Chapter Twenty

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"What's wrong? You sounded nervous on the phone." I heard Carina say as Amelia opened the door.
"Evangeline needs us. She's on the couch."
I heard the front door shut and Carina knelt down in front of me a few seconds later.
"Cosa c'è che non va sorellina?" (What's wrong baby sister?)

I felt more tears rolling down my face. I had cried all day after telling Amelia. I couldn't stop.
"Evangeline what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Carina asked.
I shook my head no and sat up, wiping my face.

Amelia sat next to me and took my hand in hers.
"I have to tell you something. I just need you to listen, okay?" I said quietly.
Carina nodded and sat next to me.

I told her everything. Everything that had happened, everything that I was scared of happening.
"Evangeline, why didn't you tell us?" Carina asked.
"I was scared. I was scared that everyone would look at me different. I'm supposed to be strong and... I'm not."
"You don't have to be strong all the time, sorella." Carina said as she rubbed my back.
"We're gonna make sure he doesn't hurt you, okay? We promise. He won't even get near you." Maya said from her seat on the chair.

I nodded and leaned into Amelia's warm body.
"What's his name?" Carina asked.
"James Romano."
"Okay. Okay. Maya, can you have Andy talk to her cop friend and-" Carina started.
"No! No cops! If we get anyone else involved besides us four then he'll find out I'm in Seattle! I-I-" My breathing quickened again and my heart rate shot up.

"Baby, look at me. You need to breathe." Amelia cupped my face and breathed in and out with me.
I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing.

"No cops. Just tell us what you want to do."
"Nothing. Just... nothing. I'll be okay. I just can't see him."

"Morning team." I said as I walked into the beanery.
"Morning DeLuca." Vic waved as she continued to read her book.

"Physicians Response Team to 2672 Kingston Ave." The alarms called out.
"Ben! Let's go!" We ran down the stairs and jumped in the PRT and hurried off to the location.

"I'm gonna go say hi to Amy real quick." I told Ben as we dropped off the patient.
"Take your time. I gotta fill out this form real quick." He sat on the edge of the PRT as I walked inside.

"Have you seen Doctor Shepherd?" I asked one of the nurses.
She pointed down the hall and I went walking to find her.
I looked in a room, and saw him. James was standing there talking to Meredith and Doctor Bailey. I froze, I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.
I turned and ran into the nearest on call room, and collapsed on the ground, breathing hard.
I felt someone grab my wrists and I pulled back, "Don't hurt me!" I cried out.
"Evangeline! It's me! It's Amelia." She said softly.
I collapsed into her arms, crying into her chest.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
"He-He's here! James is here." I sobbed.
"Shhh it's okay. Are you sure it was him?"
"I-I think so. He was talking to Meredith and Doctor Bailey." I wiped my face. Was it really him? Or was I seeing things?
"It's okay. You're okay." She kissed the top of my head gently.

We sat there for a few more minuets and her pager went off.
"Shit. 911. I have to go. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'll be fine. It probably wasn't even him." I nodded.
"I love you. I'll call you on my break." She kissed my lips and ran out of the room.

I sighed and sat there for a few more minuets, and got up and walked out of the door.
I ran into someone, "I'm sorry I-"

"Evangeline! Fancy seeing you here." James smiled at me. I froze as I stared at him. Everything slowed down around me.
"What are- how- what are you doing here?" I stuttered out.
"My sister told me she saw you a few months back. You were wearing a lab coat. She told me you worked here. I came to see you." He stepped closer to me and I backed up.
"What, didn't you miss me?" He had that same evil glare in his eyes that he always did before.
"N-No. I didn't. Please leave me alone." I tried to walk around him but he grabbed my arm in a tight grip. He was definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Don't you remember all of our fun times together? All the great memories we made?" He tightened his grip on my arm and I squeaked out a sound of pain.

"DeLuca? You good?" Ben was standing a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at James.
"Yeah. I'm ready to go." I yanked my arm out of his grip.
"I'll be seeing you later Evangeline. It was nice catching up!" I heard him shout as I hurried away.

I ran outside of the hospital, and took a deep breath of fresh air.
"Evangeline, are you okay?" Ben asked.
I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to ground myself.

"You wanna tell me about what that was?" He asked.
I shook my head no.
"Okay. Let's head back home then."

We arrived at the station, and I slammed the door to the PRT.
"Whoa you good?" Andy asked.
"I'm gonna go work out." I walked past her and quickly ran up the stairs to the locker room to change.

I got changed and went to the weight room, and started hitting the punching bag. How could he come back after all these years? Like a fucking ghost of my past. Bringing back all these memories. I worked so hard to erase that part of my life and he just comes back and brings everything back.

I punched the bag hard and it went flying into the glass separating the weight room and the beanery, shattering the glass everywhere.

Everyone in the beanery stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
"DeLuca. My office. Now." Maya said.

I walked out of the weight room, avoiding everyone's gaze, and followed her downstairs to her office.

"I'll pay for the glass. I'm sorry." I quickly said as she shut the door.
"I don't care about the glass. What's wrong?" She leaned against her desk.
"I saw him. At the hospital." I said quietly.
"What? Did he say anything to you?"
"Yeah. He found me as I was coming out of an on call room that I went too after I caught a glimpse of him. He's running around telling everyone lies about me, I know he is. He was talking to Doctor Bailey and Meredith." I felt the tears well up in my eyes.
"They know better. They know you." Maya walked up to me and put her hands on my upper arms.
I flinched away, it was still sore from where he grabbed me.

"Lift your sleeve up." She said softly.
I rolled up my short sleeve, to reveal an already light bruise on my arm where he had grabbed me.

"Hey Captain have you seen- what the fuck is that?" Andy asked as she barged into Maya's office.
"Nothing." I quickly rolled my sleeve down.
Andy shut the door behind her. "Is Amelia hurting you?"
"What? No! She would never."
"Who did that? Cause that looks like a hand print."
"Andy I-"
"No I need to know who's ass to kick Evangeline." Andy interrupted.

"Sit down." I sighed as I leaned against Maya's desk.

I explained everything to her, and she nodded as she stood up.
"Where are you going?"
"To kick some ass. You said he was at the hospital?"
"Andy, please don't. He's probably already gone."
"Okay? So I'll find him."

"Andy, you're just going make things worse for me! If you go there, he's gonna find out exactly what station I work for! He probably already has!" I felt more tears running down my face.
"Mija, please don't cry. I don't do good with crying." Andy joked awkwardly as she hugged me.
I laughed softly and wiped my face.

"You call me if he talks to you again and we'll all come running. Okay? You're family. Station 19 has your back."
"Thanks Andy. I mean it."

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