Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I don't wanna leave." I laid on the bed as Amelia was packing her bag. Our vacation was over, and we had a flight in a few hours.
"I know. I don't want to either. But we have to. We can't just quit our jobs."
"I know. Come here." I sat up and grabbed her hand and pulled her on the bed.
"Evangeline we have to pack." She laughed as I rolled on top of her.

"Let's get married."
"Did you forget you already proposed?"
"No I mean, let's get married when we go home. Vic offered to let us have the wedding at her parents restaurant. Ben can officiate. Let's just do it."
"Wait, really? Are you serious?"
"Yes! I don't know why we're waiting. We love each other, we want to spend the rest of our lives together, let's get married."
"Okay, let's get married." She leaned up and gave me a kiss.

"We have to call everyone and tell them." I grabbed my phone and put all of Station 19 and Andrea and Carina in a group FaceTime while Amelia went to the other room to call Meredith and Maggie.

"DeLuca! What's up? Are you enjoying your vacation?" Andy asked as she answered.
Everyone else started popping up on the screen, greeting me as they did.
"Yes, we really don't wanna come back." I laughed.

"What's up? You never group FaceTime." Vic asked.
"Amelia and I wanna take up your offer on getting married at your parents restaurant."
"Really? That's amazing! They're gonna be so excited. When do you want to do it?"
"In two days."

Everyone started asking questions and freaking out.
"Calm down! We figured we might as well go ahead and do it. There's no use in waiting. We just wanted to give everyone a heads up."
"We'll start planning as soon as you get home!" Maya said excitedly.

We talked a little more about it, and everyone said their goodbyes.

I got up and walked to the other room, wrapping my arms around Amelia from behind.
"Ciao bella." I kissed her shoulder.
"Hi love." She turned in my arms and kissed my nose.
"We have to find wedding dresses now." I chuckled.
"In two days, I'll be able to call you mine forever."
"Bambina, I'm already yours forever."

"Buon giorno team!" I called as I walked into the station the next morning.
"There's the soon to be bride!" Andy said excitedly as she hugged me.
"Okay, wedding planning. What colors do you guys want? Who's the bridesmaids? What food do you want? What music do-"
"Whoa whoa, Vic. Slow down. We haven't even thought of anything. We just want it to be simple and small. The only thing we've thought of is that we want you to sing as we walk down the isle."
"What? Really? Oh my God!" She hugged me tightly.
"You're crushing my ribs Hughes." I laughed.

"Why don't you all come over tonight and we'll order Chinese and talk about the wedding? The guys can go in the basement and watch the game or something."
"Party at DeLuca's house!" Dean shouted.
"Just remember, no alcohol in the house." I said as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.
"Why don't you ever let alcohol in your house? I've seen you down tequila like it's nothing." Dean asked.

"Dean." Andy shook her head no.
"What? I'm just curious!"
"Curiosity killed the cat, Miller. Why don't we just have a girls night at my house? Like a little bachelorette party." Maya said as she walked into the beanery.
"Hey Maya. Miss me?" I asked as I hugged my future sister-in-law.
"Of course I did. How was your vacation?"

"It was good. I think Amy and I really needed it."
"Engine 19. Ladder 19. Aid Car 19. PRT 19. 3022 Rosewood Way."

"Let's go 19!" Maya yelled as we all ran down the stairs.

"Thank God today's over with." I groaned as I followed Maya into her's and Carina's house.
"That fire was a bitch. Kept flaming back up. I'm just glad there was no casualties." Maya threw her bag on the ground next to the door and we walked into the kitchen to see Carina cooking dinner.

"Hi bambina! Ciao Evangeline! How was work?" Carina asked as she gave Maya a kiss.
"It was okay. I'm just glad it's over. We had a rough fire today." Maya grabbed two beers out of the fridge and slid one to me.

"Aht! No drinking until Andy and Vic get here." Carina scolded.
"Come on sis. Tomorrow is my wedding day. It's my bachelorette party."
"That's exactly why you're not drinking too much. We don't want to have to banana bag you in the morning."
"Fine. They'll be here soon anyway." I pouted as I put the beer back in the fridge.

My phone rang and I smiled when I saw Amelia's name on my screen.
"Hi bella." I answered the call.
"Hi beautiful. I miss you already."
"I know. I wish we hadn't decided to not see each other till the wedding." I stepped outside for some privacy.

"Me too. How's your bachelorette party going?"
"Andy and Vic aren't here yet. Carina won't let us do anything till they are. How's yours?"
"Meredith ordered Chinese food. Her, Maggie, April, and I are sitting in the living room watching Doctor Grey's surgical tapes."
"No fucking way! You're watching the Ellis Grey's tapes?" I gasped.

"Yep. Meredith pulled them out after Maggie and I begged her to. We'll watch them again so you can see them. Damn! Did you see that stitch! I couldn't do that when I was an intern!"
"I'm glad you're having fun. Ti amo."
"I love you too baby."

We hung up and I walked back inside and was greeted by Andy and Vic.
"Yes! Beer time!" I grabbed five beers out of the fridge and handed them to everyone.
"How's Amelia's bachelorette party?" Maya asked.

"They're watching the Ellis Grey's old surgical tapes. I'm actually kinda jealous." I said as I took a swig of my beer.
"Wait, Meredith's mom is Ellis Grey? How could I have not made the connection!" Carina gasped.
"Yes! God, I wish I could've seen her operate. I'd kill just to see it once."
"Okay, enough surgical talk. Time for some shots bitches!" Andy said as she poured shots out for everyone.

We all took a shot. I enjoyed the sting in my throat. It had been a while since I drank.

"Okay, okay! Spin the bottle!" Vic shouted as she grabbed the empty wine bottle.
"I'm not making out with anybody here." I held up my hands.
Andy, Maya and Vic were pretty drunk. Carina and I had managed to stay somewhat sober.
"We'll do it like truth or dare instead of kissing. You spin first, bachelorette."

I spun and it landed on Maya.
"Maya, truth or dare?"
"What's the most annoying thing about my sister?"
"Her smelly cheeses." Maya made a face as we all laughed.
"You said you liked my cheeses!" Carina fake pouted.

"Some of them. But most of them stink babe."
"Okay, Maya. Spin." Andy told her.

We went on for a bit, all of us continuing to drink.
"Okay last one and then I'm gonna go to bed." I said as Vic spun the bottle.
It landed on me.
"Okay Evangeline. Truth or dare?"

"What's so great about women? Like, sex with women?" Vic asked.
"Is that my truth?"
"Yeah. I'm just wondering."
"Women just... they're different. I've been with a few men, and they were all gruff and hairy and just sweaty. Women are soft, and loving. They know exactly what a woman likes too, so obviously it's going to be better. Plus, women are just hot." I said with a smile.
"Are you curious Victoria?" Carina asked.
"What? No! I'm just wondering!"
"It's okay to be curious Vic. I'm a little curious too." Andy said while taking a swig of her beer.

"Trust me. It's worth the curiosity." Maya smirked.
"Didn't you just say today that curiosity killed the cat?"
"Yep. But satisfaction brought it back." Maya said with a laugh.

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