Chapter 21 (Kicking Ass)

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After the successful attempt of HPSC domination, Izumi thought she deserves a well respected rest. Miruko let her to patrol in Hosu as there is quite calm. Unfortunately, fate just likes to make her life harder. Why? Because for some stupid reasons, there were 4 nomus flying around in Hosu with Stain that was broke out of Tartarus. Izumi is tired and angry.

What make Izumi's luck worse is that she is now staring face to face with Stain. Oh, how she wished Fyodor is here. He can just use his ability to pemenantly make Stain go to the opposite side of life. Suddenly, Stain threw a knife at her. She managed to dodge the knife and said "Holy Rat God, what the fucking hell is wrong with this long tongue, snake looking, rags wearing wannabe ninja turtle that is not a turtle at all?" The hero killer did not reply and tried to cut her arm of with the katana he weld. Izumi pressed a button on her costume that will send an image of the villain she is facing to all the pros around and request for permission to fight. Yeah, she got her permission quite quick.

Izumi was doing some really complicated gymnastic moves and dodging the onslaught of weapons. Unluckily for Stain, there were lots of expired chilies sauce and mustard packets lying in the alley. There is also a long chain, a lock and some cans of beans lying around. Izumi squeezed out a packet of mustard and chilli sauce to mix them on her palm. Then, she waited for for the hero killer to come close and 'SMACK'.

The hero killer is too busy blinking and rubbing his eyes to noticed Izumi picked up two cans of beans and proceed to knock him out. Then, she tied him up by using the chain to wrap him like a burrito and use the lock to lock the chains up. Unfortunately for the hero killer, The lock is far out of his reach and Izumi simply randomised the number so even her doesn't know the password.

Just when Izumi was silently cheering at her accomplishments, a nomu scooped her up. She panicked and smack her chilli mustard mixture covered hands onto the eyes of the nomu. The nomu screeched and immediately dropped her down. She break the fall by rolling away the impact. When she looked up, she saw a news helicopter flew by. After a few seconds, she saw a cape wearing old man bouncing his way to her followed by her senior who went naked during last year's U.A festival. (What is his name again? Milo, Miro, Milio? Never mind.)

After the whole ordeal and answering the old man who called himself Gran Torino, Izumi was sent to hospital. She got quite a nasty shock after she realised her fight with nomu and Stain was published. She is known as a vilginette, Neon. It give her the drive to change her hero costume design and the colour. Yeah, she will change the colour into opposite. Green parts of her costume turns into darker green, black part of her costume turns into neon green. Let's not forget, all her items needs to change the place where she put them and a new pair of google. Oh yeah, she needs a sleek looking belt that will not restrain her in any ways. Last but not least, her costume design must have some protective armour or corset looking thing to protect her vulnerable points. (Yeah, she watched too much pre quirk era movies of people fighting in corset. Sue her, it is interesting.)

Yeah, Izumi's internship is looking good. Miruko even praised her actions. What makes it better is that her mum confirmed that her dad is not some super crazy supervillain. Although her mum did use a clone to escape from some shady dealings with a supervillain. Which leads her back to the question that started it all, who is her sperm donor?

Somewhere in a bar
The handyman known as Shigaraki destroyed the fifth console that day. He was pissed off that all of his nomus had been taken down easily. There was a new debuted vilginette running around and captured the hero killer again. The potato man behind the screen was sighing out of misfortune as his plan got ruined once again.

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