Chapter Sixteen

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*Three weeks later*

"Are you going to tell Meredith and Maggie?" I asked as we laid in bed.
"Yeah." Amelia sighed.
"We really should tell them soon. You're starting to show." I rubbed my hand over her eleven week belly. She wasn't far along, but she was definitely slightly showing.
"I know. I'm just nervous."
"About what Bambina?"

"About what they'll say. Their opinions. Everything." I heard her voice break.

I quickly wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close, "Hey, it's gonna be okay. They're your sisters. They're gonna love you no matter what." I gently kissed the side of her head.
"I know. I'm just scared. What if somethings wrong with the baby? What if it's like Christopher? What if I've already fucked this baby up? What if-"
"Do you wanna go see the baby? You wanna go get a scan?" I asked softly.
She nodded her head and I got out of bed to grab us some clothes.

*At the hospital*

"Okay, let's see what the bambina or bambino looks like." Carina said as she moved the wand around on Amelia's stomach.
"See? There's your baby." Carina pushed a button and we got to see the 3D ultrasound.
"Wow. Look at our baby." I gripped Amelia's hand.
"Does everything look okay? I-Is it's brain okay?" Amelia asked.
"Sì. Everything looks perfect. If you want, I can take some blood and you can know the gender next week." Carina said as she handed Amelia a towel to wipe off with.
"Really? That quick? Do you wanna do it babe?" Amelia asked me.
"Sì. It gives us time to buy things for the baby."
"Okay. I'll have Jackie come in and draw some blood, and she'll give you the pictures from today. I'll let you know when the results come in. Congratulations guys. The baby is perfect."

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" I asked Amelia as we sat in the driveway at Meredith's house.
"If I don't do it now I'm never going to do it. Come on." We got out of the car and walked into Meredith's house.
"Zia GiGi!" Bailey said as he ran up and hugged me.
"Hi my little bambino! I've missed you so much." I hugged him tightly.
Zola ran up and joined our hug.

"What are you two yelling- oh, Evangeline." Meredith said as she walked in the living room.
"Zola? Bailey? Why don't you two run upstairs and play for a little bit. Zia GiGi will come play in a little bit." Amelia told them.

"What are you two doing here?" Meredith asked after the kids ran upstairs.
"We wanted to talk to you." I told her.
"You broke my sister's heart, Evangeline."
"Meredith, I'm as much to blame as she is. Don't put the blame all on her." Amelia sighed.

"So, what? You two are together again?"
"Sì." I nodded.
"Okay. Okay. As long as you both are happy." Meredith said with a small smile.
"There's something else. Sit down on the couch." Amelia said.
"Who died?" Meredith asked as she sat down.
"What? Nobody died Mer." Amelia said.
"Then what's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong. Amelia..." I looked at my girlfriend.
"I'm pregnant. Eleven weeks." Amelia said with a shaky voice.

"Really? Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!" Meredith pulled Amelia in for a tight hug.
"Wait, you are?"
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be? You're my sister. I love you Amelia."

Amelia started crying and Meredith shot me a worried look.
"The hormones. She was worried that you'd have something terrible to say." I explained.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's these damn hormones." Amelia wiped her eyes and placed a hand on her growing baby bump.

"You're hungry, aren't you?" I asked.
"How'd you know?"
"You rub your belly when you're starting to get hungry."
"Of course I'm hungry. Can you ask Carina if she'll make those things she makes?"
"Cannoli? You're craving cannoli?"
"Yes! Please?" Amelia pouted.
"Okay, okay. I'll call her." I pulled out my phone and dialed Carina's number.

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