Chapter 12 (Battle Training)

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Izumi was bored. She was expecting more than just learning subjects from pro heroes. Unfortunately, it was a boring experience. Don't get her wrong, she loves to study but she learnt all of the stuff teacher is teaching from Kunikida.

Finally, the lunch is here. Izumi chose to sit with Iida and Uraraka and Shinso. She managed to befriend Shinso at the end of lunch. Her theory of Iida and Ingenium are related was proven correct. She was actually quite excited for the heroic lesson. She wondered how will the teacher teach them. Will it be like Akutagwa's I use a move you dodge and counter with a move or Chuuya's I control your gravity, prepare to have nausea.

Bad news, their teacher is All Might. His proclaimed normal entrance is definitely the furthest from normal. Izumi can and will fight anyone that says otherwise. Izumi doesn't really held any grudges against that man, but she heard a third year mentoring underneath him was sent to the infirmary multiple times yesterday. Besides, she don't think that All Might had the proper qualification for teaching. The good news is Class 1A get to wear their costumes. (Don't worry, Izumi's costume is a normal black with green stipes bodysuit with ridiculous ammount of pockets to store her supplies of nearly everything she can fit in. She would definitely not add the bunny ears from her childhood design.)

All Might was  bad at hiding the fact of him looking at some flash cards while trying to explain the rules of the exercise. Izumi was paired with Uraraka to face off against Bakugou and Iida. Izumi's team is the hero while Bakugou's team is the villain. Izumi told Uraraka "I will propel us up to the building top. We will search from up to down as Bakugou will go down to find me. If living bomb is coming, you will touch Iida to make him float. Then, touch the bomb. I will deal with him, got it?" Uraraka nodded.

All Might yells "Start." Izumi immediately repel her and Uraraka to the top of the building and do the classic break the ceiling. Iida stared at the pair. Izumi stare back at him. Katsuki appeared simce he felt the vibrations due to the force needed to crumble the ceiling. She immediately repel Katsuki out of the building like what she did to Mori Ougai, the boss of Port Mafia. (She was threatening him to let Akutagawa have a vacation. It worked. Higuchi was glaring at her for some unknown reasons.)

Looking back, Izumi saw Uraraka was struggling with Iida. Izumi took out her gun and shoot it to the air as a warning. Iida was shocked enough to drop the bomb. Uraraka immediately rush foward and touch it. All Might announced that Izumi's team win this exercise. That is until a feral living bomb blast in and nearly blasted her face with an explosion that she managed to dodge and shield her friends. ('Thanks, Kajii for throwing lemon shaped bombs at random time of my training,' thought Izumi.)

There was an awkward moment for Izumi to sign in JSL to Katsuki to announce that her team has won as it turns out that the hearing aid on Katsuki's costume was having problems. (Katsuki stormed into the support classroom and demanded a much more durable hearing aid after class.) Izumi got credited for being the MVP of this exercise. All Might was just busy nodding along Momo's words.

Izumi put a copy of Guide to Teach for Beginners that Kunikida-kun wrote at All Might's place after school. The teachers in the staff room looked amused. She said "He needed it," then proceed to repel herself back to her home. The rest of the staff mourn for their loss of peace as they heard the creepy laughter of the Rat God. No one wants to find out what Nedzu is planning. (Nedzu is going to have a new personal student soon.)

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