Sausage! (Pt.2 ~ Weiner Kingdom)

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A/N: Don't start the video yet until I tell you when you can start. Right now, enjoy this chapter.

Back with the trio, they were following the scent of those delicious sausages!

Max: Scent is getting stronger.

Stella: It means that we're almost there!

Duke: *laughs* Oh!

Racing down the side walk Max went passing by a man with groceries, Stella behind him making him almost knock the groceries, but Duke was bigger than her and he did knock the grocery bags from his hands.

Max: Oh, Man.

Stella: Weiner Kingdom!! This is it!!

Wagging their tails, the trio looks at a factory labeled Weiner Kingdom, the factory where they make the best sausages in New York!!

Max: Guys, let's eat!

Duke: Oh, yes!

Stella: Let's get munchin' people!!

They race past a sleeping security guard who didn't notice that three dogs came to eat the sausages in the factory. Three dogs hop in two (Max and Stella in one and Duke in another)  containers leaving inside, emerging from a tunnel.

Max: Oh, it's smells so good!

Stella: Delicious!

Duke, Stella, Max: *in sync* OHH!! YESS!!

In a large factory cuts of meat get drop one by one into an industrial blinders then they pump into the containers.

Duke, Max, Stella: Sausages!

Max dives into a container and eats, while in the container where Stella was came sausages raining on her and started munching like she hasn't eaten in all day (Literally). Duke catches the sausages in his mouth as they fall, the dogs were wearing satisfied expressions on their faces. Suddenly the factory vanishes in a sparkly fog, they all steared in "Awe" as a smiley sausage pops out the container.

Sausage: Come on guys.

They rise into a magical land populated by dancing sausages

Duke: Holy schnitzel!

Stella: This feels like we're in PARADISE!!

(A/N: You're right Stella! You are in Paradise!)

(Play video ⬆️)

🎶We go together
Like rama lama Lama ma dinga da dinga dong
Remembered forever
As shoo-bop sha adda wadda yippity boom de boom🎶

Duke and Stella were eating a sausage chain making it look like spaghetti while the other sausages do their musical number around the two dogs. Stella and Duke were eating the same chain causing them to accidentally kiss (Lady and the Tramp Reference) and they parted looking away blushing.

Sausages parachute from a sausage Blim.

🎶Chang Chang changitty chang sha-bop
That's the way it should be
Wha-ooh, yeah!🎶

Then Max joins with some dancing sausages on a stage giving a concert.

🎶We're for each other
Like a wop ba-ba lu-bop and wop bam boom
Just like my brother is
Sha- na- na- na- na- na- na-na
yippity dip de doom🎶

Them the trio eats the dancing sausages leaving one without a head and just it's body. Then we see Duke giving Stella a Sausage with mustard on top making it look like Ice Cream (A/N: YUM! Ice Cream! Although I don't like mustard xd) , Stella sees that Duke has a bit of mustard in his fur so she cleans it for him, making Duke blushing even more then the last time.

🎶Chang chang changitty
chang sha-bop
We'll alway be together
Wha-hoo, yeah!🎶

Later then, Sausages dive on Duke's open mouth. The three dogs jumped into a pool of sausages and the sausage dance number continues around them.

*Music Fades away*

To be continued...

The Secret Life of Pets | "Love Dogs" (Duke x Oc) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now