Chapter 33

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

A few days later, Izuku finds himself heading to one of the training grounds with his class. Vlad King said that today's lesson will be different than usual, but he didn't say anything more specific.

The class and Izuku are now on one of UA's shuttle buses, waiting for them to arrive. After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrive, only they are not there alone.

Class 1-B gets out and see Class 1-A standing there. Which surprises both classes.

Class 1-B: The 1-A?

Class 1-A: The 1-B?

Vlad King clears his throat as he stands next to Eraserhead.

Vlad King: As already mentioned, today's lesson will be different than usual. Today we will conduct the Joint Training Battle.

Some students look confused at the teachers, they don't quite understand the concept behind it yet.

Eraserhead: The Joint Training Battle is a combat training exercise that pits the students Class 1-A against Class 1-B in a series of five team matches.

Kirishima: I see, this is going to be really cool!

Bakugou: Peh, I'll flatten these nobodys!

That makes Neito laugh when he hears that.

Neito: Just like you wanted to crush us at the school festival? We won the vote for the best performance.

A vein on Bakugou's forehead widens upon hearing this and he causes some small explosions to appear in his hands.

Bakugou: What did you say you extra?!

But before things can escalate further, Eraserhead's eyes light up, causing the two classes to shut up. After a few seconds his eyes stop shining and he sighs wearily.

Eraserhead: We also have a guest today who will be participating.

A boy who is very familiar with Izuku comes out of a corner. Smiling, Izuku walks up to the boy and hugs him in a bro hug.

Izuku: Shinso! Nice to see you man!

Shinso gives him a rare smile and laugh.

Shinso: Likewise.

Both classes are surprised when they see how well the two get along. They still remember the sports festival where Izuku easily won the fight.

Eraserhead: Yagi go back to your class.

Izuku nods and goes back to Class 1-B as Shinso stands next to Eraserhead.

Eraserhead: This is Hitoshi Shinso. You probably remember him from the sports festival. He's going to compete today so Vlad and I can judge if he deserves a place in the hero class.

Shinso bows a little.

Shinso: Thanks for letting me be here.

Vlad King takes a step forward.

Vlad King: Now let's move on to how the training will work. You will be randomly divided into teams. Since Shinso is here today, he will compete once on a Class 1-A team and once on a Class 1-B team.

Eraserhead: You must treat the enemy team as villains and capture them and put the villains in a cell. Each team starts at their cell and has a 20 minute timer. The team that captures the four villains or captures the most villains at the end of the timer wins.

Vlad King pulls out two boxes, each with a hole in it.

Vlad King: Come here and take a number.

One by one, each student draws a number. Izuku is on Team 5 with Reiko, Neito, and Yui. Now it's Shinso's turn too, he will participate in Team 1 of Class 1-A and Team 5 of Class 1-B, which makes Izuku very happy.

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