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Pause the video until minute 1:34 because the next part of the video is probably the next chapter jeje
Well then, without further ado, enjoy this chapter.

Max was about to find Stella after the argue with Duke but then they heard someone saying...

Stella: *from afar* LET ME GO! HELP! *bark*

Duke: *gasp* *speaks softly* Stella.

Max: Oh no. Stella!

The male dogs saw how the Animal Control agents caught Stella, and tie her with those leashes barking for help.

Stella: Guys. Get me out to this thing! *barking*

Max: Coming Stella.

Max went off to save her best friend who dosen't want to loose again, he was barking the agent so he could leg her go, but he got caught too. Duke witnessed how his friends get caught, but by seeing how the one of the agents, so he snapped out angrily and he  launches to one of the agent to save Max as he stepped back. then Duke saw how Stella was about to send her to the truck but he launched to him and set her free.

Duke: Run Guys.

The Animal Control Agent grabs, when Stella saw that, she was in shock and gasp in horror. She didn't want to leave her friend behind after the fight they made.

Duke: What are you waiting for *grunts* Go!

Max: Stella. Come one lets go.

So the two dogs flee leaving Duke behind, and from afar they see in horror how Duke gets wrangled with a leash and sends to the truck and leaving.

Stella and Max: Duke!

The two dogs chase the truck trough the neighborhood to the enter section crossing traffic leaping cars and and how the truck is moving to corners. The Russel Terrier and The Australian Shepherd were chasing the truck wearing determined faces.

A hunch woman was pushing a baby carriage. Another woman gets closer to the carriage to se the baby until then she realized it wasnt a baby, it was Snowball, screaming in horror she also notices that the pig was dressed as a woman and she ran away screaming. Its was not other than the Flushed Pets. Soon they saw a van passing by with Max and Stella chasing it.

Snowball: Tiny Dog, and there is the Non-Red Hat, yeah, I called her that because she's not wearing her hat *he grabs his hat from the carriage and Chuckles* Get it?....Well then, LET'S GO!

Soon, they were chasing Max and Stella with the hunch woman costume and everything

Snowball: YA!!

Max: Ah, are you kidding me?

Stella: These guys are SO ANNOYING!

Snowball: You think this was over, Tiny Dog? Oh, and you forgot something Red-Hat Girl.

Stella looked back and gasp as she saw that snowball was holding her hat, angrily she quickly turned back facing the truck.

Snowball: Ya, ya, YA!

Max and Stella  jumped onto the van's rear bumper. Stella was about to open the door until the truck stoped and the Flushed pets crashed into it. The driver spots Tattoo without the costume. Snowball takes off his baby costume and starts to attack Max. Stella was about to open the doom until she heard that the animal control agents getting off the truck, so instead Stella decided to help get Snowball off Max from bitting and hitting him

Snowball: Jab, Jab, Jab. Body blow! Body blow! Karate chop to your neck!

Max: Would... would you get off me?

They suddenly heard a pig squealing, the officers collect the pig and the lizard taking them away in the van.

Snowball: TATTOO! No, no, no, no, no, no.

Snowball, Stella and Max were staring after the van, but Stella thought this wasn't done yet. She started chasing after it.

Snowball: WHOA! What's gone into her?

Max: Stella! Wait! STOP!

She ignored Max and continued running and running as fast as he could to get the van.

Stella: Duke!! DUUUUUUKE!!

She was about to reach the van until she tripped and fell, she got up but realized that it was really far away now. That moment reminded her of how Ellen abandoned Stella 2 months ago.

Flashback starts

It became to rain, the truck that was chasing earlier became into the taxi Ellen got on when she was leaving. She saw how the taxi was getting further and further. Stella was standing there in shock, she could believe her life with and owner was over.

Back to present day

Stella is still having her shocked face, but this time she is about to get a tear out of her eyes and started crying

Stella: *sobbing* I'm sorry.

She leans down crying uncontrollably, regretting of everything she said to Duke, regretting for trying to forget those happy moments she had with Ellen, which made her fell worse. She has lost another best friend.

Meanwhile with Max and Snowball
Snowball: Oh, TD, this kills me to say, but we got to join forces, man. *grins*

Max got a bit surprised that he thought of that, but then he saw Stella in the distance, sad because she lost another friend, he felt really bad for her. She doesn't deserve to live like this, so he decided to go confort her, Snowball follows Max. She stopped crying but she was still sad.

Max: Hey, are you Ok?

Stella: *sniffles* Yeah, I mean, no..I mean.....I don't know Max. I never wanted to be that mean with Duke, and now maybe I'll never see him again.

Max: *sigh* Yeah, I really liked Duke too. At first we argued, a lot, but by the time we began good friends but there are moment you lost them and—


Max: Sorry, Im not that very good at confronting a best friend, which I haven't seen a long time.

Stella: No, it's my fault, It was a food speech *chuckle* You just made me cheer up now. *both laughing*

Snowball: Sorry to interrupt you bestie moment but, when are we saving the ones trapped on that truck, that about to go over the bridge.

The three look at the truck from afar, Stella was still worried, but she still has hope to save Duke. Stella suddenly felt Snowball tapping on her leg/arm, whatever

Snowball: Hey, you forgot this.

Stella grabs her hat from Snowballs hands in a no good mood and she puts it on her head while wearing a determined face

Stella: Don't worry Duke, we're coming to save you.

To Be Continued...

A/N: I AM SO SORRY THAT I TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THIS CHAPTER, IM ALSO PLANING TO UPLOAD NEW STORIES ON WATTPAD FROM DIFFERENT FANDOMS AFTER PUBLISHING THIS ONE. I'll edit this later if there are Vocabulary or spelling mistakes. Hope you enjoy it and hope Stella and the gang get to rescue Duke before it's too late.

The Secret Life of Pets | "Love Dogs" (Duke x Oc) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now