Chapter 29: Stuff

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Hey y'all,
Turns out that I am even lazier than I thought I was and hence forth, managed to procrastinate from studying and instead wrote another chapter. Oh, well. I guess this is a good procrastination though, I felt bad leaving you guys in the deep end. Anyways, one more I am thankful for all the lovely support through comments, votes and follows. I'll cut it short, I'm about to ACTUALLY attempt to do some revision before I got to bed. 
Love, Tasha
Chapter Twenty Nine


▬ First Person- Electra’s P.O.V ▬

     “Let me tell you somethin’: Y’all are giving me pretty mixed up signals.” I told him honestly with a hand held out in order to stop him interrupting me. “Yesterday everyone was all ‘Oh no, Electra will die if she moves from that bed, the horror!’ and now you’re all ‘Electra, get out of bed! God, you’re lazy.’,” I mimicked them causing Jared and T-Dog to stifle a chuckle before maintaining a hard-faced expression they had had on their faces beforehand. “Honestly, make up for mind, for Christ’s sake!” I exclaimed. “Now where is that useless, good-for-nothing brother of mine when I actually need him?” I grumbled, raking a hand through my bed hair.

     “Actually,” T-Dog started after a slight cough. “It was your brot-” I gave him a stern look that made him pause in midsentence. “It was your useless, good-for-nothing brother, otherwise known as ‘Twinkle toes’,” he corrected himself, much to my satisfaction, and caused me to smirk. That’s better. “-who told us to get you up out of bed in the first place.” He revealed.

     “And….” I began, shooting upwards so that I was sitting upright on the double bed. “Why was my useless, good-for-nothing brother, otherwise known as ‘Twinkle Toes’, unable to get me up out of bed himself?” I interrogated them both, my eyes darting between the two of them accompanied with a raise of my dark, thin, elegant eyebrow before my gaze settled on T-Dog expectantly for an answer.

     “He thought there would be a lesser chance of you attacking an injured guy and the guy who slept on the couch to allow you to sleep in the first place.” T-Dog provided me with the answer that I had expected of him. “Are you denying that?” he enquired in response to the gasp I had let out along with my facial expression, now he was the one who had his eyebrow raised at me.

     “I sure am, I resent that!” I clarified intensely with a hair flick to add a sprinkle of even more intense. “And, you wanna know why?” I enquired. “Shane is not a morning person either and I would never attack anyone attempting to get me out of bed,” I vowed, not allowing them time to answer my previous question. “I would simply….ignore them.” I said before shrinking back down under the covers.

     “Electra…..” Jared said, pulling at the covers ever so slightly. “Last night you were all ‘Guys, I’m fine, let me leave the bed.’ and now you’re all like ‘Get out and leave me to stay in bed’.” He mocked my earlier words. “I’d say you were the one givin’ us mixed signals.”

     “But-” I was about to argue but I was muffled by the pillow I had ploughed down into-face first. Moaning, I maneuvered myself so that I was facing them but was still holding the covers tightly to form a cocoon around my body. “I am just building up a steady relationship with this bed,” I moaned in protest. “If I leave now, I risk losing it’s trust all together!” I argued dramatically before pulling the covers back over my head to hide from them.

     “Well……” Jared started and I felt him sit down next to me on the bed. “I’m afraid that’s is a risk you’re going to have to take,” Jared played along. “The bed is very trusting, I’m sure it’ll understand your short moment of absence.” He reassured me, placing a hand on my back as if to comfort me, and trust me, I needed all the comfort I could get at an awful moment like this. 

     “Urrrrrgghhhhh.” I groaned, twisting in the bed so I was facing them both again but I was looking at Jared mainly. “Can’t you guys just leave me along and tell Shane to go to hell?” I moaned, hiding most of my face so that only my eyes and upwards were on display to Jared and T-Dog. T-Dog of which was rolling his brown eyes at my behaviour with an expression that read ‘Getting real tired of your shit, Electra’

     “Oh, come on.” Jared urged me, shaking me by my legs ever so slightly causing me to groan even harder and to glance back to him. “Pretty please?” he questioned me with a smouldering grin. “For me?” he asked, now sending me a pair of puppy eyes.

     “Do you want me to get you guys a room…or…..?”

     “Urgh, shut up, T.” I told him, rolling my eyes and sending him a glare before gazing back to Jared. Well, I’d have to get up sooner or later. “Urgh, fine.” I gave in causing Jared to cheer ever so slightly causing me to roll my eyes once more. “Just give me a few minutes to change and I’ll be right down.” I promised.

     “Sure thing, doll.” Jared winked at me before pecking me right on the lips and exiting with T-Dog who looked just as surprised and uncomfortable as I did. I just sat there on the double bed with the door closed, frozen in pure shock and pure disbelief. 

      He just……

     Did he just……?

