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The video call from Zerkil came as soon as I stopped watching the space battle between the Chaos Legion and my own troops, with me shifting my position so that my leg was resting over the other as I reached out and slid the panel to the left and answered the call. 

"Greetings shipmaster, what have you to report on your expedition to the far reaches of our territory?" I said as I smiled at them. “I hope everything has gone well?” 

“My Diamond,” they would say with a bow. “We have come into conflict with a faction of unknown individuals calling themselves the Chaos Legion,” they would say as they gave a crisp Diamond salute. 

I shifted my face into one of concern as I shifted out of my relaxed position and leaned forwards, “The Chaos Legion…” I would mutter as I looked away and made it seem like I was contemplating the name. “Was there a confrontation?” I would say as I rubbed my chin. 

“Indeed My Diamond, the Chaos Legion proved to be hostile and we were quickly forced into a skirmish,” they said as they briefly turned and pointed something out to a peridot before turning back to me. “But let it be known that the Authority prevailed over our enemies,” they said with a hint of pride in their voice. 

“Were there any losses?” I would say with some concern. 

“A majority of the Destroyer class vessels were destroyed in the ensuing battle,” they said while looking down. “But at this moment I am currently having the troops assess the true scale of our losses and damages.”

“I see,” I said with a small nod. “Very well, send out some drones to collect the surviving gems of those ships that were lost and make sure to store them in the bubble machine,” I’d say as I stared at the Zircon. “Also see if there is anything you can take from the wreckages of the enemy ships and keep me updated if more things happen,” I continued to which they nodded. 

“Also be sure to send me the footage from the battle, I wish to review them in my chambers.” 

“It will be done My Diamond,” they said as they swiftly went through with my orders. A notification pinging on my panel as I received the footage. 

“Very well, I must tend to other developments, continue your mission when possible, I will send more ships to your location as soon as possible, Black Diamond out,” I said before swiping the screen. Zerkil’s image fizzled out before I stood up and chuckled.

 Watching that space battle unfold was absolutely awesome. And if this first conflict was that awesome, I couldn’t wait to see what kind of things I could get into the more I fought against the Chaos Legion. 

I felt a shiver of excitement rack through my body and shook my head, I couldn’t let myself be too excited, this was just the beginning and I still had things to do. So I turned and used either hand to materialize holographic panels and used one to give the orders for more ships to be sent to the location of Zerkils fleet and the other to send a message to Yellow Diamond to see how she was doing in her expedition. 

I knew that there wasn’t a fight because I specifically used my influence to make sure everything would ignore her trajectory, and mainly I could see that she was somewhere around a planet with a cluster of moons surrounding it. 

But I shook my head out of the vision and finished the message before swiping both panels out of existence and placing a hand up to my chin and letting out a hum. I thought for a moment about what exactly I was going to do before nodding and moving over to the door of my viewing room and lifted up my hand to telepathically swipe the panel and opened the door. I stepped through the door and turned down the hall, slowly walking with my hands behind my back for a few moments before another door was presented to me, this time with two gem soldiers guarding either side of it. They quickly perked up and saluted me as I approached, I gave the two a small smile before moving as they opened the door for me. 

I stepped into one of the massive hangars that were bustling with gem soldiers and technicians moving around carrying crates, and panels, or just sitting around and chatting as I passed through and walked up to a specific gem soldier. 

"My lovely, I have a task for you," I said with a soft voice. I bit back the small laugh that wanted to come out of me. I guess that ‘’My lovely,” was my catchphrase for the foreseeable future. Much like White Diamonds “Starlight,” I instead used this for the general population of gems. 

The Special ops gem soldier immediately straightened up and saluted, "Anything for you, My Diamond. What do you require?" she asked eagerly.

"I need you and your team to gather a few more troops. There has been a development in the farther reach our territory and Shipmaster Zerkil requires more ships to assist them," I explained.

The soldier nodded, "Understood, shipmaster. I'll assemble a team and head out immediately," they said, already turning to gather their fellow soldiers.

"Excellent," I said with a smile, "Be careful out there, my lovely. I expect a full report when you return."

The soldier saluted again, "Yes, My Diamond. We will not disappoint you," they said before turning and quickly leading their team out of the hangar.

I watched them go, feeling a sense of pride in my soldiers and their dedication to our cause. I then turned and went to leave the hangar, a small smile forming on my face again as I nodded at the few gems that I passed by and quickly made my way back through the hallways and looked around to make sure that there were no gems in view. I then raised a hand and snapped my fingers, my scenery immediately changing and leaving me standing back in the center of the throne room. 

As I walked into the throne room, my footsteps echoed through the spacious chamber. White Diamond was already there, seated in her grand white throne with her pearl standing at attention beside her. She looked up as I approached, and I could see the apprehension in her eyes. I had asked to talk with her when I got back from the station, and I knew that she was likely worried about what I might say. Granted I could read her mind, but yeah. 

"Black Diamond, welcome back," White Diamond said, standing up from her throne and motioning for me to take a seat on one of the smaller thrones nearby. I took a seat and looked up at her, noting the nervousness in her stance.

"I wanted to speak with you about your concerns with leading Homeworld in my absence," I said, my voice calm and reassuring. "I understand that the thought of ruling can be daunting, but I have every confidence in your abilities."

White Diamond nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "Thank you, Black Diamond. I know that you have always had faith in me, but sometimes I feel like I am not ready for this responsibility."

I leaned forward, my eyes meeting hers. "You are more than ready, White Diamond. You have proven yourself time and time again after your mishap, and I have no doubt that you will make an excellent ruler."

White Diamond smiled again, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Thank you, Black Diamond. I appreciate your support."

I nodded, my own smile appearing on my face. "Of course, my dear. And remember, I am always here for you if you need any guidance or advice."

"What would I do without you?" she said with a smile.

I chuckled softly. "I'm not sure, but I hope you never have to find out." Which she would eventually have to deal with since I planned on taking Black Diamond out of the picture after the whole conflict with the Crystal Gems is on the cusp of beginning.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, simply enjoying each other's company. 

As we sat there, I felt content. My plans were coming together and I was on track to getting what I wanted to progress nicely. 

Hands of creation (A steven universe x original male diamond character story)Where stories live. Discover now