Chapter 11

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's been about a week since Izuku met Rakan. The two trained a lot together and Xayah also gave him a few tips. That really surprised Izuku, she didn't really like him but now she seems to be happy when she sees him. Izuku and Rakan have made another discovery, Izuku can only use his abilities in Runeterra if he touches something that belongs to the actual bearer of these abilities, so Izuku now has a feather from Rakan with him. As I said, a week has passed and Izuku has decided to go. Even if Rakan and Xayah say that he could stay longer.

Rakan: Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?

Izuku: Yes. I have to go on, I still have to find the others so they can train me too. But thank you for everything.

At that moment, Xayah does something that surprises the two boys. She hugs Izuku before pushing him away from her.

Xayah: Take care of yourself. Do you have everything?

Izuku: Yeah thank you Xayah. I'm on my way.

Izuku goes off and the two fighters watch him. Xayah leans her head against Rakan's shoulder and hugs herself.

Xayah: I will miss him.

Rakan: Me too. But I don't really worry.

Xayah: Why?

Rakan: Because he ist strong, even if he doesn't have on of our powers.


Izuku has been traveling for a few days now. Rakan and Xayah gave him a small tent and a backpack. At the moment he is in a very mountainous area with a lot of forests made up of trees with dark wood and pink leaves. Now and then he also sees white trees that have grown particularly tall.

Izuku: I feel like I know these types of trees, but I don't know where from.

He sits down on the ground and thinks about how he knows these trees and who might have told him about them when an idea crosses his mind.

Izuku: Of course, Shen-sensei told me about these trees, they are Guardian Trees.

???: It's good to see, that my teachings stay in your mind.

Izuku jumps up in alarm and turns quickly to see Shen standing there.

Izuku: How long have you been standing there?

Shen chuckles and walks over to him.

Shen: A few minutes. I guess you're here to train. Am I right?

Izuku: Yeah.

Shen nods, turns around and starts walking in one direction.

Shen: Then come on let's say hello to everyone first.

Izuku nods and walks next to Shen. It takes a few minutes for the two of them to arrive at a kind of dojo. The gate is open and the two hear fighting noises. Izuku wants to run and see what is going on, but Shen puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head.

Shen: Remember Izuku. Never act too rashly. It's just Akali and Kennen who train.

Izuku nods and follows Shen into the dojo. While the two are on their way to the noises, Izuku starts a conversation.

Izuku: I know Kennen, but who is Akali?

Shen: A young kunoichi who still has a lot to learn. Just like you, my young student.

The two arrive in a room and see two individuals. One is a woman with a haircut that Izuku very much reminds of a girl in class 1A, she wears a sleeveless top and has a dragon tattoo on her body. The other is a yordle dressed in a purple ninja suit. Izuku knows the yordle because he has learned a lot from him. That is Kennen.

Kennen evades a blow from the girl who is desperately trying to get Kennen

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Kennen evades a blow from the girl who is desperately trying to get Kennen. He grabs her wrist and tosses her over in one swift motion. The girl lands on her back and exhales exhausted.

Kennen: You're getting better Akali, but you're still too impulsive. We still have to work on that.

Akali, who is still lying on the floor, sighs and looks at the door.

Akali, who is still lying on the floor, sighs and looks at the door

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Akali: Who is the kid with the green hair?

Shen puts a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

Shen: His name is Izuku. He is a student of mine and Kennen.

Izuku, who has been quiet so far, bows a little and smiles.

Izuku: Hello, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Your name is Akali right?

Akali jumps to her feet and smiles.

Akali: Yeah my name is Akali. Nice to meet you.

Kennen: Nice to see you Izuku. Now that you are here, you and Akali can train together. Of course only if you feel ready for it Akali, or do you want to rest a little?

Akali: I'm ready for another round.

Shen: How about you Izuku?

Izuku pulls off his backpack and approaches Akali.

Izuku: Let's fight.

Akali nods and the two move to the center of the room, while Kennen and Shen stand on the side of the room. Akali draws her weapons and takes a fighting stance. To the surprise of Shen and Kennen, Izuku draws a dagger.

Kennen: Why don't you summon a weapon?

Izuku: I have found that when in Runeterra I cannot summon a weapon unless I have something that belongs to the person who owns the weapon. Also, I think I'll get stronger if I don't always count on your weapons.

Shen: Understandable. Now let the fight begin.

Akali attacks first, she throws five Kunai at Izuku who was just able to evade underneath. Izuku runs towards Akali, but she jumps him in the face, does a somersault backwards and disappears into a wall of smoke. Izuku looks around and tries to find Akali in the smoke.

Izuku: * Thoughts * I have to pay attention to even the slightest sound, her footsteps, her breath.

He closes his eyes to concentrate when he hears something behind him. He turns around quickly and holds Akali by the throat with his dagger. Akali is very surprised and tries to disappear into the smoke again, but Izuku pulls her legs away with one kick. The two fall to the ground with each other's weapon at their throats.

Kennen: The fight is over. You both fought well. It's late we eat something and then you go to bed.

Both students get up and nod to Kennen.

Izuku/Akali: Yes master.

To be continued.

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