Glamour Friendship Test - HSMTMTS Cast

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It was Olivia's audition for Nini that we met and there was this instant connection. I was already cast in the role of Ricky. So I was reading with a bunch of different "Nini's". She was one of the last people to audition on that day and I was told that I wouldn't need to sing that day. Then Olivia came in and we just had this instant chemistry so one of the casting directors asked if we could sing together. So I ran out of the room, took another "Nini's" guitar and Liv and I went into a room and discussed what songs I knew how to play. We chose to do Count on me by Bruno Mars, which she didn't even KNOW the song by the way and she learnt it within like 10 mins. We went back into the room and performed the song and it just, it felt like magic. My first impression of Liv was that she was gorgeous, obviously and very smart and talented. She is probably my best friend.


Okay so Josh may have said that we met at the audition but that is a LIE. He doesn't remember when we first met but it was actually at a party, we actually met multiple times before the auditions but he just doesn't remember.

(Screen changes to Josh grimacing before going back to Olivia)

Anyway, so after my audition, Josh and I were asked to do an impromptu song. So he grabbed another "Nini's" guitar who is also a good friend of mine so no bad blood there and, we went into another room and came up with something within like 5 or so minutes and then we performed it. And yeah it felt like a pretty special moment. My first impression of Josh was that he was tall and very sweet and talented. He is probably my best friend.


Sofia and I first met on the set of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series and like the rest of the cast, we had instant chemistry. She's like the little sister I never had and I love her so much. My first impression of Sofia was that she was CRAZY talented because I mean she is a way better dancer than I will ever be. She is also very mature for her age and the most humble person I've ever met.


Matt and I first met on set and I remember when I first saw him on set, all I thought was, "wow, he's really tall". But yeah he's super smart, sweet, talented and he's honestly like a big brother to me. He is very overprotective of me.

(Screen changes to a clip of Sofia doing a dangerous trick and Matt looking very worried in the background.)

My first impression of Matt was that he's very talented and he's very tall, like I know I said that before but like come on, have you seen the guy?

EXERCISE ONE - Stare into each other's eyes for 3 minutes


"Oh god, okay," Olivia mumbles as she looks up into Josh's eyes.

"Has the time started?" Josh asks one of the crew members, not breaking eye-contact.


"We should do a staring contest," the girl suggests.

"Okay, Imma win."

The brunette furrows her eyebrows, "How can you be so sure?"

The curly-haired boy just grins back at the girl standing in front of him, "I just am."

They then have their staring contest and Olivia blinks after 10 seconds, "Damnit!"

Joshua laughs at her, grinning triumphantly, "I told you."

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in, how long have we got left?"

"2 minutes and 40 seconds," answers one of the crew members.

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