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I sidestepped a downwards slash and ducked out of the way of a follow-up attack, a small smile on my face as I continued to simply calmly back away just in time for each attack to miss me. They were far too easy for me to read actually to be of any use against me, and I was quick to prove that fact as I hopped over a sweeping attack and grabbed onto my attacker by the shoulders. Using their momentum to lift my body upwards and over them, I gracefully landed on both feet, quickly spinning out of the way of another oncoming attack as I laughed.

I chose to start training the diamonds on combat. Since it was something that I held off on doing for a bit of time.

"You're going to have to be faster than that if you're aiming to hit me!" I playfully taunted my aggressors while turning around to face them once again. 

White, yellow, blue, and pink diamond were all standing where I just schmoozed my way out. Each of them were holding weapons that were never ever shown in the show, as far as I can tell, and I wasn't the one to even manifest their weapons for them. So these might as well be their canon weapons if anything. 

Their outfits were also changed so that they wouldn't be fighting in those very extravagent outfits that they always wear 24/7, it was a very basic change, I had to go and bring to life some clothes that fit the current situation. So that they were all wearing clothes that totally weren't inspired by star wars, because if I was to use modern clothing than it would bring up questions later on in this continuity. Also when it comes to their hair, I just chose to give them hairbands, so that it wouldn't be a nusiance with all the movement we were doing. 

White held a claymore in a firm grip, a few drops of sweat were visible on her face. Which was also surprising when I first noticed that yes, the gems do actually sweat. But nevertheless, her gaze was fixated on me with a determined grin. 

Yellow held a buster sword, much like the one that Cloud used in the Final Fantasy games, but this was one was more fitted to Yellows whole appearance. So it's blade was a very light shade of yellow instead of the usual black. Much like White, she was sporting a grin. 

Blue was wiedling a scythe of all things, and to give her credit, she was actually easily getting used to using that very large scythe. She was too busy letting out puffs of air to actually form a smile, but the feeling that she was giving off was telling me that she was also having a fun time. 

Lastly pink, she was by far the most energetic out of the diamonds. So that meant when it came to her activity in combat, it meant that she was going to be your main concern out of all of them just because of how close and personal she was always getting. The iconic bright pink sword and shield that she sported was a perfect fit to her fighting style. 

But despite her being the one you have to look out for, I won't say that she'd be more than just a concern. Since Yellow has that title in the bag. I'd always assumed that since she was the most militaristic looking one from the rest of them, that she'd be good at fighting just as well, and I wasn't wrong.

Pink was quick to lower her weapons and shot a smug grin in my direction. "We might not be fast enough, but Citrus sure is" and that made me immediately widen my eyes as I completely forgot that there were five gems I was fighting, not just one.

An audible exhertion of force was all I needed to hear before I immediately raised a hand up and flipped around, catching the gigantic spear that was held by the equally gigantic alternate version of jasper I created. I looked up at her and she looked down at me, giving me a cheeky smile before putting more force into the attack. 

This was followed up by the rest of the diamonds taking this as a chance to catch me off guard, causing them all to dart forwards at my exposed back. 

"We got you now, Black!" the voice of Pink shouted to me as they closed the distance. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't just going to let them do me in like this. So I simply shot a grin of my own to Citrus before lifting up my right hand snapping my fingers, causing me to immediately be teleported out of all of their range. This caused them all to widen their eyes in realization before they all crashed into each other. 

This made me chuckle as they all lay their momentarily stunned. I shook my head at their attempt and went to say something, but was stopped as my hair decided that it was just going to fall and obscure every single bit of my eyesight. 

"Cheater!" I heard white uncharacteristicaly yell out. I could just imagine a pout on her face as I materialized a hairband into one hand and bunched up my hair with the other, mindlessly fixing up my hair back into the bun I had it in as I listened in to their very funny banter. 

"I told you he would teleport away when we would all try to rush him like that!" Yellow said in response to White. 

"W-well.. Pink said that she would be fast enough to touch him before he teleported away!" White retorted. 

"Hey! Don't bring me into this, Blue said the same thing! Why aren't you attacking her?" Pink outrageously said. 

"Hey!" Blue said in offense. 

I finished messing with my hair and popped a handheld mirror into existance, I took it in my hand and used it to inspect myself. Making sure that nothing was out of place and that my clothes weren't dirtied in the very poorly planned surprise attack, and when I figured that it wasn't the case I dematerialized it. 

Then I started walking towards the bickering diamonds but I was stopped as my sixth sense kicked in for a moment, causing me to tense up and go to flip back around. But I was too slow this time as I heard the voice of Citrus cry out from behind me and wrap her arms around me and lift me up into the air. 


I acqueiesed with a perfectly reasonable response "AH!"

Hands of creation (A steven universe x original male diamond character story)Where stories live. Discover now