Chapter Twelve

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*Eight weeks later*

"Doctor Bailey, you wanted to see me?" I asked as I knocked on her open door.
"Yes, come and sit down Eva." She motioned to the chair in front of her.

"Is this a good visit, or a bad one?" I asked as I sat.
"Good. I want you to take on some residents. They start today, and I want you to take the OB and PEDS rotation of them."
"Okay. That's no problem. I love teaching people." I said with a smile.
"Good. How's Amelia doing? Is she ready for her first day back?"
"She's doing wonderful. She's made amazing progress in therapy, and she's back to normal. We actually moved in together the day she got discharged. Everything is perfect."
"I'm happy for you. Now aren't you glad I refused your resignation?" Bailey asked with a laugh.
"So thankful. I should be heading back and getting ready for my residents." I said standing up.
"Thanks again Eva. I appreciate it!" She called as I walked out.

"Hey! How's your day?" Amelia said as she walked up to me waiting for the elevator.
"Great. I'm taking on some residents today. Bailey asked. Do you want to go on a date tomorrow night?" I took her hand in mine.
"Of course. I'm always up for a date with my favorite girl." She leaned over and kissed me.

"Amelia?" We heard someone ask.
We turned and Amelia's face turned white as an older woman walked towards us.
"M-Mom? What are you doing here?" She stuttered out.

"I haven't heard from you in forever. I thought I'd come and visit." Her mother said as she reached us.
"Carolyn Shepherd." She stuck her hand out for me to shake.
"Evangeline DeLuca." I shook her hand.
"Italian? I love Italy. Always wanted to visit." She looked between me and Amelia.

"Evangeline is my girlfriend. We live together. We love each other. I'm five years sober." Amelia rambled out.
"I figured you two were... something when I saw you kiss." She slowly said.
"You don't have to be okay with it. But no matter what you think or say, Evangeline is the love of my life." She reached out and grabbed my hand tightly.
"I'm happy for you Amelia. I really am. Perhaps we should get dinner and catch up?"
"Uh, yeah. Um how about tonight at mine and Evangeline's house?" Amelia looked up at me.
"Sì. I'll make my mamma's lasagna. I'll have Amelia call you and send you our address." I smiled at her mom.
"It was nice to meet you Evangeline, and it was good to see you Amelia." She smiled at us and walked away.

"Fucking hell. She just has to show up my first day back." Amelia said as we walked into the elevator.
"I mean, who the hell does she think she is? Just coming into the place I work at, where you work at? She thinks she can just walk back into my life like it's nothing? I can't handle this shit right now. I can't-"

I silenced Amelia by pressing my lips against her's and shoving her against the elevator wall. She was so focused on rambling she didn't notice I stopped the elevator.
"Evangeline-" She gasped when I grabbed her ass and lifted her up, she automatically wrapped her legs around my waist.
"We can't in here." She groaned out as my lips attached to her neck.
"This is one of the elevators that doesn't have a camera." I whispered in her ear.
"Fuck it, just fuck me please." Amelia begged.
I smirked as I slid my hand in between us, past her scrub pants. I held her up with my other hand against the elevator wall.

"Fuck." She leaned her head back against the wall as I slid two fingers inside her.
"I love seeing you like this." I muttered as I slammed my fingers in and out of my girlfriend.
"Evangeline." She moaned out as I gently nibbled on her neck.
"I love it when I get you going like this." I thrust my fingers harder and faster, Amelia duh her nails into my back.
"Cum for me bambina." I whispered in her ear as I curled my fingers roughly.
I felt her tighten around my fingers as her orgasm crashed on her.
"Fuck, how do you know exactly what I need?" She breathed out with a small laugh.
"It's what I do, bella." I kissed her forehead and set her down on the ground.
"I love you. I have a surgery in thirty minuets. I'll meet you in the lobby when we get off?"
"Sì. Kick ass today, my super hero."

I stood in the lobby waiting on Amelia to come down.
"Hey Eva! I saw Mrs. Shepherd today." Meredith said she walked up.
"Yeah, that was shocking to say the least. She seems nice though."
"She can be. She definitely has her favorite children, and Amelia isn't one of them." Meredith said shaking her head.
"Why though? Amelia is amazing." I questioned.
"Amelia should tell you everything. It's not my place."

"Hey babe! You ready to go?" Amelia asked as she walked up.
"Sì. We'll see you later Meredith." We waved and walked outside.
"How was your surgery?" I asked as I opened her car door.
"It went well. I expect her to make a full recovery."
"Good. So, what's the deal with your mamma?" I asked as I started the drive home.
"It's a long story." Amelia sighed.
"We have all night if you want to talk about it." I reached over and put my hand on her thigh.

"It's just... I was an addict. You know this. I did some bad things as a teenager and adult. I stole my moms car and crashed it, I stole my brother's script pad and wrote myself prescriptions. My family never seems to let me forget the terrible things I did." She stared out the window.
"Hey, that's not you anymore. You're sober. That's in your past." I said as I parked the car.
"I know. It's just hard to remember that when they shove it in my face every time I see them."

I lifted her chin so she'd look at me, "I love you. And you're amazing. And if they don't see how amazing they are, that's their fault. Don't let this get you down or put you off track. And you know you can talk to me regardless of the situation. If you're feeling the urge, you can talk to me. I won't judge you."
"I love you." She leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss.
"I love you most. Now come on, making your favorite lasagna tonight."

Thanks for reading guys. If you all have anything you're want to see/anything you think should happen let me know!

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