Chapter 1

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Varian found himself surrounded by black rocks going in and out of the ground. He slowly turned in a circle, grabbing his hair. "No! Stop! I don't want to hurt anyone! Why can't I control it?!"

"Varian!" Arianna screened.

The boy gasped as he saw her trapped in his rocks. He ran towards her. "Mom, no!" He froze when he saw Cassandra, Rapunzel, Eugene and Lance in them as well. "No! Guys!"


He turned towards the voice. He was surprised to find the man from the painting in Old Corona standing there.

"Who are you?"

"Follow your destiny..."



"Varian! Kid!"

The teen snapped his eyes open as he sat up. He could feel the sweat dripping down his face. His glowing hair faded and fell back down over his eyes. "Huh?"

"You were having another bad dream."

"Oh, yeah..." Varian ran a hand through his hair.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, thanks for waking me, Andrew."

"No problem, buddy. It's the second time this week you had a nightmare though. Is that normal?"

Varian sighed. "More or less. Not as often, but ever since the fight at Old Corona, it's been a reoccurring dream."

"This magic stuff is weird," the man commented.

"Yeah, that's for sure."

"Everything ok?" Cassandra asked from the girl half of the caravan.

"Yeah, just a dream... again," Varian chuckled nervously.

"Oh, ok. You sure?"

"Yep." Varian nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna start the caravan and get moving, ok?"

"Ok," Varian nodded.

"I'll help," Andrew offered.

"I got it," Cassandra replied.

"I know you do, I just want to," Andrew said.

Rolling her eyes, Cassandra hid a small smile. "Fine. Whatever."

Andrew and Cassandra went outside. Varian got dressed and went outside himself where he found Lance putting pancakes on a plate. The man grinned and handed him a plate. "There you go, little man."

"Thanks, Lance."

Eugene came walking back with a bucket of water. He ruffled the teen's hair. "Hey, hair stripe."

"Morning, Eugene."

"How are you doing?"

"Ok," Varian answered.

"Good. Better finish your pancakes in the caravan, because we're leaving once Lance puts the dishes in the back," Eugene said.

"Ok." Varian sat at the front of the caravan with Cassandra and Andrew and began to eat his pancakes. A couple minutes later they were on their way to Vardaros.

Rapunzel opened the side door to the caravan. "Woo-hoo!"

R:I wanna break every rule and cross every line

She rolled in the grass.

V:I wanna show all the stars how stars oughta shine

Varian set his dishes in a department beneath his feet to deal with later.

C:I wanna do as I please and knock the world to its knees

Cassandra made the horses go faster, making Andrew grab the back of his seat.

C,R,V:And go wherever the breeze is going!

Next stop: anywhere!
Got a whole wide world to see
Nothing's stopping me
A:Next stop: anywhere!
C:'Cause there's so much waiting
V:I know it's waiting
R:I feel it waiting out there

Rapunzel ran into a pool or water in front of a waterfall.

"Ho! Do you know how hard it is to keep up with you, blondie?" Eugene took a deep breath.

E:We're gonna toss out the maps and follow the sun

Eugene set a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder.

C:We're gonna place our own path and go on the run

Cassandra tossed the reins to Andrew, and she jumped on top of Fidella. Using her sword, she cut a branch from a tree in the way.

V:We're gonna get out and do what nobody's done

Varian climbed to the roof of the caravan.

R:There's so much out there to do, we've barely begun

Rapunzel and Eugene drop a rock in a hole, causing butterflies to scatter and disperse.

All:We're gonna take every dare
And feel the wind in our hair
With no one telling us where we're going!

Next stop: anywhere!
If you're there I'm gonna be
Where I wanna be!
R:Next stop: anywhere!
And the world is calling
It keeps on calling
C,R,V:Just think of all that we'll share

"Rapunzel!" Cassandra called.


"I promised your dad I would keep you safe and I would hate to lose you less than a week on the road," she retorted.

"Has it been that long already?" Varian added sarcastically.

"It's just, the outside world is not all fun and games," She finished.

"Next stop: Vardaros! The city of fun and games!" Lance announced.

"We're getting close," Eugene remarked.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Ugh! I love you Raps, but why did we have bring them along?"

"Hey, you got to bring your boyfriend along. No one asked if I wanted to bring a girl," Varian muttered.

"Ok, but why Lance?" Cassandra continued.

"Come on, separating them is like separating us," Rapunzel replied.

"You're still grouchy that you woke up to him singing some sea chanty?" Andrew teased.

"Yes! It was five in the morning. I took him for a guy who slept in," Cassandra muttered.

"Oh, come on, Cass. This will be fun, which I'm guessing is a new thing for you," Eugene joked.


"Come on, Cass, you heard him! This will be fun!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

C:Next stop: anywhere!
Got a feeling things'll be
Happening suddenly!
V:Next stop: anywhere!
Gonna chase my destiny,
Find the best in me!
E:Next stop: anywhere!
'Cause it's time we went to be
Where we're meant to be!
A:Next stop: anywhere!
C:And the world is waiting
V:I feel it waiting
R:It's all just waiting out there

Rapunzel sat at the front of the caravan, next to Cassandra. Varian went inside the caravan with the other guys. The princess looks at the map. "Vardaros, here we come!"

"Not that you shouldn't be optimistic, Raps, but just remember the point of this trip. We don't know this world as much as I'd like to. Corona was a safe haven, and out here, we're going to face some challenges," Cassandra said. "We're out here for answers, not exactly exploration. Though we'll certainly get to explore, we can't lose sight of the point."

Rapunzel folded up the map and put it away. "I know. Believe me, Cass, I want answers more than anyone. I feel like whatever is waiting for us at the end of this road is only part of why we're out here."

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