Chapter 19

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"Good morning, Princess."

Rapunzel sat up.  She gasped.  "Caine!"

"Yep.  And you're late.  Like usual."

"Huh?  But what are you doing here?"

"I work here.  Duh.  I know I'm supposed to waiting for you, after all, I'm you're lady in waiting, but, Princess, you sure do know how to make a gal wait.  It's ten in the morning for heavens sake!  Do you plan on sleeping through the coronation?"

"Coronation?" Rapunzel repeated.

The door swung open.  "Rapunzel!"

"Little Prince!" Caine set her hands on her hips.  "Knock!  She could have been getting dressed!"

"Sorry," Varian (but younger than he was now) said.  But the big grin on his face told Rapunzel that he didn't care.  In fact, it was the happiest she had ever seen him.  Ever.  "Are you going to stay in bed all day?  I thought we were going to fly a kite and test that key thing we read about before the coronation."

"We were?"

"I think the Princess has some pre-coronation jitters.  Go on scoot."

"Ok, fine.  Dad, Mom, and Cassie's going to be waiting until you come!" Varian called.

"Dad?" Rapunzel asked in shock.

He popped his head through the doorway again. "Fredric.  Dad."

"You're getting along?"

"Of course!  When have we not?"

"Never mind.  I'm just really glad you're happy."

"I mean, what more could I want?  We're all here together.  Everything is perfect and nothing is going to take that from us.  See you in a few!"

Caine closed the door with a loud sigh.   "I swear, I thought he was never going to leave.  He's a sweet kid though.  I'll help you get ready for the day so you all can have your family time."

"Oh, uh, thank you..." Rapunzel began.

After a few minutes, she was dressed and on her way to the castle courtyard.  She passed the strategy room, finding that there weren't any plans on the table, meaning no threat of wars or terrorist attacks were looming in the air.  She let out a peaceful sigh, looking out the window.

She froze upon seeing a cloaked figure.  Their cloak blew in the wind and they glitched in and out of existence.  In confusion, Rapunzel backed away.  She felt her back bump into someone.  Gasping, she grabbed a sword off the wall, turning to her threat.  Her sword was immediately deflected with a frying pan.

"A frying pan?  Who are you? Because That's kind of my thing."

The cloaked figure pulled their hood off, revealing Varian (one that looked like she remembered from what she was certain the day prior).  "Yeah, I know.  I was there.  Gotta be honest, I've kinda always wanted to test it out." He gave it a test swing.

"Haha.  Funny prank, Varian.  You got me," Rapunzel chuckled.

"Prank?  Oh, no.  Well, ok, maybe I had too much fun sneaking up on you, but this isn't a prank." His face grew serious.  "This isn't real.  This life is a dream.  You are currently in the house of Yesterday's Tomorrow under a sleeping spell.  You know, kinda like in those fairytales we used to read about, but not like what we used to read about.  Eugene's kiss didn't work."

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