Joshua Bassett Plays With Puppies

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i obviously don't know josh personally so pls take all these with a grain of salt, this is just for fun.



"Tickle, tickle, tickle!"

"Hey, cutie, how about we don't eat the only pair of shoes I own, yeah?"

"Guys, guys, guys, guys."

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"I am gonna take you home with me, and you are gonna be my puppy."


The 21-year-old stares into the camera and waves, "Hi! My name is Joshua Bassett, and I am here today with Buzzfeed to play with puppies and answer some fan questions. But I am sure I will not be able to focus with all these adorable puppies around me. Let's do this!"

The puppies come running onto the little mat he's sitting cross-legged on.

There's six puppies in total, each one a different breed but all still acting the same. There's a brown and white australian shepherd, traditional siberian husky, light brown labrador, golden retriever, black and white border collie and a brown and gold kelpie.

They all jump on him sending him onto his back as he struggles to push them off so he can sit up again and play with them.

After a minute, the husky, labrador and kelpie get bored and decide to play with each other whilst the australian shepherd and golden retriever decide to attack the curly-haired man with kisses. The border collie just makes themself comfortable in his lap as they watch the chaos going on around them.

Josh spends the entire time infatuated with the puppies, giggling and cuddling them when he faintly hears a voice ask him a question.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention. Could you please repeat that?"

A person from behind the camera asks, "How do you deal with the haters?"

"Honestly, I just ignore them. They're not worth my time and I don't need that negativity in my life," he answers trying to pet all the dogs at once and failing.

"If you could create your perfect role, what would it be?"

Josh furrows his eyebrows as the golden retriever jumps onto the border collie disturbing the puppy that's trying to sleep in his lap. "Oh no!" He picks up the dog and places him on his chest, giving the puppy a big kiss on the head. "I don't know, that's a hard question. Probably any role where I get to do like a jackie chan action sequence. That's always been a dream of mine that not many people know about."

"If you could play any marvel character, which would you choose?"

"Spiderman, duh!"

The kelpie and husky start pulling at the young actor's jeans, "Hey, no! Come here," he pulls them into his lap. "You guys can't do that, I need to wear these for the rest of the day and don't have a backup pair," he coos.

"What do you want to do when High School Musical: The Musical: The Series ends?"

The husky jumps out off the curly-haired man and the kelpie rolls onto his back, exposing his belly. "Oh, you want a belly rub?" He asks, proceeding to scratch the puppy's tummy. "You like that?"

The other puppies all run around, some playing with the toys at his feet and some play fighting with each other.

"Wow, you guys are crazy!" Josh exclaims as the australia shepherd pushes his head underneath his legs to try and reach the ball that rolled under him. He grabs the ball and throws it off camera, "Fetch!"

He pulls the husky to him as the kelpie jumped off him to go fetch the ball with the other dog before he remembers he's in the middle of an interview.

He looks to the person interviewing him off camera, "What was your question again?" The actor shakes his head, "Wait, what are we talking about again?"

"What do you want to do when High School Musical: The Musical: The Series ends?"

"What do I want to do when my show ends?" Josh asks as he pets the husky he's now placed in his lap whilst he plays tug-of-war with the golden retriever beside him.

"I don't know; all I know is that I want to continue acting, writing music and performing."

All of a sudden, the australian shepherd starts chewing on his converse.

"Hey, cutie, how about we don't eat the only pair of shoes I own, yeah?" he coos, trying to lure the puppy away from his shoes, squeezing a squeaky hamburger toy in his face. The dog stares at it, not moving. "Come on, off my shoe, please?" Josh squeezes the toy again. This time he jumps up, stealing the toy from the actor's hand to chew on it. "Much better..." The curly-haired man murmurs as he checks his shoes to ensure there isn't a hole in them.

"What advice can you give to someone struggling with mental health?"

"I think people often wait until things get really bad before they seek help, and it doesn't have to be that way. You wouldn't wait until you were deathly ill to get a physical checkup, and I think routine conversations with someone you can trust are essential to staying healthy. It's also not a sign of weakness- but instead one of strength, that you're able to admit that everyone needs help now and again. You're not broken for wanting support and help. I made a deal before I started therapy that I would be 'honest at all costs' and I've never looked back."

After his monologue, Josh attempts to hold all the puppies at once and succeeds with a big smile on his face, trying to bring back the happy-go-lucky mood he had a second ago. He pets and kisses them all before letting them be free again, but leaving the labrador in his arms because he feels like he hasn't given him any attention.

He holds the dog above him, "Hi puppy, I am gonna take you home with me, and you are gonna be my puppy. Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" He says in a baby voice, cuddling the puppy to his chest.

"Who's your favourite cast mate from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series and why?"

The 21-year-old gets distracted with the puppies again before he answers.

"Matt Cornett because he's my safe space. He is the one person I can always count on to talk to; he always makes me feel better no matter what state I'm in, physically and mentally. He's just a ball of sunshine, much like these puppies." He finishes as the australian shepherd climbs into his lap again and laps at his face. He laughs as he leans away.

"Okay, last question, do you see yourself playing more adult roles in the future?"

"Yes! One thousand per cent. I love Disney and all that mickey has done for me, but I would love to play some more mature characters. I feel like that would be a lot of fun and would make me a better, more diverse actor in the long run."


"Thank you so much, Buzzfeed! This is the most fun I've ever had in an interview!"

All the puppies jump on Josh again as he tries to stand up, sending him tumbling to the ground, "Guys, guys, guys, guys."

After struggling to sit up again, he accepts defeat and lies on his with all the puppies sprawled around him.

One on his head, two cuddled to his chest, one lapping at his face, just pure and utter chaos around as he looks to the camera to finish the outro, "Make sure you check out my new EP, Sad Songs In A Hotel Room, out on September 23rd, mwah!" He concludes, blowing a kiss to the camera before bringing his attention back to the puppies, where he sees one sprawled on his back with belly fully exposed.

Josh leans over, caressing the dog's tummy, "Tickle, tickle, tickle..."


ngl this was a lot harder to write than i expected it to be lol

but thanks for reading if you did, much appreciated!!


caity xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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