Planes - Rini

813 15 76

requested by my bestie CeritaKu love you z!!

set after 2x09 when ricky is in on his way home after staying with his mum in chicago and things are still weird between him and nini.

tw: death

"Flight 3783 to to Salt Lake City has now started boarding," the flight attendant speaks into the microphone, alerting Ricky awake from his thoughts.

He was thinking about Nini and how they ended things. He wished it were different, that he never deleted that comment on her Instagram, that he acted differently. He shakes his head ridding himself of thoughts. It's over now and there's nothing he can do about it. They still love each other so maybe they'll find each other again some time in the future and reconnect, but right now he just has to give her some pace and he respects that.

The curly-haired boy, dressed in his signature orange hoodie, grey sweatpants and his favourite pair of vans stands up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder to join the ever growing queue. As he walks over he hears a little boy crying to his mom about how he hates flying and looks over at the little boy with tears in his eyes. He remembers being that little boy, he still is at heart. Ricky has always been a mama's boy and he's not afraid to admit it, he's proud of it and he's really happy that he got to reconnect with her on this trip.

As the queue moves along, flight attendants scanning boarding passes and him getting closer to them, the teenager starts to sweat a little bit. Something that most people don't know about Ricky Bowen is that he HATES planes, never liked them, he's always been scared of them. They're giant machines of impending doom that can hold hundreds of people 40,000 feet in the air and he's supposed to be comfortable with that? Yeah no, he never has been and never will be, but dealing with that fear to be with his mom for a week after the break up was worth it.

The teenager takes another step forward in the line and eventually it's his turn for his ticket to be scanned before boarding the plane. He hands the pass to the flight attendant with a shaky hand, who smiles at him and scans the ticket, "Have a safe flight Richard."

Ricky doesn't anything, just nodding numbly as the lady hands him his ticket. He walks down the hallway to where his plane is when his phone starts to ring. He looks down at his phone and notices that the caller is Nini. He ultimately decides to ignore it because he's a bit busy at the moment and can't really really when boarding a plane, even though he knows just hearing her voice would calm him down.

Once Ricky is situated in his seat after an awkward interaction with a flight attendant telling him where his seat is, he straps himself in immediately and starts to think about all of his memories with his mom on planes. He thinks about how she would always strap him when he was younger and assure him everything was alright. He thinks about how she would always hold his hand to let him know that she was there for him.

He then starts to think about how as he got older, he replaced his mom with Nini. The last time he was on plane before visiting his mom a week ago was a couple years ago when he was 14 and him and Nini's families went to Disneyland together. Both flights to and from, he spent watching movies and playing games with Nini. She knew that the knew that the only way to keep him calm was to distract him so she did just that.

The flight safety speech has just started and so Ricky tried to divert his attention to that, but he couldn't help this underlying feeling that something was wrong.

He was right. An hour into the flight, the plane had malfunctioned. His worst fear had come true.

"This is your pilot speaking, we are experiencing some technical difficulties so I would like everyone to be seated and buckle their seatbelts. We are preparing for a crash landing."

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