Chapter Fourteen

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*Three months later*

"Get the patient to CT." I ordered one of the interns that was following me around.
"Doctor DeLuca, don't you want to-"
"Are you in charge? No, you're an intern. Go do what I say. Now." I snapped.
The intern ran off and left me with two others.

"You. Number four. Go get me coffee. You know how I like it." I handed him five dollars and he scurried off.
"You." I pointed to the last intern.
"Have you slept with anyone in this hospital yet?"
"No? Am I supposed to?" She looked confused and scared.
"No. So far, you're my favorite. Go do my charts and if you don't mess them up then maybe I'll let you scrub in on my surgery later."

The intern scurried off and I looked at the surgery board.
"You're really living up to your name." I heard Carina's voice behind me.
"Yeah? What's my nickname now."
"Ice queen. You've become cold, Evangeline." She stepped up next to me.
"So. You've become distant to your family, mean to your interns, maybe you should talk to-"
"Don't say her name, Carina. I don't need to talk to her."
"She's living in your house. You're letting her live there for free while you're at my house. Not that I mind you living there, I love it really. But you're just letting your ex live at your house."
"Carina I really don't want to talk about this." I sighed.
"Go talk to her. Seriously. At least make sure she's not destroying your house."
"Fine. I'll go talk to the bitch." I turned and walked away.

"You keeping my house clean?" I asked as I walked up to Amelia.
"Nice to see you too Doctor DeLuca." She didn't even look up from her iPad.
"I asked you a question. You are living in my house after all."
"Really? Your house. Real nice Evange-"
"It's Doctor DeLuca. And yes. It became my house when we broke up."

She put the iPad down and looked me in my eyes. God I've missed her eyes.
"Yes. Your house is perfect. And since it's your house I'll be moving out soon."
"Don't worry about it. I'm staying somewhere else anyway."
"At Carina and Maya's house."
"Are you spying on me Doctor Shepherd?" I scoffed.
"Nope. I couldn't care less where you stay at. To be honest, I haven't been staying at your house much anyway." She turned and walked away.
"So then why is it a big deal that it's my house if you're not staying there." I followed her to the attending's lounge and slammed the door.
"It's not." She opened her locker and took her scrub top off.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat.
"Are you pregnant?" I asked.
"Excuse you?" She laughed.
"You're pregnant. You're breasts are swollen, your body has changed."
"Fine. Yes I'm pregnant. It's none of your fucking business, okay?" She pulled her shirt on over her head and went to walk past me.
"Really? You're pregnant? What, did you go and get knocked up the day we broke up?" I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.
"What does it matter? He wants nothing to do with me, or the baby. I have no one. I'm in this alone."

"Amelia I-"
"Don't. You don't care about me. You don't even miss me. I'm sure you've moved on."
"I haven't." I said quietly.
"I haven't moved on. I cry myself to sleep every night, wishing I could hold you. Wishing I could kiss you, hear your laugh, hear you snore."
"I don't snore."
"Amelia..." I sighed.
"I love you Evangeline. I really do. But I can't get back together with you."
"Stop. We can't." She turned and walked out of the room.


I drummed my fingers against my phone, wondering if I should make the call or not. I sighed and dialed her number, waiting for her to pick up.
"Maya. Can I talk to you? Please?"
"Uh yeah. What's up?"
"Can we talk in person? I'm sorry, I know this is a lot to ask and your Evangeline's person and-"
"Are you at the hospital? I was coming up there to see Carina on her break anyway."
"Yeah. I'm sitting outside the entrance."
"Give me two minuets. I'll meet you there." She hung up and I sighed. I can't believe all this was happening. How could I be so stupid?

"Hey, how are you?" Maya asked as she walked up.
"I'm okay. How've you been?" I said nervously.
"We've been good. Just doing some wedding planning. What did you want to talk about? Is everything okay?"
"You and Carina had problems right? You uh... with Jack?"
"If you're asking if I cheated, then yes. I did. I regret it, and thankfully Carina forgave me."
"I know it's not really cheating, but it felt like cheating the entire time I did it. All I could think about was Evangeline. And now I've really fucked up and I don't think I can fix it."
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.
"So... you had sex with someone else?"
"Yes. And I'm um... I'm pregnant. Evangeline knows. She took one look at me and knew. I think she wants to get back together, but I can't let her do this. I can't let her raise this baby."
"Do you love her?" Maya asked.
"More than anything in this world. She's my soulmate."
"Then let her. I know Evangeline, and she loves you. And I know she'll love that baby as if it were her own. She's a good person, Amelia. Put your guard down and let her in. Don't push her away like I did Carina."
"Thanks Maya. I really needed that. Thank you for coming and talking to me. I know this must be weird." I sniffled.
"You're still my friend Amelia. Even if you and Evangeline aren't together. You can call me any time."


"Evangeline? Are you hungry?" I heard Carina ask through my bedroom door. I didn't want to see them. I told Bailey that I wouldn't be in for a while. I didn't want to see anyone.
"Evangeline, per favore, parlami." (Evangeline, please, talk to me.)

I heard the door open, and I felt someone lay on the bed next to me.
"Carina go away." I sniffled.
"It's Maya. Will you talk to me?" Maya asked softly.
"I can't. I-I just can't." I felt the tears rolling down my face again.
"Evangeline, what happened. Come on, talk to me." Maya grabbed my arm and forced me to roll to face her.
"Amelia's pregnant." I sobbed out.

Maya didn't say anything. She pulled me into her arms and stroked my hair as I cried into her chest.
I felt someone lay down on the other side of me, and Carina wrapped her arms around me and held me as I cried.
Neither one of them said anything, they just held me as I cried my heart out.

It felt like hours when I finally stopped crying.
"I miss her."
"I know." Maya whispered.
"What am I gonna do?"
"What do you wanna do? Do you love her?" Carina asked.
"Yeah. I can't eat, can't sleep, my heart hurts for her. I need her."
"Then go get her." Carina told me.
"Carina, she slept with someone else. When I told her to go fuck someone else, I didn't think she'd do it."
"I cheated on Carina once. With Jack. And it took a lot for me to gain her trust back, but look at where we are now." Maya told me.
"Look, if you love her, don't let her go. If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing. Even if you're scared that it'll cause problems. Even if you're scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there." Carina said.

"What am I supposed to do?"
"Go get your girl. Tell her how you feel. I'm sure she's feeling the same way as you are." Maya said with a small smile.

"Thank you guys. You're the best sister and sister-in-law ever." I hugged them both and jumped out of bed and grabbed my car keys.

What do you guys think? Will Evangeline be able to win Amelia back?

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Insta: 50_shades_of_Stefanielle

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