Running To You - RJ

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i found this oneshot on ao3 and those who know me know that this is a topic that is really close to my heart so hope you enjoy!

all credits go to @Random_Nerd3 on ao3, you should check out their stories, they are amazing!!


During a city wide storm Ricky shows up on EJ's doorstep and EJ lets him in. Through a night of discovery and epiphanies EJ learns there's a lot more to Ricky than what he lets most people see, and he realizes he loves every version of the boy there is.


Regressor!Ricky and Caregiver!EJ

EJ wasn't too fond of storms. It's not that he was afraid of them, he liked them enough to live through them but when the third booming clap of thunder shook the walls of his bedroom an uneasy feeling curdled in his gut. He was trying to finish up the last of his applications before their due dates passed in two weeks. Another loud clap of thunder boomed and EJ's fingers snapped his pencil in half and he threw it across the room in a burst of anger. "Damn," EJ sighed tiredly and ran a hand through his hair. He struggled to find a new pencil then gave up - there was no way he'd be able to concentrate with the rain pounding on his window.

When he was a child, innocent and free of responsibility his mom used to simmer hot chocolate over the stove. EJ loved the smell, the warmth from the scent would comfort him during the storm... until he had to grow up. EJ breathed slowly as he listened to the storm outside, letting his eyes fall closed. He wished he was still a kid... maybe just for one night he could make himself hot chocolate. No one else had to know the golden boy of East High sought comfort during the storm through the form of hot chocolate.

Pushing himself away from his desk with the college applications strewn over it EJ stood up and stretched. He was due for a break anyway, it's not like he's not going to get into Duke to begin with. Filling out the seventeen apps was just a Senior year formality. "Alright Caswell," EJ yawned loudly as he stretched his arms over his head. "Time to make yourself some hot chocolate." He grabbed his letterman off the back of his chair. Maybe it was a little cliche, but the jacket fit him like a glove - it was also the first thing he bought for himself with his own money. The jacket was more than just being a jacket, it was a source of comfort in itself.

EJ wandered through his cold drafty house, shuffling along in his pajamas. When he made it into the kitchen he quietly dug around in the cabinets for a while, pulling out a few cans of soup along with the chocolate and the whipped cream. Ashlyn would probably kill him if he didn't at least have some kind of dinner tonight, storm or no storm. With the weather like this EJ wasn't going to force some poor delivery boy to drop off a pizza - actually, seeing Big Red show up at his front door would've probably been funny. EJ pulled the fridge open and reached into it for the milk, ignoring how empty it actually was. He had to go grocery shopping soon, he couldn't just live off frozen dinners his whole life... no matter how much he wanted to. He set the milk on the counter with the rest of the hot chocolate ingredients, separating it from the soup.

EJ began to prepare his measly dinner for one - his parents would probably have a heart attack if they actually cared enough to check the grocery credit bill. The first thing EJ did was make chocolate shavings, for decor and taste for the hot chocolate. When that was done he moved onto the soup, letting it simmer and heat up on the stove. The familiarity of the movements helped calm his nerves as the thunder shook the house around him. As he waited for the soup to finish heating EJ pulled out his phone to text Ashlyn. Are you and G safe? Keeping dry? He typed out before sending it off, silently willing for it to send through without getting stopped by bad signals.

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