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A little bit of homophobia in this chapter towards the very end. Just a little comment and it's not an insult or anything but it may be triggering!!

Dreams POV:

'George's dare is to.. take a few more shots and then I'll tell you the dare when you're tipsy. I know you'll back down otherwise.' Quackity said smugly and glanced and George, then me and then George again. He walked into the room where I assume the other early comers were.

We both just stared at eachother confused as to what he was going on about. I took George's hand and led him into the kitchen to make us new drinks which didn't taste like cleaning supplies.

I made us some strong cocktails since I had previously worked at a bar and knew a few recipes. I made George's a blue colour since that's his favourite colour and mine a green colour. We both went over to the sofa near the others and sipped on our drinks.

Since Quackity had won the bet between him and George, he was already tipsy due to the disgusting amount of alcohol that he must've put in it if it tasted anything like mine. No wonder George lost the bet, it's gross.

More and more people started showing up to the party and soon enough the house was littered with a sea of teenagers who were already seemingly drunk.

I was stood in the kitchen, unsteadily dancing with Sapnap and a group of the year above, whom I didn't recognise. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Quackity pull George into a room and pull the door to, I was wondering if this was about the dare.

I decided to sneakily walk up to the door. Since it was a open a jar, I could hear what they were saying.

'George are you ready for your dare?' He said in a fake British accent.

'Sure Quackity.. but you better not be annoying.' I heard George say.

'I've seen how you are with Dream. Everyone's seen it, you two are in love just face it. Your dare is to kiss him.' He said.

I got closer to the door, wanting to know how George reacted. What if he doesn't want to kiss me, what if he finds that weird?

'Quackity..' George said with a saddened sigh, 'He might not like me that way and we've got it so good, I don't want to lose him. He makes me so happy and I don't know what I'd do if that was taken away from me.' He continued.

'Dude, wake up. I don't want to pressure you but come on man, he likes you.' Quackity started approaching the door so I quickly tiptoed back into the kitchen before he saw me.

So George wants to kiss me? But he thinks.. that I don't want to kiss him? Maybe I should kiss him first.

Quackity and George walked in, George looking awkward and Quackity excited. George walked over to me and I put an arm around him.

'You okay Georgie?' I asked, he seemed a little upset and his face was pale.

'Yeah I'm fine. I'm gonna get some fresh air.' He said as he headed towards the garden door.

George's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what Quackity had said for my dare. I want to, I do but I don't want him to react badly. If I lose him, I've lost everything. I sat on the steps of the garden with a blanket around me and gazed at the fire pit warming me from the bitterness outside.

My thoughts were interrupted by the man himself sitting next to me. He gave me a smile as if he knew something was up.

'Would you like to talk about it?' He said as he scooted closer to comfort me. I shook my head and lent into him, he responded by putting his arm around me and using his free hand to run it through my hair.

We both sat there in silence for a few minutes until Dream spoke up,

'I heard your conversation with Quackity. I know, I'm sorry I was snooping but I didn't know it would be that.' He said gently.

'You did?.. did you hear what I said?' I asked, cringing at my previous words with Quackity.

'George,' he turned to face me while keeping his hand running through my hair, 'I would never leave you. I promise.' His hand fell from my hair, he cupped my face and tilted it upwards so we were making eye contact.

'I'm just scared Dream,' I said

He rubbed his thumb on my cheek and flickered between my eyes and my lips.

'Don't be.'

We simultaneously leaned in, my heartbeat quickening as his breath touched mine in the air.

Our lips touched and sent my butterflies flying around my body. We moved in sync and everything felt amazing. I'm kissing the love of my life while fire lights the flames in our hearts beside us. I felt so alive in this moment, everything had worked out better than I could've ever imagined.

Dream pulled away and looked me in the eyes while still having his hands cupping my face delicately. He gave me a big smile and giggled a little, he then pulled me into a tight hug and I crawled into his arms and wrapped around him like a koala.

We stayed hugging until others started coming into the garden and ruining our peace, we decided to head back into the house to find our friends.

'Wait.' Dream said as we were about to walk in. He took my hand in his and interlocked our fingers. 'Okay let's go. Let's celebrate with some drinks.' He said while proudly holding my hand. I giggled and followed his trail.

Quackity's eyes widened as he panned from our hands to my eyes. He ran up to us and brought us in for a hug. We both burst out laughing and stopped holding hands to steady the drunken man stabilising himself on us.

'Everyone!' He shouted, 'Come here, let's do shots.' He started filling up plenty of shot glasses and handed them to random people.

'To Dream and George!' He shouted.

'To Dream and George!' Everyone repeated while holding their shots to the air then drinking them.

I blushed like mad with all this attention on us but most of them were drunk anyway so it was all okay.

Dream and I continued to spend the night together with our usual group. We were slightly tipsy but still very aware of everything that was going on.

Dreams POV:

I left George alone with Quackity for twenty minutes while I chatted with Tommy and Jack outside and came back to see him on the floor laughing with some random girl trying to pull him to his feet. She was also laughing as she struggled to get him up.

I walked up to them and giggled at the sight of him.

'Do you need help getting him up?' I said while grinning at them both.

She looked me up and down and scoffed, 'No. I'm fine thanks.'

I raised an eyebrow and stepped back to let her struggle to lift George's weight. He's not even that heavy, this girl is just weak.

She continued struggling and I stepped in again to help. Maybe them two had something going on and I wanted to break that up since I get jealous easily.

'Look, just let me help you get him to his feet.' I said and held out my hands for George. He lifted his arms to let me take him to his feet. As he got to his feet he pulled me into a big hug and swayed us from side to side. I could see the girl watching us with glaring eyes.

'Are you two gay or something?..' She said while screwing up her face to form a look of disgust.

George looked at her and passionately kissed me out of no where. I knew he was drunk and wanted to annoy the girl so I went with it and pushed him against the wall of the kitchen. She made a 'ew' noise and quickly walked out the room. George and I giggled as soon as she left.

'I wasn't even that drunk. I could stand up by myself, I just didn't want to talk to her. She was flirting with me and I was getting annoyed.' George admitted and I started wheezing at him.

'Come on George, do you want to spend the night at mine?' I said as I lead us into the living room to say goodbye to our friends.

'If that's okay with you. I'd love to Dream.' He said while gripping my arm.

1470 words

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