Adult Colouring Books - RJ

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EJ had just come home from a long day at work to see his husband, Ricky sitting at their kitchen table with their 3-year-old daughter, Evie, colouring.

Evie was born via surrogate. After many arguments, together they decided that they would use EJ's sperm and before they started advertising for a surrogate mother. They asked if any of their friends would be willing. Nini said yes instantly and now they have their daughter. Evie Jada Caswell-Bowen.

As soon as Eve sees her dad, she jumps off her seat and runs over to him, "Daddy!"

EJ bends down and scoops the child up in his arms, "Hi bubba, how was your day with Dada?"

"It was so much fun! We watched tv, went to the park and I got to go on the swings!" she squeals in excitement as EJ walks over to his husband who is still colouring and sits next to him.

EJ gasps, "That sounds like so much fun, princess! Can daddy get a kiss?"

He puckers his lips and his daughter kisses him, giggling. After a few minutes of talking with her, she starts to squirm in his hold so puts her down and she runs off to her playroom.

EJ then turns to his husband, "Hey, babe, you in there?" he asks waving his hands in front of him because the curly-haired male was VERY focused on their daughter's colouring book.

Ricky looks to him, "Hmm?"

EJ laughs, "I've been home for five minutes and you haven't even said hi."

"Hi," he replies then goes back to his colouring.

"Babe, they're just colouring books, why won't you pay attention to me," the older male whines.

Ricky gasps and turns to his husband, shooting him daggers with his eyes, "They are not just colouring books. They are "adult" colouring books."

EJ sighs, "Fine, I'll start on dinner. Then will you actually interact with me?"

Ricky nods his head not looking up, too focused on his colouring.

EJ just shakes his head, grinning and starts making dinner for their family of three.

He loves his husband, but sometimes he can be a little bit weird.


just a cute little rj drabble for y'all

as always, don't forget to vote and comment!

active readers are always appreciated :)

caity xx

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