Chapter Eleven

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"You know Papa will be here in a few months." Carina said as we prepared dinner.
"I know."
"I told him about you. That we met." She stopped what she was doing and focused on me.
"What did he say?" I refused to look at her.
"That he wanted to meet you. He said he wanted to explain some things to you."
"Carina... I don't know if I can do it." I sighed.
"You don't have to. I just wanted to offer you the chance. You've changed a lot since you've came here. You've grown up."

"What does that mean? I've always been a grown up." I laughed out.
"Look at your life now, compared to what it was when you came here. You have a family. You have me, and Maya, and Amelia, and her family. You've settled down. And I'm proud of you. Really, really proud of you."

I felt the tears in my eyes, and I turned my back to her to hide them.
"Evangeline, guardami sorellina." (Look at me baby sister.)

I wiped the tears and turned to look at her.
"I'm proud of you. And I know your mamma would be too."
I quickly wrapped my arms around her and hugged my sister.
"Grazie, Carina. I love you."
"I love you too. Now, let's finish cooking and get those bambini fed."

"Oh my God that was the best food I've ever had." Maggie said leaning back in her chair.
"Grazie. It's an old recipe of my Mamma's."

"Are you sure you're okay with the kids staying the night? I don't want to impose." Meredith said.
"We don't mind. We can take them shopping tomorrow for decor for their bedroom." Amelia said, taking my hand in hers.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late. Surgery ran long." Andrea said walking in.
"Ah Ciao baby brother. I made a plate for you, it's in the microwave." I told him.
"Grazie." He kissed the top of mine and Carina's heads and went to grab his plate.

"Why don't you hang out with Andrea tonight?" I asked Meredith.
Her face turned red and she smiled slightly.

"So how was work Andrew?" Maggie asked as he walked back in.
"Good. I had a surgery with Robbins. Sweet kid. I'm glad it went well." He started eating his food.
"God. It's so great having real Italian food. Even better to have two big sisters to make it for me." He said with a smile.
"Hey, I don't cook often. But when I do you're always welcome to come grab a plate." I told him.
"Grazie. I love your new house by the way. Did the kids love their rooms?"
"They love them. They're upstairs already asleep. They're sleeping over tonight since I'm off until Amelia can go back to work."

"Wait, you're what?" Amelia asked.
"I'm taking off until you're cleared to go back to work. I want to make sure you're alright and this way we can spend more time together." I squeezed her hand.
She nodded and gave me a small smile.

An hour later everyone had left, and I was cleaning up the kitchen.
"Thank you for everything." Amelia said as she hugged me from behind.
"You don't have to thank me for anything. It's what people in love do." I turned and kissed her forehead.
"I never thought I'd fall in love after-" Amelia took a deep breath. "After Ryan. And now... I have you. The most wonderful woman in the world."
"I'm glad we gave each other a chance. I can't imagine my life without you bella. I never thought I'd fall in love. I've hopped from woman to woman, trying to fill some sort of hole in my heart. But I didn't fill that hole until I met you."
"God, you're so cheesy." Amelia laughed out.
"Only for you my love."

The next morning I woke up early, and started breakfast for Amelia and the kids.
French toast for Amelia, Zola and myself. Chocolate chip pancakes for Bailey. And Banana pancakes and fruit for baby Ellis.

"Morning Zia." Zola said walking into the kitchen.
"Buon giorno bambina. How did you sleep?"
"Good. What are you making?" She peeked her head over.
"My sister's french toast that you like for us and Auntie Amelia, and pancakes for Bailey and Ellis. You wanna help?" I asked.
"Yes!" She hopped up and down excitedly.
"Okay bella, grab the fruit out of the fridge for me. Alexa, play my morning playlist."
My hidden speakers I had installed in the kitchen started playing my favorite Italian music.

"Good job, now flip!" I instructed.
Zola flipped the pancake perfectly.
"Sì! Good job bambina!" We high fived.

"What's this?" Amelia said walking in.
"Breakfast for my favorite people. Good morning bella." I gave her a kiss.
"Ewww!" Zola's face screwed up.
"Oh hush. This is what couples do zo-zo." Amelia laughed.

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