Excuse me…

     No. No. No. No. No. No. Heeeeeeeeeellllllllll naw.

      Since when did it seem appropriate to violate my mouth?

     When I finally came to my senses, I finally fell out of bed (Yes, fell out of bed) before picking myself back up again. Sighing, I headed over towards the bathroom, stealing my backpack off of a stray chair before locking the door after me. I decided to take full advantage of the bathroom and did my usual morning routine that I had performed in the real world besides showering, deciding that it would surely take too long. Without much thought, I threw on a pair of shorts that were border line modest and a thin jersey top before exiting the bathroom.

     On my way out of Jared’s bedroom, I picked up Shane’s police cap and plopped it down on my head remembering his words yesterday. I slung the backpack and checked around for any other of my belonging’s in the room. Not seeing any, I stole the bottle of water on the bedside table and stuffed it into a reachable pocket in the backpack so it could be viewed or taken out very easily.

     Quickly, I zoomed down the steep staircase effortlessly. As I travelled down the hallway, I peeked into the kitchen where I could see Hershel, Beth and Patricia sat around a small circular table. Catching them glancing at me too, I nodded at them before continuing  my journey. One I had made my way through the main door; I couldn’t help but cherish the odour of fresh grass for a second with closed eyes.


     The misplaced yell snatched me from within my own thoughts and brought me back to reality abruptly. As quick as a cheater, my eyes flashed wide open as I turned in the direction of the yell. My eyes landed on three figures that very much resembled Lori, Stacie and Carl. Judging by the Stacie-figure’s stance and the sound of the yell, I was definitely right about it.

     Unable to hide my grin from seeing (a) Stacie, as always and (b) Carl up, out and about, I hurried in the direction of the chicken coop where they resided (along with Lori to my misfortune and dislike) but I couldn’t care less as I felt Stacie’s small arms wrap around my waist.

     “Come here, honey.” I laughed, sinking down to my knees in order to wrap my arms around her and manage a proper hug for once where we were on the same level. “Oh, this feels good.” I commented, squeezing her fiercely not wanting to let go of her.

     “I missed you.”

     “Oh, I missed you too, kiddo.” I told her and I was truthful. Sure, we had seen each other but I missed sharing a tent with Stacie. Slowly, I released her. “I must have given you a scare yesterday, huh?” I questioned her, fixing her hair before she nodded. “I’m sorry.” I apologized. “But don’t you worry because I am all better now.” I reassured her before I slowly got back onto my feet. Looking past Stacie, I viewed Carl who was aimlessly throwing chicken feed all over the show before scooping up another handful. “Speaking of, it’s good to see you up on your feet again, soldier.” I told Carl with a smile before I stood up stiffly and saluted him. Placing the bucket back down on the ground, he copied my action causing me to giggle lightly. “How you doin’?”

     “I’m good.” Carl nodded at me, picking the bucket back up again. “Better than good, actually…..” he paused for thought. “I’m awesome.” He corrected himself with a cheeky grin. Failing to take notice of it before, I glanced at his father’s Sherriff’s hat that he was still wearing.

     “When are you never awesome?” I asked him with  a raised eyebrow causing him to smirk ever so slightly before he shrugged a little. Afterwards, under his mother’s watchful gaze, he scooped up another handful of chicken feed and just dropped it at his feet lazily, clearly not enjoying his chores.

     “Carl!” Lori scorned him from her spot. “Stop bein’ lazy,” she ordered but he didn’t look too bothered about it. “And: Do. Your. Chores.” She demanded but Carl was clearly too caught up in his own thoughts to listen to his mother. Quickly, Lori dug her hand into the chicken feed and threw it at Carl who jumped a little. “Stop zoning out and do your chores!” she told him with a little laughter in her voice.

     “You feel like helping me out here?” Carl enquired, looking to me as his hand disappeared into the bucket of chicken feed once more. It was all in his eyes. His father’s eyes. They were pleading me whilst his face was stony could with a little scorn.

     “But you seem to be doing such a great job, I wouldn’t want to spoil it now.” I teased him causing him to throw a handful of chicken feed at me causing Lori to make another exclamation of ‘Carl!’ in a surprised voice as she pushed him playfully but still stern. “Thanks bud.” I told him with my hands on my hips. “But I really can’t help y’all seeing as Shane needs me.” I told him boastfully causing him to stick his tongue out at me. “Y’all have fun now!” I told them, sticking my tongue back out at Carl before I turned my back on them and travelled in the direction of camp.

     “Mornin’ y’all!” I chimed loudly as I entered the confined space of tents and a campfire that made up out jolly, makeshift camp. All of those who heard me returned with a ‘Good morning’ of their own as they busily breezed past me, clearly busy. A few stopped by me for a moment and asked me whether I was okay which I, of course, responded with a ‘Yeah, it was nothing’ or a ‘It was just a funny turn, I’m fine now’.

