Chapter 14

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It has been an entire week since Izuku trained with Kayn and he was very tired afterwards.

Izuku: How does a single girl have so much energy?

Izuku is currently on a small ship, sailing across the water. The helmsman comes up to Izuku and looks at him.

Helmsman: Tell me boy what do you actually want on the island?

Izuku turns and smiles.

Izuku: I want to visit someone.

The helmsman raises an eyebrow and looks at him with interest.

Helmsman: A friend?

Izuku ponders for a few seconds before shaking his head.

Izuku: Not quite, I'd rather call him my masters. What brings you to this island?

Helmsman: We come from there, we were only on the mainland to sell our goods.

Izuku turns and sits on the railing.

Izuku: What are you selling?

Helmsman: All sorts of things, but most of our profit comes from our fish.

Izuku: What is so special about your fish?

The helmsman laughs and looks at Izuku.

Helmsman: This type of fish is about the most delicious on the planet because every fish tastes different, it is always a nice surprise and this fish can only be caught here.

Izuku: That sounds pretty cool.

It takes two hours before the ship could dock on the island. Izuku thanks the helmsman and sets off to find his master. It takes a while before he finds an old staircase that leads very high into the mountains.

Izuku: Great, this will take a while.

Izuku goes up the stairs for a while before standing in front of a monastery. He walks through the gate and sees a man kneeling there.

???: It's nice that you are here Izuku.

Izuku claps his hands and bows slightly.

Izuku: Good afternoon, Master Lee Sin, vigilant as always.

Izuku: Good afternoon, Master Lee Sin, vigilant as always

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Lee Sin chuckles, gets up and walks towards Izuku.

Lee Sin: How did you know that I would be here? I'm actually only here to visit.

Izuku: I had a feeling that I would meet one or more of my masters here, I was lucky.

Lee Sin nods and walks around Izuku.

Lee Sin: Let me guess you're here to get stronger and sharpen your skills.

Izuku: Yes.

At that moment, Izuku blocks a kick that came from the side with his arm and slides back a few meters.

Lee Sin: Then let's start right away.

Lee Sin jumps towards Izuku with a kick, Izuku dodges downwards so that Lee Sin flies over him. Izuku goes for a spin kick, but Lee Sin smashes the ground with his hand causing a shock wave to fly towards Izuku. Izuku jumps over it and steps for one in the side, but Lee Sin catches his leg and throws him over him. Before Izuku is thrown on the floor, he pushes himself off the floor and kicks Lee Sin in the face, who saw it coming and hit Izuku in the stomach. Both run towards each other and fall into a barrage of blows and kicks. Lee Sin kicks once so Izuku is smashed into a wall and falls to the floor.

Lee Sin: Well done Izuku, you've improved a lot, you could keep up with me for a full 15 minutes, otherwise you didn't even manage three. Take a rest, tomorrow you will continue with training.

To be continued.

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