Mom vs Dad - Rini (TBD)

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hey hey! since you're all so impatient, i've decided to make a lil oneshot with tbd rini to hold you all over and to hopefully stop being attacked to update (yes, i'm talking to you cait, starting rumours is not going to make me change my mind 😒)

ok now that that's settled, let me explain how this is gonna go cuz it's not like your typical oneshot. i've gotten inspo from this tiktok trend that has shown up on my fyp a few times now and so i've decided to like make it so ricky and nini make a tiktok with xavier where they see who he loves more. does that make sense? i hope it does lol

the caption is going to be in bold so you can differentiate that from the actual happenings of the tiktok. i feel like this doesn't make sense but yk what fuck it, we're rolling with it anyways and i think you'll understand it as you read (or at least i hope you do)

ps it's set in the current time of tbd so this is before they go to court

pps the tiktok is from xavier's perspective

enjoy lol

Once the toddler was sitting still on their bed, the young couple let out a big sigh of relief. They had spent the last hour trying to make him sit but he just didn't want to, they tried luring him with toys, chocolate, kisses and cuddles because he normally can't resist them but for some reason today, he just wanted to run around. So after five minutes of continuously picking up the little boy and placing him in the centre of the bed, and him jumping off the bed, they gave up. They decided to just lay on the bed cuddling as they watched their son play with their dog.

Now here they were, Nini propping her phone up on her dressing table whilst the father and son duo watched, the young boy very confused as to what his mom is so eager to do, "Mama, what are we doing?"

"Well, I've seen this tiktok trend a few times where a little kid - generally a baby - sits in the middle of the bed and their parents take turns laying their head in their lap and it's kind of like a little competition to see who the kid loves more which I thought might be fun," Nini explained, turning around once she had her phone exactly how she wanted, ready to record.

"But I love you both da same!" Xavier exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air to emphasise his point, hitting the man seated beside him in the face in the process, "Oopsies, sowwy daddy!"

Ricky chuckled, rubbing his nose, "It's okay buddy."

Nini giggled as she leaned over to kiss her boyfriend's nose, "There we go, all better."

"Thank you, now how's this gonna happen? Like who's going first and all that jazz?"


"Mama I don't wanna do this!"

Nini's broad smile disappeared as soon as she heard those words come out of her baby's mouth. She bent down to be eye level with him, "How come? You normally love making TikTok with me."

"Because I don't wanna make you and daddy fight. I love you both da same!"

The young mom holds back an "awe" at what her son just said. "Baby I know that, that's why this is all just for fun, okay? What's going to happen is I will go first and you can pepper me with as many kisses and cuddles as you want and then Ricky will go and you can pepper him with as many kisses and cuddles as you want and then we will both pepper you with kisses. No competition, okay? Just think of it as playtime."


Nini chuckled and kissed Xavier's forehead before she stood back up and she got Ricky off the bed, leaving the toddler as the only one in the frame, staring at his mom off-screen.


Mom vs Dad: Who will WIN?


The little boy giggled as he watched his parents make funny faces to him before his mom crawled onto the bed into frame and laid her head in his lap. He grabbed her face and smothered her with kisses as she giggled and sat up, rolling over to lay on her tummy to smother him with kisses. They shared a big kiss on the lips before he let go of her deciding he'd had enough of her and it was daddy's turn.


Before his dad had even gotten into frame, the little boy was already reaching for him. The toddler crawled over to him and just as he made it to the centre of the screen, he jumped onto him and started attacking him with kisses. Startled, his father fell back onto the bed and so he made the impulsive decision to climb up his body, sit on his chest and smush his face with his hands, "Squishy!"

His dad laughed as he let him squish his face for a little bit before going back to showering him with kisses. His dad sat up and looked in the direction of his mom who was standing in the corner of the room with the biggest smile on her face, she felt very fulfilled with her life right now.

Eventually, the little boy climbed off his dad and reached out for his mom again who crawled back into frame and pulled the boy into her arms, resting her head on his chest as she kissed the top of his head, "I love you, baby."

"I love you too Mama!"

"And Daddy!" he uttered after a moment.

His dad laughed, wrapping his arms around him and his mom, kissing her cheek before leaning down to kiss the little his cheek as well, "I know buddy, I know and I love you too."

We thought it was a tie, but who do you guys think won?


ok i hope you all enjoyed this lil oneshot/filler chapter thing!! this was surprisingly hardened then i thought it would be lol but i hope it all made sense, thank for reading!!!!

caity xx

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