     “Are you sure you’re okay?” Dale questioned me once more to be thorough. I didn’t get why people did that….I mean, what are they expecting? For the person who they asked for the second time to just burst out into tears and admit that they weren’t? Sighing, I nodded at him once more. “And you’re gonna be sleeping out here tonight?” he enquired with inquisitive eyes.

     “Yes, Dale.” I nodded. “I am.” I informed him whilst crouching down in front of the entrance to mine and Stacie’s ruby red tent that had been set up in between Shane’s tent and Daryl’s tent. “I’m fine now.” I assured him as I took it upon myself to unzip the tent. “And I don’t wanna invade the Green’s privacy even further than I already have.” I elaborated whilst shrugging off my backpack.

     Unbeknownst to myself how, but my eyes trailed over to my right where I saw Daryl fiddling around with one of his arrow out of boredom through the window of his tent. Not allowing myself to connect eyes with him for longer than a second, I tore my eyes away and instead concentrated on removing my water bottle from my backpack before I threw my backpack into the tent and afterwards zipped it back up again. At the same time as I shot up to my feet, I unscrewed the cap of my water bottle.

     “You and Stacie could stay the night in the R.V if you want-”
“And invade your privacy?” I cocked an eyebrow at him before taking a swig from the water bottle. “I’m good, Dale.” I told him, denying his offer of staying the night in the R.V no matter how tempting it sounded to me. “Me and Stacie will be just fine in our tent.” I assured him before catching T-Dog glancing over at me. “Now, if you’ll excuse me: I need to have a word with T.” I said before dismissing myself and going over to T-Dog. “Hi again, about before I-” I began to explain before Glenn approached us with an offering of a bucket of peaches. Sighing, I took a peach out of the basket and smiled at Glenn before I took a bite out of it.   

     “’Sup?” T-Dog greeted him, taking a peach out of the bucket also.

     “Nothing!” Glenn snapped at him, not with malice. Glenn’s loud outbreak had caused Dale to slowly gravitate towards us. “N-n-n-nothing’s up.” He stammered, barely managing to get the words out of his mouth. “Why?” he questioned defensively. Nervously, his eyes darted between T-Dog, Dale and I. When he had done it for the hundredth time, he took of quickly.

     “What the hell up with him?” T-Dog questioned, looking to me and Dale for answers. Pffft, as if we know what goes on in Glenn’s head? It was safe to say, both my own and Dale’s eyes were both fixed on Glenn in pure confusion. What was up with him?

“I have no clue.” I admitted, staring on as I took another bite of my peach. ‘Urgh, enough. You can’t think about Glenn now, you need to try to explain or talk to T-Dog!’ I thought to myself before I sharply turned back to T-Dog. “Now, T-Dog, can I have a-”    

     I could have slapped my useless, good-for-nothing brother, otherwise known as ‘Twinkle toes’ who seemed to have also gained the annoying trait of having bad timing since I had last seen him.Internally groaning, I looked on to see Shane, Rick, Jimmy and Jared gathered around the vehicle that Daryl and I had nicknamed the ‘Mapmobile’, no explanation needed. Yes, we were so witty. 

     “You better go see what they want.” Dale interjected.

     “Yeah… I guess so.” I sighed whilst nodding my head. “We’ll talk later.” I told T-Dog with a knowing glance before I made my way over to Rick, Shane, Jared and Jimmy who sure enough had laid out county survey map on the bonnet of the Mapmobile as always. “Hey y’all.” I greeted them all, I included Jared in that greeting as well but I fixed my gaze onto Shane and Rick.

     “You good??” Shane enquired with a hand resting on his hip. I nodded before he looped his finger through loop in his belt buckle. “Good to see you’re wearing the cap and drinking more, I was worried I’d have to lecture you again.” He told me.

     “I’m not a baby. Shane.” I jogged his memory with a roll of my eyes. Apparently, my useless, good-for-nothing brother, otherwise known as ‘Twinkle toes’ who seemed to have also gained the annoying trait of having bad timing and had short-term memory loss.

     “You’re my baby sister, so……..” Shane reminded me before trailing off, assuming that I, like him had short-term memory loss. I did not. “So yeah, you are a baby.” He stated causing me to fold my arms around my chest. “To me, anyway.” He backpedalled.   

     “What the hell happened to you?” Rick enquired with a slant of his head. Squinting at him, I opened my mouth to question him but he came around to my side of the car and closed the space in between us. Now my eyes must have been terribly wide.

     “Erm…..Rick?” I questioned him uneasily, trying to act as if I were oddly uncomfortable by our closeness but in reality I was thrilled. ‘I just wish that I had the same effect on him as he did on me.’ I thought to myself before his fingers went to my hair. ‘Oh good Lord, what I would give to just- Electra. Stop it. Do something, anything!’ I moistened my lips. ‘Not that. Oh Lord.’ Luckily, Rick was oblivious as usual and simply pulled a grain of chicken feed out of my hair. “Oh….um…..” I stuttered. "I took a quick detour to the chicken coop and they jumped me.” I stated causing Rick to chuckle a little and I giggled nervously.

