Chapter Eighteen

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"Hi beautiful." I wrapped my arms around Amelia from behind.
"Hi baby. Are you having fun?"
"So much fun. Have I told you how great you look in that dress?" I kissed her cheek.
"A few times." She chuckled.
"Only twenty-eight more weeks until we get to hold our bambina in our arms." I put my hands on her belly.
"So... when do you start at the Station?" Amelia changed the subject.
"As in two days from now? When did you even find time to train?"
"When we were split up. I needed something to keep my mind off of it, so I decided to train and go to the academy. Thankfully they let me skip most of it since I'll mostly be on the PRT."
"Mostly?" Amelia turned in my arms.
"I mean sometimes I'll have to run in and help retrieve a patient..."
"If you're going to do this, I better get updates as often as possible. And I want pictures too. And you can come home in your turn out gear..." Amelia trailed off with a mischievous look in her eye.

"Hmm I definitely will. The twenty-four hour shifts are gonna suck though. But Maya said I don't have to work that long for the first few months that the baby is here."
"Thank God. I was starting to worry about doing it all by myself."
"Hey, you'll never have to do it by yourself, okay? I promise." I kissed her forehead gently.

*Monday morning*

"Alright team. Meet our new rookie. Evangeline DeLuca." Maya said as we were in the line up.
"Thank God I'm not the rookie anymore." Ben laughed.
"But you're still the oldest rookie in Station 19 history Warren." I joked.

"Alright guys, that's enough joking. We're having a house cleaning day. I want everything spotless. Vic and Andy, you're on bathrooms. Dean, kitchen. Travis, weight room. Sullivan, turn out room. Ben, engines, aid car, and PRT. Evangeline, check the hoses and patch up anything that needs to be patched."

Everyone nodded and we went our separate ways.

A few hours later, the cleaning was done and everyone was sat in the beanery while Travis and I cooked dinner.

"Hello Station 19!" Amelia said as her and Carina walked in.
"Ciao bella! I didn't know you two were coming by." I smiled at my fiancé.
"We text Maya and asked if we could stop by for dinner. Plus, I wanted to see you on your first day." Amelia walked over and pressed a kiss to my lips.
Everyone in the room started whistling and whooping.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.
"Hey rookie! Don't talk to your superiors like that." Vic joked.
"You want my pasta right?" I raised my eyebrows at Vic and she shut up.

"Hi beautiful." Maya walked in and gave Carina a kiss on the cheek.
"How's your first day Evangeline?" Carina asked.
"It was okay, lots of cleaning." I leaned into Amelia as she wrapped her arms around me from behind.
"Dinners done. I'm gonna show Amelia around the station. You guys can get started without me." I handed Travis the tongs and took Amelia's hand, leading her out of the beanery.

"I missed you at the hospital today." Amelia said as we walked hand in hand down the stairs.
"I missed you too bambina. Only," I checked my watch. "Twelve more hours and I'll be home with you."
"Good thing I have off work the next two days." Amelia said with a smile.

"Help! I need someone!" A man ran into the station.
"Sir, what's wrong?" I let go of Amelia's hand and ran over to him.
"My wife, she's in labor. We can't make it to the hospital!"
"Amelia run and tell Carina and Maya to get down here now." I ran after the guy outside.

"Hi ma'am. I'm Doctor DeLuca. Do you think you can make it inside?" I asked the laboring Mom who was laying in the backseat of the car.
"No! She's coming now!" She screamed as a contraction hit.

"Okay, don't push until I've had a chance to check you out."
Carina ran out and handed me a pair of gloves and tied my hair back as I gloved up.

"What's your name?" I asked as I moved her dress up to examine her.
"Heather." She groaned out.

"Heather, this is my sister, Doctor DeLuca. We're both OBs. She's gonna help me out, okay? I'm gonna check and see how dilated you are real quick."
I examined her quickly, "Alright, I can feel the baby's head. Carina, go inside and get in the PRT. Look in the second drawer from the bottom on the left side of the car. It has everything we need for a laboring Mamma."
"Got it!" Carina ran inside and Maya and Amelia ran outside.

"Anything we can do?" Maya asked.
"Maya, I need you to get behind the Mamma and support her. Sir? I need you to get in the passenger seat and hold her hand, okay?"

They did as I said as Carina came out carrying a tray and all the stuff we needed.
"Okay, on the count of three I need you to give me a big push Heather. One, two, three, push!"

The laboring Mom pushed hard.
"There we go, the baby's crowning! You're doing great Mamma. Take a little bit of a rest."

"I can't do it, I can't. It hurts." She cried.
"You're doing great Heather. You're doing so good. A few more pushes and you'll be holding your baby. I need you to push on the count of three. One, two, three!"

She pushed one more time, and the baby's shoulders came out. I gently pulled the rest of the baby out, and her little cries filled the air.

"Congratulations Mamma and Papa. It's a baby girl." I wrapped the baby up in the blue towels we had and placed her on the Mamma's chest.

"Maya, go grab Ben for me. Have him take the Mamma and baby to Grey+Sloan." I stood up and took the gloves off and walked inside with Amelia while Carina stayed with the parents and baby.

"That was amazing, Evangeline. I've never seen you actually deliver a baby." Amelia told me as we walked to the locker room.
"Thank God that it was an easy birth. We're lucky she didn't have any complications." I took my uniform shirt and put a new one on.

"It was really hot seeing you do your job." Amelia wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Oh really?" I cupped her face and brought her in for a kiss.

"You have bedrooms here, right?" She muttered against my lips.
"Uh huh." I grabbed her hand and quickly took her to the closest bedroom to enjoy the rest of our night.

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