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Tw: mentions of depression, toxic behaviour/ relationships and also alcohol/ underage drinking.

George's POV:

It was much later in the day now. The group had finished their water sports and already showered in the campsite facilities. They were now all sat around the campfire ready for a fun evening.

'So guys. I brought alcohol!' Quackity announced, showing a bag of various different liquor and chasers. 'Not for you three.' He said, stopping Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo from cheering.

'What? Wilbur will say yes won't you will.' Tommy said while pestering Wilbur. He seemed like his older brother, asking for permission for everything.

'Only a little tiny bit. You're not getting drunk guys.' He said to the three, now disappointed faces.

We all laughed at the situation and Quackity started pouring out drinks.

'I'm the bartender today. You get what you're given.' He said while handing Tommy a low percentage can of something.

He reached me and studied me before pouring some of the strong alcohol and mixing it with Coca Cola. I thanked him and took a sip, instantly wincing at the taste.

'Oh my god this is so strong.' I said while laughing.

'George.. you deserve to get drunk tonight. Just relax, it's fine.' He said with a smile.

I agreed. I do deserve to relax. It's been a hectic few days with Techno on my mind and I wanted to forget about it and enjoy myself.

I turned to Dream and he had the same drink as me, sipping it without the reaction I did.

Dreams POV:

The night grew older and we had continued to dull our logic with alcohol.

'Okay! Let's do some drinking games.' Sapnap shouted while standing in the middle. 'We can start it off with truth or dare.'

We all nodded in agreement and went with it. A little game of truth or dare never hurt anyone..

'Okay Tubbo. Truth or dare?'

'Dare!' He said, eager.

'I dare you to..' Sapnap thought for a moment before Tommy whispered in his ear an idea. 'I dare you to recreate the 'you spin me right round' clip right now. In the water.' Sapnap said while laughing hysterically.

No one actually thought he'd do it, but he surprised us all and ran to the lake with one of the paddle boards from earlier.

He carefully jumped onto the board and headed for the middle of the lake. He stopped and started spinning the board around while singing, 'you spin me right round baby right round..'

We all laughed at him, some pulling out their phones to record the moment. He continued singing before finally heading back to us.

Tommy helped him out the lake and he surprisingly didn't get wet.

We headed back to our camping spot and continued the game.

It was George's turn, he looked terrified.

'Truth or dare George?' Wilbur said.

'Umm.. dare.' He said hesitantly.

'Do your best American accent George. Since I always mock yours. Say I'm gonna get a burger.' Quackity said.

I know for a fact that George is terrible at accents.

'I'm..' He cleared my throat. 'I'm gonna get a.. burger.' He stuttered out. Everyone started laughing and he blushed.

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