     “Carl, Stacie or Lori?”


     “I expected so.”

     “Can’t think why.”

     “Ehem.” Shane coughed loudly, causing out heads to snap in his direction and judging by his facial expression he was neither pleased nor impressed by our behaviour. “Anyway, shouldn’t we get back to business?” he suggested to Rick causing him to nod and gather around the Mapmobile. Taking another bite out of my peach, I squeezed in the space in between Rick and Shane. “Where’d you get that peach?” he questioned me, his eyes glued to the peach which I took another bite out of.

     “Glenn.” I explained before taking another bite out of the peach. “Now, I thought we were getting back to business.” I challenged him, raising an eyebrow at him. His eyes were still glancing longingly at the peach, I’m pretty sure he was extremely hungry.

     “I think I’m gonna have to postpone it a little, or at least get one of those peaches.” Shane told me dismissively, looking over my shoulder. He whistled loudly and clearly as I turned my head to see Glenn and Lori looking over at us in response to Shane’s whistle. “Hey! Peach man!” he called him. ‘Or Glenn Rhee as everyone else calls him’ I thought to myself whilst I turned back to the Mapmobile.

     “If you’re done, Shane?” Rick asked Shane who shrugged. “Then, let’s get started.” He proposed before his eyes trailed downwards to the county survey map. “The creek flows south, past that farmhouse that Ellie and Daryl found.” He slid his finger along the creek. “I-”

     “Maybe-” I started off at the same time as Rick. Sheepishly, I bit my lip feeling embarrassed as everyone stared at me. Rick nodded for me to go on. “Maybe, uh, maybe Sophia dropped the doll down there.” I pointed it out on the map. “The current could have brought it downstream.” I suggested, looking up at Rick and Shane after I had put forward my hypothesis.  

     “So….uh……” Shane interjected before trailing off, probably pausing for more in depth thoughts. “So what, you think she took this road here and then she went north?” Shane second guessed me, pointing it out on the map before glancing back up at me.

     “I don’t know, urm….” I trailed off with a shrug. Rick’s gaze told me to be sure of myself so I took the advice. “Maybe, I mea-” Maybe wasn’t good enough for anyone. “Yes, it’s the most logical option I can come up with.” I said surely before looking to Jimmy. “What’s up that way?” I quizzed him.

     “A housing development.” Jimmy nodded, clearly rethinking his answer. “Right, Jared?” Everyone’s eyes landed on Jared whose nod confirmed this. “It went in……” he explained further information to us. “….maybe….10 years ago.” He estimated his data.

     “Take a run up there after gun practice.” Rick told Shane before turning his head towards him. ‘Oh, so today they were doing the gun practice.’ “I’ll hold down the fort here, but take backup.” He instructed. “After what went down with Ellie and Daryl yesterday, I don’t want anybody ever being out there alone even for a second. We stay in pairs.” He commanded. I guess I’ll have to find myself another partner.

     “I’ll take suggestions on a partner,” Shane told Rick as Glenn approached us with the basket of peaches. “I’m not taking Ellie with me, not after yesterday.” He said to Rick as if I weren’t present. “Hershel said it could last up to 48 hours, you ought to stay here just in case, I don’t want you having another turn.” He said to me. “Please, don’t fight me on this.” Shane pleaded, clearly catching on to my thought track.


     “See how they do on the range, then take your pick.” Rick advised my brother before everyone took a peach from Glenn’s basket. “Can Ellie have a second?” he enquired, obviously guessing that I hadn’t been replenished by just the one peach. Glenn didn’t speak, he barely nodded whilst Rick took another peach and threw it to me who was grinning at him gratefully.

     Rather than heading off or speaking to us when everyone had taken their pick from the basket of peaches, Glenn simply resulted in staring at us. When I say us, I mainly mean Rick seeing as his eyes were pretty much glued to him. Once more, everyone was squinting at him. Awkwardly, his eyes darted between Rick and Lori. Lori noticed this and simply smiled at us but I could see it was forced.

     “My binoculars.” Shane stated, breaking the long, drawn out silence. Before I could give him a sidelong look, I noticed his pair of binoculars that were in Glenn’s possession. The long makeshift strand had been hung around his neck, situated at the left side of back.

     “Yeah, yeah.” Glenn’s first words popped out of his mouth before he placed the basket down onto the dirt in order to free his hands. With his free hands he untangled the binoculars from around him and passed them to Shane before he picked the basket back up. “Okay, bye.” He said.

     He shuffled away from us before breaking out into a speed walk, clearly desperate to get back to the campfire or rather desperate to get away from us. ‘What on earth was up with that boy?’ Instead of asking the question, I exchanged looks with Shane and Rick before they broke out in laughter.

