diamonds. 

With a snap, my private thinking time was over and I was now back inside of the Capitol of HomeWorld. My bare feet pressing against the cold floor tiling and my robe fluttering slightly as I walked forwards with quick and silent footsteps, which would seem impossible from an outside perspective. With the added in bounce in my step, it would be reasonable enough for me to a make a sliver of noise as my feet would slap against the ground. 

But since I can dictate whether or not the sounds would actually emit from those actions, I'd just leave it at that. 

So as quiet as a ghost, I quickly made my way through the various long hallways and archways that I built into the building before my ears picked up the faint echoed voices of the diamonds speaking amongst each other. 

I only got a vague understanding of what exactly they were talking about since I tuned out the whole super hearing aspect of myself because as I've said before, hearing absolutely everything and anything will get cumbersome very fast. But anyways, I simply got closer and closer as I continued down the hall until I finally turned another corner and I was finally able to see the diamonds sitting in a circle, Citrus awkwardly included in the circle as well. I tilted my head and grinned. Good to see that they were all getting along. Though I wasn't just going to let this be a carefree moment for them, that just wasn't how I play. 

I noticed that they'd altered themselves size wise from what I showed them how to do it in the first place, of course they weren't skewed all that disproportionally, and they weren't even back to their original sizes. Though it was still funny seeing White Diamond still towering over the rest of the diamonds, though she didn't really tower over Citrus all that much, seeing as I made her purposely tall.. and buff. But whatever, I still had a practical joke to play on them. 

White's shoulders were looking pretty comfortable anyways, so with a snap of my fingers, I'd teleported from all the way across the room and onto her shoulders. Pursing my lips and letting out a loud "boo!" as I did so. Evilly laughing as I elicited a very surprised response from every single person in the room, and an especially spooked one from White as I draped both arms around her large neck "gotcha again!" before snapping my fingers once again and this time appearing right next to Yellow. I'd noticed that she'd been the quickest to regain her composure when I scared them, though she did jump a bit when I teleported again. 

"Really, Black?" I smiled at that. 

But in all honesty, I hadn't really spent as much time with either Yellow or Blue as I did with White, Pink, and Citrus. So I guess I'd focus today on doing something that I could center around the two of them, hm. 

"Gah! Black!" she said in an exasperated manner. Letting out a small sigh as the rest of the people in the room let out similar sentiments, but I was still all smiles. I placed a hand on her thigh and pushed myself up and forwards, draping myself over her lap and placing both of my hands behind my head as I shot a grin up at her. "Yes, Yellow?" I said as she parted her lips to speak, but paused and simply stared down at me for a moment before she simply shook her head. 

"When are you going to teach us how to do that, Black?" Pink said as she bounced a pink ball on the ground. 

"Do what?" I said obliviously. 

"Your teleportation ability, obviously" Yellow's voice chimed in above me. Causing me to tilt my head and look back up at her, with her arms crossed and eyes looking off towards another area of the room. 

"Hm. If you really wanna know how to do it, I guess I can't help but teach you" I said with a faux tone of relent. 

"Oh, really! ho-" 

"That's if.." I suddenly felt another grin form onto my face. "You can catch me first" I said before snapping my fingers once again, appearing a few feet away from the circle of Diamond. 

"Which you can't!"

That'd give me more time to decide on what I was going to do. 

Hands of creation (A steven universe x original male diamond character story)Where stories live. Discover now