Chapter Four
Mrs Hood
▬ Third Person- No one’s P.O.V ▬
Thea practically flew towards the store entrance, flinging open the white plastic door to slam into something hard. Looking up she met the caramel eyes of Mark whose brother was by his side.
“What the hell happened?” he barked down at the woman. With wide eyes and no response, Thea spun around on the sport and started to sprint for the other wooden door.
“Electra,” Aaron caught on straight away, catching up with her as she flung the other wooden door open to meet the gaze of a man holding a shotgun in the ready position.
“Dad!” Mark shouted in alarm pushing Thea and Aaron with his hands in front of him in a form of protection and surrender.
Automatically the man lowered his shotgun, squinting to study the three of them as Thea and Aaron came into his eye line yet again. Mr Hartford had aged terribly since the last time Thea had seen him, not one blonde hair could be seen on his head which was now thick with grey hair and the seventy eight years olds eyes had sunken in a lot.
“Kids?” he exclaimed in surprise speeding down the stairs to throw his arms around his youngest son as they all let out a breath of relief.
“Yes dad, it’s u-” Aaron smiled before cutting himself off and backing out of the hug. “Dad, please tell me you didn’t just kill a five foot eight brunette who just happened to waltz in here,” he pleaded.
“He didn’t just kill a five foot nine brunette who just happened to waltz in here,” a voice came from the corner causing them all to snap their heads to see Electra sitting down in the corner behind them. “Hey,”
“Oh thank God!” Thea exclaimed letting out a huge breath of relief before throwing herself at the older women who returned the hug.
“What can I say?” Mister Hartford said regrettably. “I have a trigger finger,” Mr Hartford said in some sort of an apology. Electra decided not to make a comment about trigger fingers running in the family as she was slumped down against the wall staring at the man. “Though I’ve always had terrible aim,” he admitted.
“I’m glad,” Electra breathed heavily. “Otherwise I would have probably gotten shot,” she stated. “I nearly shot you too,” Electra admitted looking Mr Hartford in the eye for the first time.
“I’m so sorry,” Mr Hartford said apologetically.
“It’s fine,” Electra smiled. “I’m fine, however I can’t say the same about my jacket,” she raised her arm showing where the bullet had just passed by her, making a tear in her jacket. She glanced to where Thea and Mark who were staring at her arm for too long. “What?” she furrowed her eyebrows before taking a good look at it herself. “Oh,”

Angel With A Shotgun (Walking Dead Fanfic)
FanfictionEverything's food for something else. Humanity has been on top of the food chain for their entire existence. When a disease unlike any other seen before could potentially wipe out the whole human race, the world's top scientists are all sent too Atl...