     “Anyway, seeing as I’m gonna be hanging around here at the farm all day, I might as well make myself useful.” I stated causing both Rick and Shane to nod at me having acknowledged my words. “I figured I’d go see if I can be any help to Hershel.” I told them.

     “Miss Walsh?” I was addressed causing me to turn my head in the direction that I had been addressed from. I saw that it was Beth who had said it, who of which was approaching us alongside Patricia. “My dad is dealing with the horses back in the stables if you wanted to talk to him now.” She informed me, jerking her thumb behind her.

     “Thanks, Beth.” I nodded at her and then at Patricia. “Mornin’ by the way.” I smiled at them both, having realised my rudeness. “I’ll see you two when you get back from gun training.” I said to Rick and Shane before pecking them both on the cheek. 

     “Don’t exert yourself now, alright?” Shane ordered overprotectively, tenderly rubbing his thumb against a part of my forehead. I laughed a little, tutting before I rolled my eyes my useless, good-for-nothing brother, otherwise known as ‘Twinkle toes’ who seemed to have also gained the annoying trait of having bad timing, had short-term memory loss and gave off the impression that he was going to be babying me for the rest of my life. “I’m serious, Ellie.” He added on, his eyes boring into my own.

     “I know you are.” I retorted with a serious expression of my own. “I’ll be fine.” I assured him with a little grin. “Now, you quit worrying about me, Twinkle Toes.” I demanded him before I turned back in the direction of our camp, leaning against the R.V whittling a stick. “Hey, soldier.” I greeted Carl as I advanced towards him. “See you finished with the chickens.” I acknowledged.

     “Yeah, never really liked chickens.” Carl commented, putting away his knife and dropping the stick to the ground. “Well, the alive ones anyway.” He said sulkily causing me to giggle a little. “Hey, Electra.” He looked up at me from the ground. “Shane’s doing gun training, right?” he asked me.

     “Yeah, why?”

     “No reason.” Carl denied, looking back to the ground. Hmmmm, was everybody acting weirdly today or was it just around me? Then I caught a sight of an object that had been tucked into Carl’s belt at his side. The object’s identity was hidden by his baggy blue shirt.

     “What’ve you got there?” I questioned him, tilting my head to get a better look of the object despite the fact that I was pretty sure that I knew what it was. ‘Might as well give him a chance to come clean or be honest with me before I start accusing him

     “Dude, nice lid, man.” Shane complemented Carl as he walked over to join in our little conversation, tapping Carl’s Sherriff’s hat so it fell over his eyes. With Carl’s free hand (the other hand had gone to rest over the object, protectively) he fixed the hat so it sat on his head properly. “What’s going on?” he questioned, looking over to me.

     “Carl.” I baited him, holding my hand out to him whilst his eyes rose to meet my own. “Please, hand it over.” I ordered him but the message didn’t seem to get through to him. “I said: Hand it over.” I repeated myself strictly. “Now!” I raised my voice at him impatiently. Was he seriously trying to lie to me, like he would get away with it?

     “What the hell is going on here?” Lori demanded, approaching Shane, myself and Carl. No doubt she was staring at me with accusing eyes, outraged by the way I was speaking to her son. Surely, I had drawn everyone’s attention to us now but I was too busy staring Carl down to care. Reluctantly, Carl retrieved the gun and placed it into my hand.

     “Thank you.” I said sternly, gripping the gun in my hand before turning in the direction of Lori who was wearing an expression of disbelief. “Here you go, mam.” I forced the gun into her own hands, looking her dead in the eyes. Without so much as another word, I marched towards the stables. 


     “Where’s Hershel?” Rick enquired as he entered the stable cautiously as if to not mess anything up, his eyes glancing around in search of Hershel but he was nowhere to be found. It wasn’t long before he gave up and his eyes settled down on me.

     “I, uh-” I started off, fumbling to tie my short hair into a pony tail which was proving to be quite the challenge. “I think he’s back in the house, actually.” I informed him as my hair fell out, once more. “What’d you need him for?” I asked him, giving up on tying my hair back.

     “Beth and Patricia said that they’d want to join us for gun training today.” Rick informed me, inching further into the stables. “They say Hershel consented to it seeing as Otis was the only one who had any gun training but after what happened with Jimmy and Jared, I wanted to ask him myself.” He explained before holding his hand out to take the hair tie from me. “May I?” he asked and I passed the hair tie to him before turning my back on him. “I actually wanted to ask you something.” He told me as he made an effort of gathering my hair in his hands.

     “Oh really?”

