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Stella's POV

Hi! I'm Stella, I live in New York City with my owner name Ellen, Ellen and I were like BFFs, she was my whole world.

It was about two years ago when she found me in a dog shelter where people came and adopt dogs who used to live on the streets or abandoned. I was just a cub who lost her mother, brothers and sisters when I was just a newborn, I actually don't remember if I had a family, but I guess that's how I got there. I the only thing I remembered was seeing the amount of people passing by, but no one noticed me. Then one day, Ellen arrived, and she chose me as her friend for life. We both needed someone to share our lives with, someone to live with, that was the happiest day of my life. Ellen always wore a red hat with a golden star plate, so then I started talking it from her and wore. Her shiny star plate always caught my eye ever since we met.

Ellen and I visited Katie a lot, because the two were best friends since college, and that was how I met Max. The girls would take us on walks around Central Park, and when they had picnics, Max and I were off chasing squirrels and butterflies. As time passed, Max was introducing me to some of his friends like Buddy, Mel, Norman and Chloe, And how can I not forget about Gidget, we became the most inseparable dynamic-dog-duo.

The only bad part about Ellen is that she has to leave the house almost everyday, I tried to everything I could so she can stay, but it doesn't always work out. I said "always" because I see that she's kind of forgetful. The part when she comes back home always excited me, every time I heard the lock opening I run around the house making the paintings and vases "almost" fall. And when she comes in, I start licking her face as she hugs me like a giant teddy bear.

My life was the best. Nothing could ruin our friendship, at least that's what I thought.

One rainy day I woke up and saw boxes and suitcases piled up all over the house, I didn't knew what was happening or why the furniture is no longer there. Then I saw Ellen on the phone looking at the apartment window, worried, I didn't knew what was happening, and that worries me too, so I went outside to play for a while until I saw the moving truck and a taxi with Ellen leaving with the suitcases and my stuff (well I don't know what else what's there in that taxi besides the suitcases), but it seems that Ellen didn't realized that she forgot about me.

I ran as fast as I could cashing the taxi until I ran out of energy, I could still see how the taxi left me all alone in the middle of an empty street . Later then, I was walking wandering around the city to find some food and a place to spend the night until I found an cozy alley where I thought it would be a nice place to stay, but what I didn't realized is that in that alley lived thousands of cats. One of the cats took my colar and kick me out of the alley. After that I thought that things can't get any worse, I spoke too soon, because the animal control agents spotted me sitting there as they started chasing me. I hid in one of the alleys and the animal control agents lost me. I sat there looking at the grey sky wondering, when will she come back for me.

The days go by, but there was no sign of Ellen looking for me, she never came back, and so I realized that life in the city is more complicated than I imagine.

The Secret Life of Pets | "Love Dogs" (Duke x Oc) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now