Chapter Six

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*One week later*

"Good morning Doctor DeLuca."
I turned and saw Amelia walking towards me.
"Good morning Doctor Shepherd. You're looking extra beautiful today." I handed her a cup of coffee.
"Why thank you. Do you have any plans after work?"
"Actually I'm eating dinner with my sister and her fiancé. I was going to ask if you wanted to join us."
"Really? You want me to meet your sister?"

"I mean, you've already met her before so it's not like you're just meeting her." I said with a laugh.
"I know but like... officially meeting her."
"You don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought it would be nice since I've met two of your sisters."
"Okay, um... do you just wanna drive us there?"
"Sì. We're meeting at their house. I have to run though, I have a mamma in delivery." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and took off.

*After work*

"Ciao bella. Are you ready?" I asked as I walked into the attending's lounge.
"Yep." She shut her locker and fiddled with her fingers.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yes. Let's go."

*At Maya and Carina's house*

"Ciao Evangeline! I see you brought Doctor Shepherd." Carina said with a smile.
"You know you can call me Amelia. I've asked you to a thousand times."
"Amelia, this is Carina's fiancé Maya. She's Captain down at station 19."

They shook hands, and I led her to the kitchen.
"Would you two like a glass of wine?"
"No thanks. I think we're going to skip drinking tonight." I placed my hand on Amelia's back and gave her a small squeeze.
"You can drink Evangeline. I don't mind."
"I'm okay. I don't need it." I gave her a small smile.

"Did Amelia tell you she participated in my study today?" My sister asked.
"You masterbated for my sister?" I asked with a small laugh.

Maya choked on her wine, "What?"
"I didn't masterbate for her. It's the study on the female brain during an orgasm. It's very... interesting." I saw Amelia give Carina a look that I couldn't place.
"I'll have to see that pretty brain of yours tomorrow at work then. See what I'm making it do." I whispered the last part into Amelia's ear.
"Oh no it's fine. Just a regular old brain. Nothing fancy." She said with a nervous chuckle.
I nodded, but looked at my sister funny. Something was going on that I didn't know about.

"Dinners ready!" Maya said cheerfully.
We sat down, and ate in a comfortable silence.

"Andrea spoke to me today." I told Carina.
"Really? That's great. He's just had a hard time with... this."
"I understand. I'm not upset." I pushed my food around.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Papa is coming to visit soon." Carina said carefully.
"That'll be nice that you get to spend time with him."
"We. That we get to spend time with him."

"No offense Carina, but he knew about me and didn't want me. So why would he even want to be in my life now. Cause the hard part is over?" I scoffed.
"Wether you like it or not he's still your father."
"He is not my father. I didn't have a father growing up. I had a mamma, and even she lied to me. So as far as I'm concerned, I don't have a family." I snapped.
"Oh you don't have a family? Allora perché diavolo sei entrato nella mia vita e l'hai sconvolta?" Carina shouted. (Then why the hell did you come into my life and disrupt it?"
"Oh ti ho sconvolto la vita? Mi dispiace che tuo padre non sia riuscito a tenerlo nei pantaloni e mi abbia creato!" I stood up and shouted at her from across the table. (Oh I disrupted your life? I'm sorry your Dad couldn't keep it in his pants and created me!)

"Tua madre è colei che non riusciva a tenere le gambe chiuse e ha distrutto una famiglia!" (Your Mom is the one who couldn't keep her legs closed and destroyed a family!)

"Amelia, come on. We're leaving." I took her hand and we walked to the front door.
I turned back and looked at Carina, "If you ever speak about my mother again, I'll beat your ass."

I slammed the door behind us and we got in my car, and drove to Amelia's house.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.
I got out of the car, slamming my front door. I immediately lit a cigarette and paced the front yard.
"Evangeline." She walked up to me.
"Amelia please don't."
"Evangeline, look at me." She grabbed my arm and forced me to look at her.
"What? You want me to talk about my obvious mommy and daddy issues? You want me to tell you how I'm the bastard child that ruined a family?" I spat.
"Shut up! You need to shut up!" Amelia yelled. She knocked the cigarette out of my hand, and pulled me against her roughly, capturing my lips against hers.
"Inside." I growled against her mouth.

We quickly ran inside, and ran into her room. I immediately pushed her against the door, capturing her lips with mine again.
"Take your anger out on me." She groaned as I attached my lips to her neck.
"Gladly." I whispered in her ear.

I led her to the bed and pushed her down, straddling her.
She pulled my shirt over my head, quickly latching her mouth onto my left breast.
I moaned loudly, tangling my fingers in her hair and pulled roughly.
"I'm in charge." I growled as she stared up at me.
She nodded and gave me a smirk.
"But let me know if I need to stop, okay? I don't want to hurt you." I whispered softly.
"Please just fuck me." She moaned as I rocked my hips against her.
"Your wish is my command principessa." I whispered as I wrapped my hand around her throat.

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