Chapter 3

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"Here we are!" Cassandra said as she stopped the caravan.

Lance ran out of the caravan.  "Vardaros, here we co- Oh! Ah! Ew…"

Varian looked around, scrunching his nose from the smell.  "I thought you said that this was supposed to be a grand city-"

"Wow, guys, you were right! This is great!" Cassandra exclaimed sarcastically.  "What do you wanna do first? Get matching tattoos? Or see if we can get a deal on a rusty hatchet? Oh, I know! Let's see who can catch the plague first!"

Eugene set protective hands on Varian's shoulders steering him away from a stand. "I don't understand, what happened?  This place was great.  Even more grand than the capital of Corona."

"Come on, guys, maybe it's not exactly how you remembered it, but that doesn't mean it's not a fun-loving city!" Rapunzel said as she disregarded Eugene's unease and went up to a girl at the 'Knives and Such' stand.

"Raps-" Cassandra couldn't stop her in time.

"Hello there, we're new in town, my name's Rapunzel-" Rapunzel stuck her hand out to shake.

"Get lost," the girl retorted.

Cassandra redirected her sister away from the stand. "Maybe you should hold off on the introductions. Something tells me that if word got out that actual royalty were in town, we could be in trouble."

"I second that," Lance added.

Eugene nodded. "You know I hate saying this, but they're right. Let's keep a lower profile, Princess. We'll go get the supplies, you guys take the caravan back up to the camp. The last thing you need is for someone to recognize you."

"Can I go with Eugene?" Varian asked.  "I know this isn't the place to explore but it's my first town outside of Corona that isn't a pile of heep that I've seen."

"Varian-" Cassandra began.

"Oh, let him go, Cass.  He can handle himself.  Besides, they'll be after Rapunzel, not a random kid," Andrew said.I'll go with them if it makes you feel better."

She sighed.  "Alright.  Raps and I will be at the campsite on the hill.  Don't take too long or I'll be back to kick your butts out of here."

"Warning taken," Andrew chuckled.

Cassandra and Rapunzel went on the caravan and drove out of Vardaros.  Lance put his arms around Andrew and Varian.  "Alright, boys, back before sundown, but they didn't say we couldn't have a little fun!"

"Lance, what do you have in mind?" Eugene looked unimpressed.

Cassandra felt the caravan jolt as it hit a rock in the road.  She let out an annoyed groan.   Rapunzel looked at her.   "Something up, Cass?"

"He asked you to marry him again, didn't he?"

Rapunzel looked surprised.  "Huh?"

"Ugh, come on. I know you guys well enough by now.  Especially you."

"I-I-I guess he maybe asked me…" Rapunzel admitted.

"Well? What did you maybe say?"

"I didn't say anything. And, I'm not sure why."

"Oh, I can tell you why."

"Woah!" Cassandra pulled the horses to a hault and a woman jumped off the caravan.  She took a bite of an apple.  "You have bigger things lying ahead of you. Greetings."

"Umm… I'm sorry, who are you exactly?" Rapunzel asked.

"Oh, right, sorry. Princess Rapunzel, my name is Adira." Then she nodded to a man that was a few yards away, standing by the road.  He was currently holding a hand over his face as if he was embarrassed by her.  "That's my brother."

"And what do you want, Adira?" Cassandra fingered her sword.

"A word with Rapunzel is all. Alone, if you don't mind."

Cassandra held out a hand to keep her from coming any closer to her sister. "Aha, not gonna happen."

"Just a second, Cass. Let's hear her out," Rapunzel said.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say it to me," Cassandra said.  "We stay together."

"Hmm, but you feel free to leave your brother behind?"

Cassandra's eyes turned livid with anger. She drew her sword and pointed at Adira's chest.  "What do you know about him and what do you want?"

"Cass-" Rapunzel started.

"Okay, I gotta be honest. I know we just met, but I'm not a big fan of people threatening me."

"And I'm not a fan of mysterious people who want to be alone with my siblings.  It never goes well." She pressed the sword against Adira's neck.

"Okay, last chance to do this the nice way," Adira warned.

"Adira-" her brother began.

She ignored his plea and suddenly moved her arms, putting Cassandra's sword into her hands.  The latter gaped with shock, unable to react.  "I made it quick," she said to her brother who only sighed in reply.

"Listen here, weirdo-" Cassandra pointed an accusing finger.

"Wait, I'm not a weirdo, am I?" Adira turned to her brother who only gave her an unamused look. "Eccentric, maybe." She waved Cassandra's sword around carelessly. Unconventional, sure, but weirdo?"

Cassandra growled and lunged at her.  Adira swiftly threw her on the ground, knocking the air out of her.

"Enough!" Rapunzel pulled out her hair and whipped some around Adira's wrist.  "No one hurts my sister."

"Yeah, see, I don't like being touched, either." She pulled out her own sword and slashed it across Rapunzel's hair.

"It didn't cut…" Adira said.

"It didn't break." Rapunzel looked at her with surprise.

"It must be made of-"


She turned to her brother and she shook off Rapunzel's hair.

"They're returning."

She nodded.  She turned back to the other two with a shrug.  "We'll talk again."

With that, the two vanished from view by running into the woods.

A few moments later, Andrew came running towards them.  He saw Cassandra still on the ground.  "Is everything alright?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yeah.  For now." She stood and dusted herself off.  "What are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Varian."

"Yeah, I came here as fast as I could.  I was the only one able to escape.  Remember that Barron guy that Eugene and Lance talk about all the time?  Well, he's here and now he has them both and Varian.  I'm so sorry, Cassie.  I couldn't fend them off.  There were too many, so I had to run to regroup and get you two."

Cassandra and Rapunzel looked at each other.  The former looked at her boyfriend.  "Prepare to fight.  We're going to get them back."

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