Chapter One

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I walked in the front doors, ready for my first day of work at Grey + Sloan Memorial.
I traveled all the way from Italy, after finishing my fellowship. My Mamma died right before I finished, and she told me a secret on her death bed. I was the bastard child of a love affair. I mean, what the fuck was that? She had always told me my father had died after I was born, and she just drops the bomb that he's alive and that I have siblings?

"Hi, I'm Doctor DeLuca, I'm looking for the chief?" I asked a nurse.
"Ah Doctor DeLuca! It's so lovely to finally meet you. I'm Doctor Bailey, chief of surgery." The short woman stuck out her hand and shook it.
"Sì, you as well Doctor Bailey."
"Do you have any relation to the other Doctor DeLucas we have here?" She asked as we walked.
"I don't believe so." I lied. I wanted to talk to them before I said anything to anybody.
"So I see you're wanting to be placed in OB, is that correct?" She took me on an elevator and we rode up.
"Sì. I just finished my fellowship in Italy, but I know the American ways are different."
"I'll pair you with one of the doctors up here, just till you learn your way around." We walked over to the nurses station.
"Doctor Bailey! It's so nice to have you visit up here." I heard an Italian accent say.
I turned, and my heart stopped. We looked identical. She was a little older, and taller, but we could be twins.
"Who is this?" She asked.
"This is Doctor Evangeline DeLuca. She just came here from Italy. She just finished her fellowship program." Doctor Bailey told her.
"Ah welcome to America. Are we related?" She eyed me suspiciously.
"I have to run, but Carina, will you show Evangeline around?" Doctor Bailey ran off as she got paged.

"So..." I said awkwardly.
"You look really familiar." Carina said leaning against the nurses station.
"Can we talk? In private?"

She nodded and led me to an on call room.
"I know you." She said as she sat on the bed.
"You do?" I asked.

"Sì. I remember seeing your picture as a kid. I found it, and I asked who it was. My Papa got mad, and he and my Mamma fought. She eventually told me who you were." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"So you know I'm your sister." I ran my fingers through my hair.
"I know we share the same father. That's about it." She grabbed her phone and sent someone a message.

"Look, I didn't know about you until my Mamma died a few months ago. Nobody told me anything. I didn't know I was the bastard child of a love affair." I explained.
"I don't blame you. I blame our father. I just... I don't know how to take in all this." She sighed and rubbed her face with her hands.

The door opened and a man walked in, "Carina what's going on?"
"Sit down Andrea." She patted the bed.

He sat down and looked at me, "Who's this?"
"Our sister." She sighed.

"We have a sister?" He studied my face.
"Half. Adulterous affair bastard child here." I raised my hand.
"How old are you?" He asked.
"Twenty-Six. I skipped some grades and went to college early."
"Wait, but I'm twenty-five." He said.
"Yep. Like I said. Bastard child." I nodded.

"Can you stop calling yourself that, please?" Carina sighed.
"Sorry. I deflect with jokes." I held my hands up.
"Cosa dovremmo fare al riguardo?" Andrea asked. (What are we supposed to do about this?)
"Perché me lo stai chiedendo?" Carina said exasperated. (Why are you asking me?)
"Perché sei il più vecchio! La nostra sorellastra si presenta in modo casuale? Cosa dovrei pensare?" (Because you're the oldest! Our half sister just shows up randomly? What am I supposed to think?)

"Hey guys? I do speak Italian and I'm right here." I interjected.
"Sorry." He muttered.
"I don't want anything, if that's what you're wondering. We share the same father, that's it. Would I like to try a relationship? Sure. But I came here because I have no one in Italy, and I've heard great things about this hospital."

Andrea got up and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
"I'm sorry. He just gets overwhelmed easily." Carina sighed.
"It's cool. I get it. I should go..." I walked to the door.
"Wait. Would you like to have dinner tonight with me and my fiancé? I mean... we are family. I would like to get to know you better." Carina said.
"Uh of course. Give me your phone, I'll type in my number." She handed me her phone and I gave her my number.
"Just text me and let me know when and where." I walked out of the room and quickly walked to the elevator.

I got on and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes.

"Rough day?" I opened my eyes and a brown haired doctor was standing in the elevator with me.
"You can say that. I'm new here. My first day is tomorrow."
"Oh awesome! I'm Doctor Amelia Shepherd. Neuro." She shook my hand.
"Doctor Evangeline DeLuca. OB."
"Are you related to Carina and Andrew?" She asked, looking me up and down.
"Sì. Half siblings." I sighed.
"How exciting. Would you like to have coffee with me tomorrow morning before work? I know it sucks being the new person here, and I know a great coffee cart on site." She said with a smile.
"That'd be great. Put your number in my phone." I handed her my phone.
"Awesome." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. "This is my stop. It was nice meeting you Evangeline!" She walked off and I gave her a small wave.

She was cute. Maybe into women. She had that vibe about her. It wouldn't hurt to have a one night stand as a celebration for staring a new job.


"So you have a sister..." Maya said as I ran around cleaning and cooking dinner.
"Half sister. She just showed up. I always knew about her, but having her here? That's a different story." I huffed as I stirred the pasta.
"It's not her fault Carina." Maya said as she handed me a glass of wine.
"I know it's not. It's my father's fault. He's just... I don't even know." I leaned against the counter and closed my eyes.

I felt her arms wrap around me, and she kissed my cheek.
"Calm down. It'll be okay. I love you."
"I love you too. Kiss me again, it helps with the anxiety." I said with a small smile.
"I know something else that helps with anxiety. A certain doctor told me about it." She gently kissed my neck.
"Bambina..." I sighed and closed my eyes.

We heard a knock on the door.
"Later." She tapped my butt and motioned for me to go open the door.

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