Chapter Two

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"Ciao Carina." I said with a small smile as she opened the door.
"Ciao Evangeline. Come in." She stepped aside and I walked in.
"Hi! I'm Maya." A blonde woman stepped forward and we shook hands.
"Nice to meet you. Evangeline Deluca."

"Carina, you two look identical." Maya said looking between us both.
"I suppose we do." She said with a small smile.

"I brought wine. It's definitely not like the wine back home, but I've heard it's good." I handed Carina a bottle.
"This is my favorite. Thank you Evangeline." She said as she grabbed a glass and poured some out for me.
"You can call me Eva. Or GiGi. Or bastard child, whatever you prefer."
Maya choked on her wine and started coughing.

"Sorry. I deflect with humor." I said apologetically.
"You really need to stop talking about yourself like that Eva." Carina sighed.
"I'll try."

"I think dinner is ready." Maya said.

We sat in silence, eating our dinner.
"So... you grew up in Italy too?" Maya asked.
"Sì. I lived alone with my Mamma. She passed a few months ago, and I didn't have anyone left. So I figured I'd come to America."
"I'm sorry about your Mom." Maya said.
"Thank you."

"Who was your Mamma? What was her name?" Carina asked.
"Sofia Rossi."
"Of course." Carina said shaking her head.

"I'm sorry?"
"Sofia. She was a... close family friend. I spent a lot of time with her when my parents would fight. I wondered why she never came around again." Carina scoffed.
"Well I'm assuming that she didn't come around again because our father got her knocked up."
"Yeah I'm assuming." Carina refused to make eye contact.

"So! How old are you?" Maya asked cheerfully.
"Twenty-Six." I gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... having trouble with this. I'm not trying to be rude, it's just hard for me." Carina said.
"I can leave if-"
"No. No, it's fine. I'm fine. It's just... weird. I always thought Andrea and I looked alike, and then I see you and it's like I'm looking at pictures of myself from a few years ago."

"It's definitely weird... but excuse me, I need to step outside for just a moment." I stood and walked out the front door.

I leaned against the side of their house, and lit a cigarette. I grabbed my phone, and saw I had a missed call from an unknown number.
I quickly called it, "Hello?"
"Hi I had a missed call from this number?"
"It's Amelia, I was just seeing what you were doing tonight." She said cheerfully.
"I'm currently having dinner with my new sister and her fiancé. What are you up to?"
"I just ordered some take out. My sisters are at work and I've got my oldest sisters kids tonight. They're driving me insane."

"I'm good with kids. Want me to come over after dinner and help?" I put out my cigarette and walked to the front door.
"I couldn't ask you to do that."
"You're not asking. I'm offering. Plus I want to hear more about the neuro God I've been hearing about." I said with a smile.
"I'll text you the address. Let me know when you're on your way."
"Ciao Bella." I walked back inside and sat down at the table.

"You smoke?" Carina's nose crinkled.
"Sì. Have to do something to help cope with the obvious Daddy and Mommy issues." I said with a small laugh.
"I'm sorry papa wasn't there for you. But you're better off that he wasn't."
"I understand. It's okay. I don't blame anybody. It was a shitty situation." I said as I drank the last of my wine.

"Well, I really should get going. Thank you two so much for dinner. It was nice getting to know my sister and future sister in law." I said standing up.
"It was nice meeting you Eva. We'll have to do this again soon." Maya said with a smile.
"Sì. I agree. I'll see you at work tomorrow?"

*At Amelia's house*

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, I could hear the kids running around and screaming.
Amelia quickly opened the door, wearing jeans and a food stained t shirt, her hair in a messy bun.
"Thank God you're here, these kids are fucking insane." She said hopelessly.

I walked inside, and the two older ones were running around, and a small toddler was crawling around on the floor.
"Ciao bambina." I said as I picked the youngest up.
"Zola! Bailey! Get in the kitchen and eat your dinner!" Amelia shouted.
"Why?" The boy kept running around and ignoring her.

"Because I said so kid. Get your ass in the kitchen."
"I'm telling mommy you said a bad word." He stomped his foot.
"Yeah well I don't care. Get in there, now."

He kept staring her down.
"Hey, bambino. Why aren't you listening to your Zia?" I squatted down to talk to him with the youngest on my hip.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Evangeline. But you can call me Eva, or GiGi. Why aren't you listening to your Aunt?"

"Because I don't like Chinese food."
"What do you like?" I asked.
"I like grilled cheeses."
"Me too!" The older girl said.

"Okay. Amelia, why don't you take the smallest bambina, and I'll go make some grilled cheeses." I handed her the baby.

"You're literally so amazing." She said with a smile.

A few hours later, all the kids were fed, bathed, and asleep.
I was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, when Amelia came walking in.
"You don't have to do that." She said quickly.

"I don't mind. It looked like you needed a break." I started the dishwasher and leaned up against the counter.
"I literally just met you today, and you came to my rescue to help with my nieces and nephew, cooked them dinner, and cleaned up." Amelia reached in the fridge and grabbed two water bottles.

"It's no problem. I love kids. I've always been good with calming them down." I sipped the water she gave me.
"You're a God send." Amelia said with a small laugh.

"Well... I really should go home. I have a coffee date with a pretty neurosurgeon in the morning." I gave her a smile.
"You think I'm pretty?" She asked as we walked to the door.
"Sì. Ora devo solo sperare che ti piacciano le donne." I grabbed my purse and keys. (Now I just hope you like women.)

"I have no idea what you just said, but it sounded awesome."
"I'll see you tomorrow morning bella. Have a good night."

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