     “Yeah.” Rick nodded, still fumbling with my hair. “Thanks for noticing the gun that Carl had taken.” He thanked me genuinely, I resisted the urge to nod as he continued to deal with my hair. “He just wanted to take part in the gun training too, which Lori and myself agreed that he could.” He elaborated. “I wanted to ask you where you’d consent to Stacie taking part too?” he enquired, turning me around and much to my surprise my hair stayed tied up.

     “You want to teach Stace how to handle a gun?” I questioned him, wondering whether I had heard him right. “I mean, I’m not trying to be unreasonable or anything but….she’s eight years old, Rick. Do you really think it’s a good idea to get her handling a gun at that age?” I retorted, squinting at him.

     “Shane and yourself-”

     “But, that was different.” I cut Rick of in midsentence already knowing how it was going to end. Shane and myself had learned to handle guns when we were a little younger than Stacie. “Stacie’s a city kid, she didn’t grow up in the same way Shane and myself did.”

     “And she won’t.” Rick retorted. “She’ll grow up in a world where the dead walk among us which is all the more reason why she should learn to shoot, she needs to be able to protect herself.” He pointed out and boy, did he raise a very good point. “I know you’re just concerned about her.” He told me. “Your brother is the best instructor I know. I’ve seen him teach kids younger than Stacie.” He assured me.    
     “I-” I started off uneasily, a bad feeling had taken place in my stomach. “I don’t agree with it but…..I’m not going to say no.” I told him. “If she wants to go along to gun training with y’all let her, but it’s her choice.” I made clear to Rick with a stern look in my eyes.

     “Thank you.” Rick squeezed my arm briefly before pivoting away from me and towards the entrance of the stable. “Why are you tying your hair up anyway?” he quizzed me curiously as he pivoted back to face me with his hands resting on his hips.

     “Nervous Nelly returned home.” I informed him, gesturing to Nellie who was cooped up in her stable at the moment. “Filthy, like, filthy. Daryl standards.” I told him causing him to laugh at my wording. “Hershel said if I was to be any help I could give her a wash so……” I gestured to myself.

     “Yeah.” Rick laughed at me, heading towards the entrance of the stables once more. “You have fun doing that horse….stuff” I laughed at him with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah. Have fun doing horse things.” Rick told me dismissively, swatting away his bad wording and lack of horse knowledge.  

     “Oh yeah, yeah, I’ll have fun doing horse things and doing that horse stuff, Rick.” I mocked him. “You sure have a way with words, Mr Grimes.” I called him out. “Now, you have fun doing that gun…..stuff and going gun things.” I teased him loudly.

     “Oh, I will, Ellie!”
      “I bet you will!” I called after him, still able to hear his laughter despite the fact he had left the stables all together. Stuff and things, yes, such a way with words, Mr Grimes. Sighing, I was left all alone. Neigh. My head slowly turned in the direction of Nelly. “God, you are impatient, aren’t you?”   
     By the time I had finished with Nervous Nelly she was practically glimmering. The Friesian was now a much brighter brown that resembled coffee rather than mud and possessed a sheen much like satin on her coat. I had washed him well, and been thoroughly wetted and kicked but I couldn’t care less. It was worth it. I stood up straight and proud, stroking her coat that was as soft as silk as I heard footsteps behind me. Turning my head, I saw Hershel.

     “Oh, hey.”

     “Nice job.” Hershel commented with a nod causing me to smile a little whilst stroking Nellie. “Like, really nice job. I’m pleasantly surprised. You seem to be good with horses.” He pointed out. “She give you any trouble whilst washing her?” he asked.

     “No more than the usual horse would.” I assured him, stroking Nelly’s ear. “You better keep her away from Daryl.” I joked, thank God Hershel got it was a joke. “I was thinking that I could take her into the field for her to eat, you know?” I proposed causing Hershel to nod.

     I pulled at Nervous Nelly’s halter and led her outside of the barn where I passed Dale who nodded at me but I could tell he was on a mission of some sort as he entered the barn. Sighing, I staked her out in the fields in which she could graze. I couldn’t help but sigh: What had gotten into everyone today?  

     “Hey, Electra!” Exhaling, I pivoted in the direction of the call and sure enough laid eyes on Lori who was rushing over to me. “Look….about earlier…..” she trailed off, panting from her jog. Well, I guess when you’re cooped up in the house all day you didn’t get much exercise. “Thank you.” She thanked me causing me to squint at her out of disbelief. “I, uh, Rick and I should have noticed but we didn’t. Thank you for noticing.”

     “You’re welcome.”
     “But, uh, that’s not what I came to talk to you about.” Lori informed me, sticking her hands into the pockets of her trousers. “I came to talk to you about……” she hesitated, looking down at her shoes. “I came to talk to you about Stacie.” She said confidently, looking back up into my eyes.

     “Look.” I stopped her before she could tell me anything. “If you’re here to lecture me on how I’m screwing up, don’t. I already know that well enough myself.” I told her honestly. I had never wanted children, so I had naturally never prepared for looking after one. Sure, I loved Stacie and didn’t regret taking care of her but I didn’t have a clue what on earth I was doing. Plus, of all people to lecture me about parenting, Lori was the worst.

