Chapter 1: Welcome To The Apocalypse

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Chapter One

Welcome to the Apocalypse

▬ Third Person ▬

     “So what’s in Kings County?” James the taxi driver asked, glancing in the rear-view mirror to see his costumer of whom he had picked up from the airport. She was a natural raw beauty who could have just walked off the front cover Vogue magazine- slim, about five foot eight or nine in height and curvaceous. Possessing a complexion as smooth and flawless as honey and dark waves which trickled down her waist. She looked up focusing her mismatched eyes (one amber coloured and the other the colour of lilacs) on him. “Friends, family, boyfriend?” he asked.

     “My brother,” she said with a smile on her lips. “Haven’t been home in ten years,” she gazed down at the crumpled photo in her hands. The photo was of three kids sitting out in a backyard: two boys and a girl. The girl was sitting in the middle with her arms thrown around the two boys, smiling a genuine dimpled grin. “He visits me, in England,” she continued. “I would do the same but my jobs so damn demanding,” she explained. 

     “So why pick now to visit?” James asked curiously looking straight ahead.

     “I got a job offer up in Druid Hills, wouldn’t talk about it on the phone had to come here myself to investigate,” she stated.  

     “You some bad-ass MI5 agent or something?”

     “I wish,” she chuckled. “Naw, I’m just a zoologist I’m afraid,” she said, her southern drawl coming through ever so slightly. 

     “Beauty and brains,” James commented causing the blood to rise to her cheeks and her to look down at her black spike heels. “Your brother know about you visiting?” he changed the subject seeing her lack of comfort.

     “Naw,” she shook her head. “It’s meant to be a surprise,” she explained before laughing. “He’ll be so stoked to see me,” she smiled.

     “Cocky much?” he cocked an eyebrow at her. 

      “Just stating truths,” she retorted. “Man, I remember when I told him about the job in England. He threatened to file a conjunction against me so I couldn’t leave the country,” she nodded casually as James chuckled. “I know right, great guy to become a cop,” she smiled. 

     “I can’t say I can blame him,” James argued turning a corner. “If my little sister even thought of moving all the way to England I would have to personally gag her, hog-tie her and lock her in my basement,” James said causing her to giggle slightly. “Even though she annoys the hell out of me,” 

     “Why are brothers so over protective over there little sisters who they get annoyed by every second of every single day?” 

     “I don’t know,” James shrugged. “It’s like an instinct. Like you could be mean to your sister but as soon as another person is they’ve crossed the line,” 

     “Well, I luckily never had that with my brother,” she stated. “We’re not just brother and sister, we’re best friends,” she smiled.

     “That’s a lucky relationship to have,” James commented.

     “Yeah,” she muttered.

     “Would you consider maybe going out for coffee sometime?” James asked turning around to look at her. She let out a short breath of disbelief looking sideways then down. “Come on it’s just a cup coffee,” he said in a teasing voice.

     “No,” she shook her head rolling her eyes leaning against the window laughing.   

     “It’s only coffee, no promises or commitments,” James reasoned. 

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