Chapter Five

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"Ciao bella." I said as Amelia walked up. We had both changed after our shift was done.
"Damn. You look good." She looked me up and down.
"You look good yourself. Ready to go?"

"Ciao Evangeline." Andrea walked up.
"Ciao Andrea. I haven't seen you for a few days."
"I just needed a few days to adjust. Hey Doctor Shepherd."
"Hey Andrew. You working late?"
"Yeah, someone has to." He said with a small laugh.
"We better get going. See you later Andrea!" I grabbed Amelia's hand, and we walked out of the hospital.
"He seems to be warming up to the idea of you." She said as we walked to my car.
"Thankfully. Regardless of how long we've known each other, he's still my brother." I opened the passenger side door for her and she got in.

I got in and drove us to the small Italian restaurant that Carina had told me about.
"This place is cute." Amelia said as we walked in.
"It reminds me of home." I smiled and closed my eyes. It smelled just like our house when mamma would cook.

We sat down at the table and looked at the menus. I saw Amelia's face furrow when she noticed most of it was in Italian.
"Need me to translate?" I asked with a laugh.

*At home*

"God that was so good. We definitely have to go back." She said as we walked inside.
"So I guess you're saying yes to a second date?" I asked with a smile.
"Hmm maybe." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me softly.
I placed my hands on her hips, and pulled her closer.

"Hey Amelia the kids are with- oh." Meredith walked into the hallway.

We quickly pulled apart and stared at Meredith.
"I was just gonna say the kids are staying the night with Callie and Arizona."
"Uh okay. Yeah." Amelia said awkwardly.
"So this... uh are you..."

"Don't think I'm not accepting cause I am. Wether your gay or bi or whatever else you are. You know I love you regardless Amelia."
"I guess bi? I don't know." She said awkwardly.
"Okay. Evangeline?"
"Yes?" I asked.

"Hurt my sister and I'll kick your ass." Meredith said with a small smile.

"I'm gonna go bring Andrew dinner. I'll see you two later." She grabbed her purse, and headed out of the front door.
"Does she have a thing with my brother?" I asked Amelia.
"I'm guessing. But... it looks like we have the house to ourselves tonight." Amelia placed her hands on my hips.
"Hmm. It looks like it." I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers.

The kisses became hungry as we made our way up the stairs and into her bedroom.
I shut the door behind us, and pulled back to take her shirt off.

"Sei così bella." I muttered as I gently ran my hands over her bare stomach. (You're so beautiful.)
"I have no idea what you just said, but keep speaking Italian." Amelia laughed softly.
"Non so cosa mi attiri a te. Di solito non faccio cose del genere. C'è qualcosa in te. Sei speciale." (I don't know what draws me to you. I usually don't do things like this. There's something about you. You're special.)

"Uh huh." Her eyes closed and her back arched as I latched my mouth onto her neck, gently biting.

*The next morning*

I rolled over, feeling Amelia's warmth next to me.
"Buongiorno bella." I whispered in her ear.
"Good morning." She muttered as she cuddled herself closer to me.
"Do you work today?"
"No. You?"

"Nope. Looks like we have the entire day off." I wrapped my free arm around her waist and rolled her to face me.
"You wanna do something together?" She asked.
"Of course. Breakfast?"
"Sounds good." We got out of bed, and I went to my room to get dressed.

*At the diner*

"So. Tell me something about yourself Amelia." I sipped my coffee.
"Like what?"
"Something you haven't told me. I figure we've known each other for three days, and two of those have been spent in each other's beds." I smirked.
She blushed and gave me a chuckle.

"Okay well. I'm the youngest of four. Three sisters and a brother, but you already knew that part. I had some... issues growing up. I've learned to control them." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
"You don't have to tell me unless you want to." I reached over and grabbed her hand.
"I want to. It's just hard. I was an addict. I got sober for a while, then I met Ryan. We both loved drugs. He proposed, and shortly after he died. Overdose."

"I'm so sorry Amelia." I squeezed her hand.
"I got sober. It was hard. But I was able to do it. Then I found out I was pregnant. I was far along when I noticed. I thought it was the withdrawals. Then at one of my scans, I found out that my baby turned out to be anencephalic." She wiped a tear from her eye.

"Bambina you don't have to keep going." I said softly.
"I haven't talked about it in so long. I feel like I need to."
I nodded, and laced my fingers in hers.
"I called him my unicorn baby. He was born without a frontal lobe. But, I decided to carry him as long as I could do that I could donate his organs. He lived for forty three minuets. His name was Christopher."
"He sounds like a beautiful baby. You saved many lives by doing what you did bambina."
"I know. But he's not alone. His father was waiting for him. I at least take comfort in that. Am I running you off yet? Usually people are ready to run before I even get to this part of my life." She said with a small chuckle.

"No. I'm so not running." I gave her a small smile.

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