Massage - Rini

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content warning: smut so enjoy you horndogs

If Ricky was being completely honest, he was a little worried. He loved the woman beside him, but she sucked at taking care of herself. Nini tended to forget about her own needs - especially whenever Ricky was gone on tour. These last few months were the longest they've been apart and laying in bed with her right now, Ricky could tell they'd taken a toll on his wife, especially with the safety of their kids weighing heavily on her shoulders.

Luckily, Gina and EJ were happy to take care of the kids for the next few days so the couple could have some time to themselves.

Ricky watched Nini as she breathed quietly in her sleep, her hair falling gracefully over her face. He reached out a hand and gently pushed her hair out of the way, cupping her face. He leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. Nini relaxed at his touch so Ricky did it again, watching as she slept peacefully into the morning.

After watching his wife sleep for a few minutes, Ricky slowly climbed out of bed, as to not disturb the angel in it. Ricky glanced down at Nini and tugged the sheet down to her waist, exposing her bare back. Nini groaned in her sleep, rolling onto her side to face him. Ricky chuckled and combed his hand through her hair one last time before standing up and picking up his boxers from the floor, sliding them on, he crossed the distance to their closet. The curly-haired man quietly shuffled through the pile of shoes and boxes, silently cheering when he found what he wanted. He uncovered a brand new looking box of massage oils, a birthday gift he got for Nini last year that they haven't had the chance to use.

"Ricky?" Nini sleepily called out. Ricky's heart warmed at the sound, but he didn't want Nini to catch onto his plan so he quickly turned around, hiding everything behind his back. "Why are you in the closet? I'm cold," Nini whined, making grabby hands in Ricky's direction, causing him to chuckle.

"I have a surprise," Ricky said teasingly. His lips curled into a smirk as his eyes scanned Nini's exposed chest and the curve of her hips. Nini narrowed her eyes slightly, forehead creased with worry lines. "Relax baby, I promise you'll enjoy it," Ricky cooed, walking back to their bed. Nini's eyes widened and she licked her lips as a look of realisation came across her face. Ricky bent down in front of the brunette, taking the massage oils out from behind his back and showing them to her.

Her eyes flickered to Ricky's and she inhaled shakily. "We haven't done this in a while," she said, a hint of excitement in her voice. Ricky nodded in confirmation, placing the oils on the nightstand before crawling back into bed and settling himself on Nini's legs.

"Hi," he murmured, a spike of hunger in his eyes. Nini stared up at him with wide, eager eyes and let Ricky position her however he wished. Ricky pressed a deep kiss against her lips, his hands cupping Nini's face. "I've missed you so much Neens," Ricky said solemnly. He pressed the weight of his chest against Nini's letting his free hand roam over her body.

"I missed you too," Nini breathed out, her hands resting on Ricky's waist. "I love you," she said earnestly, staring directly into her husband's eyes so he knew she meant it. Ricky nodded and smiled back at her, shifting himself to straddle her hips.

"I love you too baby," Ricky said back. He leaned in to kiss Nini on the nose lightly. "You're so good baby," Ricky's voice slipped into a deeper octave, making Nini moan quietly. "You need to calm down, okay?" Ricky asked, resting his forehead against hers, coaxing Nini into resting her body. Ricky felt her legs relax behind him and her arms fall to her side.

Ricky would never understand how he got lucky enough to have Nini as his wife. He reached over to the nightstand to grab a bottle of lemon-scented oil and unscrewed it. The aroma filled the air as he let a few drops fall onto Nini's breasts, and he placed the bottle back on the nightstand before he began to rub the oil around. Nini flinched as the cold oil made contact with her body, causing Ricky to chuckle and lean down to give Nini a passionate, open-mouthed kiss.

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