Hello, hello, hello.
I may or may not have been a little lazy when writing as of late......
And it may or may not due to the snow fall that England has had as of late....
But seriously. This is England. We do not get snow. Go home weather, you are drunk. Sure, we may get pathetic snow compared to other countries but you don't understand.....to us this is amazing. Please appreciate this.
On top of that I've had to do two controlled assessments very recently....one on Macbeth and one on creative writing (So blame that for any lack of creativity)
So....basically I'm going to reply/acknowledge comments in her now seeing as I don't wish to deceive everyone by making my story have twice the amount of quotes :D
So huge thank you to those who have commented on my last chapter:
You guys are supermegafoxyawesomehot....just saying ;)
Thank y'all for the votes, for the fanning and reading. :)
Tasha out xox
Chapter Twenty Two
The Scar
▬ Third Person- No one’s P.O.V ▬
Electra had taken to leaning on the R.V watching her fellow survivors preparing for their long journey to Fort Benning. To her, they resembled bees, working together to get everything done. It gave her a strong sense of pride and warmth to see them working together despite their differences. I guess you don’t care about differences when your surviving, that was all in the old world.
The old world was gone.
Things had changed.
“It’s the same as it ever was: The weak get taken.”
Guillermo’s strong words swam around her head. He was right, so right. Now he’s dead, lying among the bodies of the rest of the Vatos and the old folks. Repulsed, that’s how she felt. It was disgusting, she couldn’t even begin to comprehend how someone could bring themselves to do something like that.
The weak do get taken.
Sighing, she looked on to the group, studying each and every one with equal measure. They were all weak and she was too. Before she could even to think of who was going to ‘get taken’ next she dismissed the thought from her mind, it was too painful to bare.
“Why aren’t you-” Electra turned her head ever so slightly to see T-Dog syphoning gas from one of the many cars that were scattered across the area. “-helping?” he questioned her causing Electra to spin around to face him.
“Yeah El.” Glenn agreed, doing the same, or attempting to do the same to another vehicle nearby as he popped his head up so he could watch here.

Angel With A Shotgun (Walking Dead Fanfic)
FanfictionEverything's food for something else. Humanity has been on top of the food chain for their entire existence. When a disease unlike any other seen before could potentially wipe out the whole human race, the world's top scientists are all sent too Atl...