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A semi sexual chapter? Don't read if this makes you uncomfy :)

Dreams POV:

I took George back to my place tonight. We were both pretty sober by now but I thought it might be nice for him to stay, seeing as once again I'm home alone.

We walked hand in hand through the moonlight lit streets. Our conversation flowed so easily and we had so much to talk about. This made the walk back go extremely quick and we had already met my house.

I fumbled around in my pockets for my keys and unlocked the door, opening it for George and letting him go through first. We decided to shower in the morning since we were both tired but we did want to change into comfier clothes.

I grabbed George an oversized black sweater and some grey sweatpants while I wore a sage green hoodie with grey sweatpants. I chose the comfiest hoodie I had so that George could cuddle up to me.

George came out of the toilet with a mischievous look in his eyes. He skipped over to me and grabbed me by my hoodie, pulling me close. His back reached the wall and he allowed me to stand close to him, with my hands now tracing his jawline with gentleness.

I leant in to kiss his fiery red lips, waiting for a nod before leaning in even closer. His quickening breaths merged with mine as we touched. We moved our lips in sync and got more passionate as the kiss went on. I kept one hand on his jaw and the other snuck under his t shirt to grip onto his bare waist. A small moan slipped through his slightly swollen lips as my touch made his arm hairs stand tall.

I stepped back for a moment to let us both catch our breaths, while admiring how hot he looked under my grasp. I tiled his head up to expose his pale neck that had necklaces layered around it. I delicately wrapped one of the necklaces around my finger and started kissing down his jaw and neck. The out of breath male scrambled to run his fingers through my hair while I nipped at a few sensitive spots.

I walked over to the bed, leading George with me. I reclined with my back angled to the pillow and he straddled my body. We returned to kissing as we were both waiting for a bit until we took it to the next step. I latched my hand onto his brown locks and roughly pulled on them to make him closer to me. I lightly bit down on his lower lip and continued to kiss the area.

We started to slow the kiss down and mutually agreed to pull away from it. We both smiled as we did so, with lust obvious in our glittering eyes. George flopped off of me onto the mattress beside me.

We both went straight to sleep seeing as it was now 2am and we were shattered. George curled up to me and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I gave his forehead a kiss and felt my eyes get heavier and I sunk into the darkness of the night.

George's POV:

My eyes started fluttering open as I saw the somewhat familiar bedroom around me. My mind flashed back to everything that happened last night, from the kiss at the party to the more passionate one in his bedroom.

'Good morning my love, I made you breakfast.' Dream softly said as he came in with a plate of bacon, sausage, eggs and beans. 'Like a full english.. almost?' He said and set it down on the table while getting in the other side of the bed.

We both ate in comfortable silence and enjoyed his amazing cooking. There was a hint of tension in the air surrounding our relationship with one another. We both pushed it away and continued to finish our food.

'We're going on a trip today. It's needed for our art project, have you started yet?' He asked me. My stomach felt weird after he said that, I attempted to gulp a lump that had formed in my throat.

'No. I completely forgot about it. Shit! How am I supposed to paint 4 portraits of you in a week and a half?' I said while obviously stressing out.

'George, it's okay. Look we can get some done today because I haven't started either.' He said and put his hand on mine. 'Don't worry about it. Come on let's get ready.'

We both got changed into articles from Dreams wardrobe, deciding to drop round my clothes from Spifey's later on once they had dried from Dream washing them. We were both ready to go for our adventure, despite only one of us knowing what that actually meant.

We walked hand in hand to Dreams car and he opened my door for me and closed it again as I was sat down. Such a gentleman I thought with a suppressed   giggle.

He clambered into the other side and we started our road trip. I had made some developments to our playlist, adding in some from his public playlists and some from mine.

I plugged his phone into the aux and the first song that played was one from Dreams liked songs which I thought sounded good. I tried to learn some of the lyrics from it.

Cigarette daydreams - Cage The Elephant (a/n listen to it while reading)

As soon as the first few notes started playing, Dream looked at me with smiling eyes and turned the song up to the max.

'Did you stand there all alone,' Dream sung while the music overpowered his voice. He got louder to be able to sing with it.

'Oh I cannot explain what's going down' he said as he kept one hand on the wheel and the other dancing about in the air. I giggled at how amazing he looked right now. He looked so happy, you could tell by the crinkles by his eyes that grew deeper as the song continued.


I could finally join in as it got to a part that I knew, 'you can drive all night, looking for the answers in the pouring rain.' Dream and I both sung together in sync. Him glancing over at me when he could while also staying safe on the road.

The song started to finish and we both belted the final lyrics, 'if you could find a reason, a reason to stay. Standing in the pouring rain.' As the car fell silent we both started laughing. That type of laughter where nothing was even funny but you felt so emotional that you had to laugh, or else you might cry.

We continued to sing along to more songs as Dream drove us to this mystery location. Unexpectedly, Dream pulled over onto the side of the road and parked up.

'This sounds strange George.' He rubbed the back of his neck and reached over to the back seats and grabbed a blind fold. 'Please can you put this on for no more than two minutes.' He pleaded as he handed it to me. I did as he asked and tied the blindfold tightly to my head. I heard him step out of the car and fiddle with things in the back seat before leaving me in silence.

1240 words

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