“I wasn’t, actually……” Lori told me causing me to be pleasantly surprised. “You could be doing better but: You’re young.”

     “I’m only a few years younger than you.”

     “Oh…….” Lori trailed off awkwardly causing me to bite my lip and sigh a little. “Well, you seem to be getting the hand of it.” She told me, still having pride. “But I wanted to ask you: Are you aware that when you were unconscious yesterday Stacie called you mommy?”

     “What?!” I nearly squeaked, probably jumping out of my own skin. “She…..She called………” I stumbled over my words, my mind racing at the simple thought. “Are- Are you serious? She, She called me mommy?” I interrogated her in disbelief of her words.

     “Urgh……th-thanks for telling me.”

     My words to Lori had been short and abrupt, not because of my obvious disliking for her but my urgent need to get to the R.V.  I had broken out into a hard core run, literally bolting away from Lori as if she were a leper. I couldn’t care less, all I could care about was getting to that R.V.

     Why was I taking off to the R.V? Because Dale would be there. Dale knew what to do. Dale always knew what to do. He was just one of those people who gave amazing advice to everyone, I didn’t know whether you gathered knowledge like that through growing old or whether it was something that came naturally to some people. If it did, it was certainly a trait I wish I could have. His advice came in handy, he had become like a father to most of us. Certainly to myself, Glenn and Andrea.    

     “Dale!” I speedily climbed up the stairs to the RV, flung the door open and practically threw myself into the RV. “Dale, I really need your hel-” Unbeknownst to me, I had stumbled in at what looked like a serious conversation in between Glenn and Dale. “Oh my God.” I exclaimed, both sets of eyes glued to me. “I’m, I’m, I’m so, so sorry, I-I-i-I shouldn’t have busted in. I’ll just-”      

     “No, no.” Dale dismissed my thoughts/hesitation, gesturing for me to sit down at the table along with him and Glenn instead. “It’s fine, Electra. Come in.” he beckoned her and with a slight hesitation she sat down beside Glenn so that she was opposite Dale.

     “I’m sorry for intruding but-”

     “Don’t be stupid. Just go on.”

     “Apparently, Stacie referred to me as her mother.” I informed them, the words practically flying out of my mouth. “And I’m not gonna lie to you two, I’m freaking out a bit.”  I choked out before regaining my breath and hopefully my composure.

     “What’s so wrong about that?”

     “I never wanted kids in the first place, Dale. I never wanted to be anyone’s mom. I’m barely keeping myself together, I-” I stopped myself, only pointing out my personal reasons why I was freaking out. “And her calling me mom doesn’t just affect me, it shows that she lacks hope. She could still have parents out there, Dale. She rarely mentions them, she’s disconnected. She-”

     “She’s not disconnected, she hasn’t lost hope….she has grasped the reality of the situation.” Dale corrected me causing me to squint at him. “Sure, I’m all for hoping but her parents were in France, in reality she will never see them ever again. You should be happy that she has accepted that.” He told me and I guess he was right. “And whether or not she calls you mommy doesn’t change a thing about the dynamic between you two.” He assured me, placing his hand on my arm for extra effect.

     “I-” I started before cutting myself off once more. “I guess you have a point.” I admitted with a sigh. “Thanks, Dale.” I told him, my eyes flickering down to the table.

     “Why do I feel like there’s more?”


     “Come on.”

     “Jared sort of kissed me.”

     “WHAT?!” Both Glenn and Dale questioned in curious, shock and surprise written all over their faces. Sheepishly and disgusted, my eyes flickered back down to the table whilst I fumbled around with my necklace. “Do you want me to beat him up for you?” Glenn enquired causing my eye line to rise to his eyes which were dead straight. “Unless of course it was reciprocated…”

     “What?” I questioned him, my eyes bugging out. “No, of course it wasn’t reciprocated, Glenn!” I told him. “And no, don’t ‘beat’ him up. I can fight my own battles, thanks.” I informed him. “But the thing is, now I have to tell Jared how it is and T-Dog saw it happen, so God only knows what he’s thinking and-”

     “I’ll tell them.” Dale offered.

     “I couldn’t possibly-”

     “Just let me deal with this, Electra. Trust me.”

     “Thanks, Dale.”

     “My pleasure.”     


▬ Third Person- No one’s P.O.V ▬ 

     “Hey.” Rick could hear Electra greet everyone as she pushed through the vehicles to enter their camp, her voice was as sweet and as enthusiastic as ever. “How’d it go?” she questioned him as she drew nearer to the log he was sitting on. Looking up briefly, he nodded absentmindedly before focusing his attention back on the crumpled photograph. Somehow, Electra had still managed to keep it after all that time and it amazed him. The photo had barely aged at all but the photo had been taken years ago. Sighing, she plopped down onto the log and peaked over at it. “Now, where’d you get this from?” she questioned him, flicking the photo and flicking him out of his own thoughts.    

