Moving Forwards

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It'd been a bit of time after the whole ordeal with White crushing the pearl that I gave her and I was currently laying in a hammock that was watching over the diamonds mulling about in the garden that I built not that long ago. But with the added in fact that they were currently not their gigantic sizes, I'd ended up showing them how to shrink themselves down so that their giant footsteps and overall mass taking up so much space wouldn't end up breaking something. So now they were currently normal human sized intergalactic humanoid gem beings, well, as human as you can be when you're averaging at about ten feet tall. Though that was White, the others averaged at about eight feet and seven feet respectively, and I was sitting a regularly average height. Sure I was a lot shorter than they were but I kept myself as tall as I was as a human, so they were bound to be taller than I was. 

I let out a small sigh and let my head drop back down onto the pillow I was using in tandem with the hammock, my eyes looked up to the starless sky for a few moments before they flicked over to my left. They landed on the looming figure of the citrine I'd created to protect this garden, I'd figured I'd just name her 'Citrus' while I was at it because it'd be a bit redundant to keep calling her 'citrine'.  Especially since I was definitely going to make a few more different variants of her gem type. 

She was currently standing straight with her spear kept firm in her off hand as she was watching for any threat that would make itself known, which would be none since I made this planet completely devoid of any life other than the gems that I would make in the future. Her eyes briefly caught my own as she turned her head over to look at me and she quickly glanced back over to where she was originally looking. 

I found it cute. 

But nevertheless, I had to actually figure out what I was going to do from this point onwards, since I'd really just been messing around up until this point. I know that I made it a grand thing that I was going to help flesh out their personalities so that it could jumpstart us into the main canon timeline of the show, but I was kind of at a loss of how exactly I was going to make this work. 

I let out a sigh and blinked. My body was now sitting on top of one of the pillars that was holding up my hammock and I opened my eyes and looked down at the diamonds talking amongst themselves, and feeling a smile form on my face as I watched pink twirl around the others with a flower in her hands. 

Now how does that turn into a careless and selfish person later on in life that starts fighting for a cause that the show writes would think bury all of the bad things that she did before faking her death and sparking a war. 

Huh. Now that I think about it. The show writers had a lot of things that needed to be fixed about the characters and the story in general. 

But I guess that's what makes this whole thing I'm doing to help flesh out the characters personalities and change them for the better, a good thing. 

"My diamond!" the gruff voice called up to me, causing me to perk up before turning and leaning over the edge of the pillar, looking down into the eyes of a concerned Citrus. 

"Yeah?" I casually responded. 

"Please come down from there, it is dangerous!" she reasoned. This almost made me start out right laughing but I was able to catch myself and let out a small sigh, that whole programming business that I did to help her not be as confused apparently made it so that there was this extra layer of concern added into it. It was endearing, but knowing what I was capable of, it was going to be a slight annoyance in the future, for sure. 

"Hm.. alright" I said with a small shrug of my shoulders, causing her to let out a small sigh of relief. 

At least that was until I stood up on the pillar and backed myself off of the pillar, letting gravity carry me into a graceful fall. The wind rushed passed me and made my robe and long hair start fluttering about for a few moments until I was suddenly halted midfall by arms firmly wrapping themselves around me. I snorted humorously as Citrus lowered herself and plopped me down onto my feet, reaching my hands up to fix the loose strands of hair caused by the brief fall as I gave her a smile as she balled up a fist and coughed into it before diverting her eyes away from my gaze. 

"Please be more careful, my diamond" she said with a twinge of embarrassment. 

That'd be easy to exploit for my entertainment later on. Good natured exploitation, of course .

I stopped messing with my hair and crossed my arms across my chest as I let out a comedically drawn out sigh and turned my body away from her, looking over to the rest of the diamond authority with interest. 

"Alright, alright." I just ended up saying with a small shake of my head. 

But in reality, I was still thinking on what I lamented to myself earlier. There was a lot of things I was going to have to do going forwards.

"Black!" A familiar voice brought my out of my thoughts and made me look up and over at the approaching.. pink.

Huh. It was usually white actively seeking me out for conversation.

I brushed a few strands of hair from my face and tilted my head in a curious manner "yes, pink?" Watching as she came to a stop with a smile on her face and her hands hidden behind her back.

She stared down at me with a smile for a few moments before blinking and bouncing in place. He large and curly hair bouncing all around as she brought a bright pink flower into view. Causing me to tilt my head as I looked at it.

"Did you get this from the garden?" I questioned. Because I remember every single flower I have in there and I was sure I never made a completely pink one.

"No, I made it!" She said with excitement, pushing it forwards and into my hands as I reached up to grab it. I held it delicately in my hand, but was surprised at just how firm it was to the touch. Bending it with my thumb was akin to trying to bend rubber, but with the texture of a rose.

"How?" I queried.

"I was playing with yellow around the really tall flowers and I noticed that all of the flowers were really.." she pressed a finger to her chin in thought. "Dull! They were really dull, so I thought 'why not pink?' And I tried the hand movement you showed us!" She said with a wave of her hands, her brows furrowed and she pursed her lips before a pink flower popped into existence.

So her powers were coming along? That was good. That was really good actually.

I smiled. Holding the flower off in my right hand, I held my left one flat, where a light link pot materialized. 

"That's wonderful, Pink" I said in a supportive tone. Bringing the pot closer to me and bringing the flower down into the soil. I placed both hands on it and gestured up with it to Pink, her looking down at it for a moment before glancing at her other flower. She then carefully stuck the flower in with the other, to top it all off, I blinked and looked down at the side of the pot that was facing me.

A small plaque that said "Pinks first creation" sat attached to it. Then with a nod I turned it and offered it up to her.

"You've made me proud, Pink."

"I have?" She said while looking from the potted flowers to me, a shy smile gracing her face as she readjusted her grip on the pot.

She wasn't like White, Blue, or Yellow when it came to understanding this kind of terminology. Though I reckon that blue won't be that far along in that aspect. From her personality in the show, it seems that she'd be good with emotional ques and the casual allegory.

"Yes, yes you have" I reaffirmed with a nod. Walking up close to her and reaching out a hand for her, I watched as she shifted the pot into one hand and brought her other to mine. With it being much larger than mine, ironically enough, she grasped it and I gave her a close eyed smile.

"Now.. let's find a place to show off your little creation, I'm sure the rest of the diamonds will be as proud as I am" I said with the usual compassionate tone I layered my voice in before leading her back toward the garden.

"Oh, okay!" She excitedly said.

But not before turning and looking off to where I left Citrus dutifully standing guard. Her body was facing forwards, but I could see her eyes looking over to the two of us.

Not wanting her to feel left out, I also reached out my hand to her smiling invitingly.

And after a few moments, she unsurprisingly moved from her place and approached us, giving a small nod to Pink as she greeted her before taking my other hand.

"Now then, off we go" I said with a laugh before leading the two of them off.

A/N:plot is going to start actually forming from after chapter.

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