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Awkwardness followed the events that followed right after I had introduced myself and all the other diamonds to HomeWorld. Due to them figuratively only being born very recently they had no idea what anything was or how to do much. Other than walking and talking and a few other things, I had to explain to each and every one of them the basics of being.. well alive? I guess?

Moreover, it had been a few days after the date of their creation. How did I know how the day cycle progressed when I didn't create any orbiting bodies like a moon or a sun? I literally created the planet we were sitting on, I think that explains a lot. Anyway, not a lot really happened for the first few days up until now. I simply watched the four newly formed diamonds as they wandered about this planet and talked with each other. I tried to tone out what exactly they were talking about for privacy's sake, though I doubted they knew why privacy was. Also, I had not told them how to speak when in rather close proximity from each other. Though it was quite funny seeing the personalities of the diamonds now rather than what they would turn out to be in the future.

But for now. They were basically childlike in mind and in how they perceived everything, though it was interesting to see how some of their little personality traits formed with them off the bat. For example, pink diamonds' boisterous and playful personality were clear as day. If the image of seeing her bounce around the others as they spoke was anything to say about it.

For yellow diamond it was the innate curiosity and serious tone she would put off, though not in full effect. Which I was grateful for, it was quite annoying to always be around someone who was no nonsense twenty four seven. 

Fof blue diamond it was her caring and overly emotional nature, though I doubted she knew and the others knew what that was for the time being.

For white diamond it was the aura of authority and superiority she would soon carry herself with. But for now it was nice seeing her partake in random conversation that the four of them were doing right now. Though when I looked down and then back up I noticed that there were only three of them in that little circle. 

I craned my neck a bit and looked around to see where she wandered off to, it wasn't that hard to lose a giant bright and white woman was it? I continued scanning for a moment before I suddenly felt a presence to my right, immediately looking over I felt relieved. 

White diamond was currently standing right over me with both her hands placed together and she was looking down at me. 

"Yes White?" I asked with a smile on my face. Lightly tapping on the floor next to me as an invitation for her to sit with me, only to get a slight confused head tilt. At that I laughed at my stupidity before empathizing with it with a comment "sit" which she did so. With me having to shift slightly to the left so as to not be scrunched up against her side. I had miscalculated how tall they were actually and made myself a 'tad' shorter than the diamonds. 

"Anyways, did you need something White?" I asked once more.

"Black, I think I understood when you explained to us that we would be the gems that other gems would look up to and what to serve.. but I don't understand why I feel as if there was something in the pit of my..?" She stopped and patted her stomach in a rather out of place and humorous expression on her face. Though I didn't let the humored smile reach my lips and instead made it one of empathy. 

"You mean your stomach?" I offered. 

Her eyes widened in recollection and she nodded before putting her hands back together. "Yes, in the pit of my stomach. I feel something.. fluttering about?" She continued explaining. To which I simply smiled at and stood up and looked at her, well I still had to look up at her. Since she was giant.

But nevertheless I knew what she was feeling and it made me happy that she was having those feelings. Despite how weird it sounded, it was nice to know that they were progressing nicely. Especially with White diamond, already thinking of the future and how she will play a part in everything made me giddy. Though I didn't show it. I did show my understanding and empathy. 

"Black.. is it strange to feel this type of way?" She asked with a low tone, her eyes down and her lips in a pout.

I placed a hand on her crossed knee. "White, look at me" I said as she slowly did so. My smile was still very prevalent as I started with my response. 

"What you're feeling Is completely normal, in fact. You will be feeling even more of these sorts of things in the future." I explained before pausing at her reaction "-which is not a bad thing. Not at all.” Moving to stand up I dusted off the edges of my cloak and looked up at White Diamonds eyes, looking at her expression and acting as if I was registering how she was reacting to all of this. In reality, I was never really good at giving advice like this. I’d only ever really help out my friends- but now that I'm literally omnipotent I can feel what everyone is feeling, wherever and whenever they are and that makes it really really easier now.. 

“White. You are going to do great things in the future, all of you are.” I say as I motion over to the rest of the diamonds, who were all none the wiser that we were conversing about the very future of their future leader, White. 

“..Do you really think so?” 

I just gave her another close eyed smile and nodded. “Of course. All of you are bound to feel this way sooner or later, it’s just natural and I hope you come to realize that as you continue to grow as a person.” 

“Person?” She asks curiously. Making me mentally curse before I fixed what I said. 

“It’s a term that means in general. Even though you are a gem, you’re still a person. All of us are. Just remember that.” I said as I looked towards the sky. A sudden clash of voices and pleas was pushed towards the front of my head. Which made me grit my teeth as I immediately realized what that meant. Of course, with the snap of my fingers I could immediately shrug off the concern of fixing it that way, but.. I don’t like complete control like that. I give them the freedom to do what they want, though give them light pushes in the right way every so often. 

Despite that, I thought that a little continuation of the story for this universe would do some good, so in that moment I blinked and something spherical appeared inside of my robe and I reached deep into it. Pulling out the specific object out of it, I smiled apologetically once again. 

“I deeply apologize for this, but I hope that my words gave you some sort of comfort. There is something that needs my attention.” I said while fixing my robe. I then followed it up by motioning for her to open her hands “Though I won’t leave you just like that. Here” I said while walking over so that I was right in front of her and gently dropped the spherical object into her hands. Watching as her eyes lit up slightly once more as she stared at the sphere for a few seconds before looking back up at me with a tilt of her head, to which I swiftly answered. 

“If you are wondering what I dropped into your hands. It is simply a pearl. Your pearl. A friend and someone to help you with whatever troubles you are having, all of you will receive one in the future and I decided that you should be the first.”

White Diamond unknowingly had a prominent blush forming on her face as she looked down at the pearl with a mixed expression. I knew immediately what was going on inside of her head but simply muted the internal voice I was hearing and turned around to head off. 

To be continued. 

Hands of creation (A steven universe x original male diamond character story)Where stories live. Discover now