     “It-” Rick started as he raised his eye line from the young girl in the photo to the fully grown woman seated beside him at that moment. “I found it in your bag.” He admitted causing her mismatched eyes to twinkle with shock. “I, uh, I wasn’t snooping, it just……” he made an effort to excuse himself.

     “It’s fine, Rick.” Electra cut him off with a small smile plastered across her face. “Snooping or not snooping, I really don’t care.” She shrugged it off, carefully taking the photo from him. “Those were the days, eh?” she commented, glancing over the photo once more.

     “Yeah…..” Rick chuckled a little causing her to angle her head at him out of curiosity. “I just….” He trailed off before laughing once more. “Who thought you, Shane and I would be fighting together at the end of the world, hey?” he questioned.

     “I did.” Electra involuntarily muttered causing Rick to cock his head at her, clearly both amused and confused with her words. “Well, not the walkers but……I sort of always knew that Shane, you and I would be together.” She confessed, a little embarrassed.

     “Took a little longer than expected, but we got there in the end.” Rick smiled at her slightly. “And that was my own fault, I should have kept in contact with you but….” He trailed off but she picked up interest. Electra had never desired nor expected to hear an explanation but she was curious. “I was scared and you were pissed, we didn’t exactly part on good terms and then Lori came into the picture.”

     That was his explanation and he would never know how much that pained her. She couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that his excuse was pretty much Lori. He chose her over his best friend. Rick wasn’t aware of this, but he had. Whether she was hurt because of her romantic feelings towards him or her relationship with him was blurred, they had pretty much become the same thing.

     “Where’s uh-” Electra began, snapping herself out of her own terrifying thoughts before she tucked the photo back into the pocket of her shorts. “Where’s Stacie at?” she interrogated him, straightening up and realising that she was nowhere to be seen.    

     “She should be in your tent.” Rick informed her, watching her as she shot straight up to her feet once more. “I’ll catch you later, Ellie.” He promised her with a short nod which she returned before she went off in the direction of her own blood red tent. As she unzipped the tent entrance she once more caught eye contact with Daryl. Deciding to be pleasant, she smiled at him but he simply store through it. Sighing, she turned and unzipped the tent.

     “Stacie….?” Electra called out, creeping through the entrance to the tent to see Stacie seated in the corner, her cheeks stained with tears. “Oh, Stacie.” She frowned, wrapping her arms around Stacie whilst she sniffed a little, rocking her back and forth in her arms. “Shhh…..shhhhhh……” she soothed her, stroking her darkish hair lightly in an attempt to comfort the crying girl. “What’s wrong?” Electra questioned her softly, wiping a tear off of her cheek. 

     “I don’t want to handle a gun.” Stacie confessed. “I never wanted to, but I felt like I needed to, Electra.” She continued to admit, making tears stream down her face at a faster rate. “I’m so, so, so, so sorry.” She apologized before breaking out into a sob.     

     “Hey, hey. Stop it, Stace.” Electra told her tenderly. “You don’t have to apologize at all, it’s fine, honestly. No one expects you to want to handle a gun, no one.” She continued to stroke her hair, allowing her to cry it out a little more before she sniffed once more. “How do you feel?”

     “My heads ringing and my hands are aching.”

     “We can go see if Hershel has anything that could help.” I proposed, holding out my hand. I doubt he did, but why not try? If I was lucky maybe Stacie could get a treat of some sort….Christ knows it’s a long time since she had got one. It was a long time since anyone had gotten one. “Come on.” She pulled up Stacie and pushed through the entrance of the tent back out.


     Into the dim evening they tread. That was when Electra viewed Rick and Lori returning back to the farm through the lodge gates. There was something hidden in Rick’s facial expression, the way he moved that beckoned for her to talk to him about what had just happened. Unbeknownst to her, the image had caused Electra to draw to a random stop which  caused Stacie to stop in her tracks.

     “I…….” Electra trailed off, nearly speechless as her eyes followed her best friend who clearly needed a best friend at the moment. “I really….” My eyes finally trailed back to Stacie who was looking up at me expectantly. “Can you just give me a minute?” she enquired. “I’ll be right back.” Electra vowed before quickly sprinting over to Rick. “Hey there, how’s it going?” she questioned him.

     “Lori’s pregnant; she tried to abort the baby without even telling me.”

     There were tears hidden in Rick’s beautiful eyes whilst Electra inhaled deeply. She was in disbelief, wondering whether Rick was joking or not….but he wasn’t. No one would joke about a thing like this. Without words, she placed both hands on his cheeks nearly crying with him before she brought him into a hug.

     “It’s okay.”

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