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Implied sex and sexual scenes in this chapter!

Dreams POV:

I heard the noises and instantly smiled. The parade was starting and my butterflies were going insane inside my stomach.

I led George up to the road and a crowd started forming around the speakers. I saw a group of people handing out flags and badges to the people attending the march. I led George and i over to one of them and they handed us both badges and a flag. We thanked them and George stared at me with a huge smile.

'A pride march? Dream this is amazing.' He said while hugging me. I laughed and put my badge on before helping him out with his. We both stood there, taking in our surroundings and how the group of people had grown and almost filled up the whole street by now.

I wrapped the flag around George and I and he cuddled into me while holding the flag around his shoulder. We had the rainbow flag wrapped around us like a cape.

The leaders were playing various iconic LGBTQ+ songs and everyone was singing along to them. I felt completely at home and I could tell George did too. We were both constantly smiling at each other and everything happening around us.

A photographer came up to us and asked us if we were comfortable with our photo being taken. We said yes and when they told us to pose, George cupped my jaw and kissed me slowly. We were both taken back by his sudden confidence and giggled like children afterwards. The photographer took lots of photos of us kissing and then some afterwards when we were giggling at the moment. They thanked us and asked for our email telling us that they'd send the photo through and we both thanked them.

I was still blushing from George's sudden movement and we continued giggling. I kissed him again on his forehead and the march started.

We ended up doing a loop of the street, marching along the promenade and around to the pier. Everyone was covered in colour and many people held up different flags showing their pride. We held ours high and let it blow around in the wind.

The march came to a stop as we were back at the beginning and we all stayed here to continue celebrating. I took this opportunity to finally ask George to be my boyfriend.

I took him away from the crowd a little bit, our flag still wrapped tightly around us therefore bringing us close to each others bodies.

'Can I ask you something George?' I said while brushing his hair out from his eyes.

'Of course.' He said with a smile. He put his arms round the back of my neck and continued to make eye contact.

'Uh- so.. I was just wondering if um' I struggled to get the words out.

'Dream. Just say it.' He said and gave me a supportive nod.

'Do you want to be my boyfriend, George?' I finally asked. I saw a few people close to us turn around as they were interested in his reply. I felt like I had just proposed to him.

'Yes! Yes of course.' He said while grinning. His voice was loud and it attracted attention from everyone around us. He jumped up and down and then gave me a kiss full of euphoria.

Some people around us clapped as we kissed and everyone was so supportive of us due to the situation we were in. I smiled into the kiss and hugged him close. We giggled as we stopped kissing and started dancing to the music together.

I felt so alive in this moment. George and I were now officially dating and I felt completely comfortable with myself and my sexuality. My 14 year old self would be so happy to see me right now.

I decided to get some quick selfies of George and i so I could remember this moment forever. A couple offered to take some of us, to which I agreed to and we both posed with our flag and smiled. They handed me back my phone with a smile and I thanked them. They both walked a few feet away to meet the group they came with and started dancing together, their long hair merging together while they did so.

We resumed dancing too and they welcomed us into their group. They all told us their names, two of whom had started talking to George and I. Their names were Minx and Alex.

We got to know them a little bit and spent another hour dancing away and talking. As it got later on in the evening, many people had left the event. The new group of people invited us to go for some drinks with them at the beach as they had some in their bags. We said yes, despite not actually planning on drinking anything alcoholic, however it would still be fun to get to know these people.

We sat down near the water and they began to drink their alcoholic beverages. George and I sipped on some coca-cola that we shared.

We stayed for a few hours and learnt more about our new friends. Minx was especially friendly, she was very loud and confident and I admired her for that. They all had beautiful pride makeup on, obviously dressing up specifically for the event. The boys also had makeup on which made me want to try it myself. They had eyeliner and blusher, along with rainbows painted on their cheeks.

As it got late, we decided to head back to the hotel. Before leaving, we got their numbers and said our goodbyes and walked off, hand in hand.

I twirled George around in my hand as we walked away, using the pavement as our own dance floor. Music from bars and restaurants could be heard from miles away and we skipped along to the beat.

We got to our hotel and walked through the reception while politely greeting the receptionist who looked extremely tired. We continued and found our room and I unlocked it.

As soon as I closed and locked the front door, I was met with George's face just inches away from mine.

'Can I kiss you?' He asked with a smile.

'Absolutely.' I replied while closing the gap.

My hands latched onto his face and neck while pulling him impossibly closer to me. I gently traced his jawline and neck while continuing to replicate the pace he was peppering my lips with.

His hands trailed up the sides of my stomach. My breath hitched as he did so, making me breathe heavier into the kiss. He noticed this and replayed his movements, this time to my bare skin under my shirt. I kissed him harder and pushed my body up against his.

He tugged on my shirt and I backed away from him to pull it off and throw it on the floor. He did the same and we were intertwining our shirtless bodies together.

We moved to the bed and George led down on the bed while I jumped on top of him, kissing his jawline and neck while he made noises of pleasure under my touch. I worked my way down his body, stopping at frequent intervals to leave marks.

I brought my head back to see all of the marks I had made on his fragile body. I did my best to hide them where his shirt will be, but some snuck just above where the hem of the shirt would be on his neck. He blushed underneath me and I grinned at him.

We continued for a while, kissing and touching as if that was the only thing that mattered at this moment. We slowly removed more articles of clothing until we were completely bare and vulnerable.

George seemed to lose his confidence as we got to this stage, so I helped him regain it. It most definitely worked.

We decided to stop as it was getting late and we wanted to spend the day exploring the beach again tomorrow. We both went to brush our teeth together, stood next to each other in our boxers while laughing at one another.

We crashed down into bed and George placed his head on my chest while I ran my fingers through his hair and back. Within moments we were both completely relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

1,420 (lol) words
Also thank you so much for 100 reads!! That's amazing <3

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