Chapter 8

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Izumi brought Q back to her home ("This kid is innocent, " says Izumi. The agency laughed awkwardly.) for dinner. Q is smiling because Izumi is carrying them on her shoulders while telling embarrassing stories of Bakugou Katsuki. (Somewhere, Bakugou felt a chill down in his spine. He got a really bad feeling.)

Inko Midoriya, Izumi favourite people in the whole world immediately turned into mama bear mode when she sees Q. Q enjoyed being spoilt that day. When Q was forced to return to Port Mafia, the poor agents escorting them were clutching their manhood while groaning in pain. Thanks to Izumi, Q turned into a feral monster that only aims at no no parts (unless Izumi says no). Izumi is smiling proudly while the rest of the agency were staying as far from her as possible. They watched how Izumi makes Q soft as a putty.

After 2 days, Izumi got the news Q was kidnapped by the guild. Worse/best thing is, her mom also heard it. Her mom was a famous vilginette called Green Beam. The name strikes fear into every underground heros and villains because Green Beam is known to be vicious. Yup, the Guild is going down.

Izumi and her mom hijacked the guild  base's computer and found out the location. Her mom immediately went to rescue Q and strike fear into the members of the Guild. Good news is, Dazai and Chuuya already rescued Q. Bad news (for some people) is, Fitzgerald said goodbye to his dignity and manhood in exchange for freedom. Yeah, better not to go against mama Midoriya.

Another good news is Izumi got a sibling named Lucy Montgomery. The mama Midoriya adopted her almost immediately after hearing her backstory. Q was legally adopted by mama Midoriya too. Yeah, the agency and Port Mafia are afraid of Izumi and her mom.

Port Mafia
Mori thought "Nope, I am not going to kidnap anyone." after hearing the medical reports.

Izumi: Guys, this is my mom.
The ADA members: Oh, hi.
Ranpo: Are you Green Beam?
Mama Midoriya: Yup.
ADA members: *shivering in fear
Ranpo: No wonder Izumi is that good at fighting.
Atsushi: Ranpo, you are not helping us with your comment.

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