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I definitely didn't take a break and start testing out just how powerful the weapons were, I definitely didn't lock my eyes onto a futuristic-looking artillery cannon that the ship had in its lower area and grin mischievously. There wasn't any reason for anyone to believe that I had Amethyst go inside and drag the artillery cannon out of the ship, which was quite easy for her, even when she wasn't wearing the power armor, which she wasn't at the moment. I'd told her to take it off. She'd lifted it up with both hands and plopped it down a few feet away from where my table and the different sets of armor were set up, I'd summoned some armor stands and pieced together the pieces of the space marine armor and set them up on the armor stands.

So anyways, I completely lied. Amethyst would tilt her head down at me as she helped me stand up so that I could take a closer look at the very large and futuristic piece of machinery that looked as if it belonged back in the civil war. But nevertheless, I nudged for Amethyst to bring me closer to the weapon, it was called a 'lascannon artillery gun', and then when I was closer to the handles I reached out and grasped each with my hands.

"Set me down," I'd say as she helped me lower myself down onto my butt. "Thank you," I said while readjusting my shaky grip on the handles before pausing. I looked at my arms and could see that they were shaking, it caused me to frown. I completely forgot about that.

"My.. diamond," Amethyst would say as I looked away from my arms and looked up at her with a tilted head as she looked down at me with a concerned expression. I followed her eyes and looked down at the major fracturing and cracks on my arms, oh right, she didn't quite see the extent of what my injuries were. All she saw when I first created her was the nonexistent left eye I had because it was covered in a large crack. "Are you sure this won't harm you?"

"Well.. no," I said with a shake of my head. "..well, if I do it by myself, probably," I said after putting a hand up to my chin.

"Why don't you help me, then?" I said as she looked from my arms and into my eyes. "Just uh, here," I said while shakily pulling myself up and onto my knees and motioning for her to sit down behind me. She didn't say anything and simply nodded before sitting down behind me, and without much hesitation, I let myself fall back and plopped down on her lap. It was a much better way for me to be at eye level with the cannon while sitting, and this way the force of the cannon shooting wouldn't do anything to harm me if she was keeping me steady. "Much better."

"What else do I do?" she would ask from above me. I tilted my head up and looked at her looking down at me. "Just grab my hands and keep them on the handles," I said while turning back to them. I watched as she brought her arms up and practically engulfed my hands as she wrapped her fingers around the handles.

With Amethyst holding me steady, I took a deep breath and focused on the weapon before me. Amethyst was silent behind me, and I could feel her tense up as I prepared to fire the weapon. I took a deep breath and then pulled the trigger.

The sound was deafening, but I quickly reduced the sound in my ears, I felt a jolt run through my body as the cannon fired. A bright beam of light shot out of the end of the weapon, and I peered my head around the gun and watched as the beam collided against a distant rock formation and completely obliterated it.

"That was.." I could hear Amethyst's voice from above me and I simply chuckled. "Awesome? I know, it was so awesome!" I said with another laugh.

                    ~Casual skip (because skips make the story more interesting!)~

(Basically a run down of things.)

Era 0 - Before Shattering(s) - Before the war between the Chaos legion and the Diamond Authority.

Approximately 20 years after Black Diamond created the first instances of the gem army and repurposed/redesigned stolen ships from the Chaos Legion and added them to the Diamond Authority arsenal.

Hands of creation (A steven universe x original male diamond character story)Where stories live. Discover now