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Fern was another one of Homeworld's many different Shipmasters, a tall peridot with her gem centered around her chest, she stood with her hands resting on the center console of her flagship, The Voyager. She gave it the name after being inspired by Black Diamond's speech before sending her and many other fleets out to search the unknown reaches of space beyond HomeWorld. Though she was unlike many of the other shipmasters who aptly kept their ships nameless, she found a certain attachment to her flagship that she couldn't quite explain.

Though she wouldn't dwell on that fact and glanced up as a technician reported to her that they'd successfully established a Forward Operating Base on the surface of the visibly cloudy planet that they were orbiting. A majority of the fleet was sent down onto the surface of the planet in order to do so, this left her with twenty or so ships to keep on guard above the planet's atmosphere.

There was also a particularly interesting thing about this planet, one of the peridots working in the research field had given her a very detailed report on how the magnetic field of the planet had been disturbed to the point that any sort of communication to and from the planet's surface was impossible. The only way she knew that the FOB was actually constructed was because a small scouting vessel was sent back up and out of the planet in order to make it known. She then gave it a brief list of commands to do afterward before sending the ship back down to the planet's surface and leaning against her ship's center console with a slight grin on her face.

Everything was going well, she established a base, and she was soon to completely take the planet for the glory of Black Diamond, and HomeWorld. She was content with herself, so that's why she allowed herself a few moments of reprieve from dutifully watching the emptiness of space and micromanaging the rest of her ships in orbit with her. She crossed her arms and let out a sigh before letting herself fall back into her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she then cast a glance over at one of the many holo pads hovering above her.

It wasn't until a few hours of meandering around above the planet did one of her technicians finally catch her attention with a particular detail, she pressed a button and her chair turned automatically to the technician, she pressed a hand to her mouth before coughing. "Shipmaster, there seems to be floating debris approaching, I advise we turn our ships in a ninety degree so that the front end of the ship can absorb the initial shock of the collisions."

"Shouldn't we be able to move out of its projected path?" Fern would ask with a raised eyebrow, she didn't see the use in letting the debris collide against the ship when they could just move out of the way.

"It seems to be impossible with how rapidly the debris seems to be floating through space, shipmaster," the technician said while folding her arms behind her back. "By the time we maneuvered the ship out of the way, the debris would have already been on us."

Fern squinted her eyes," Just how fast is this debris moving?" to garner such precaution.

"As fast as one of our star fighters," the technician said with a nod. Much to Ferns's surprise as she sat up in her chair and glanced at the technician as if she heard her wrong, as fast as a starfighter? That was oddly... Susp-

Before she could even let the thought run through her head, she and everyone on the bridge of the ship was jolted forwards as multiple things collided against the side of the ship. This caused Fern to shake her head from the dizziness before moving to open her mouth to speak, but she was stopped when a bright flash of light caused her to pause and snap her head over to the viewing port. Her eyes widened as she witnessed one of the smaller cruisers combust into a ball of flames, its debris shooting outwards as its carcass drifted off course.

She suddenly stood up, pressing the button on the side of her helmet to activate the gravitational lock on her boots, ignoring the internal groaning of the ship as she leaned forwards and opened a line between the rest of her fleet. But she turned and gave the technician a slight glare, "I thought you said this was debris? What kind of debris blows up a cruiser!" she said with grit teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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