There's still time

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“Oh wow!”

“What?” Stevie stopped dead in her tracks, looking wide eyed at her assistant.

“You look fantastic, I haven’t seen you like this in a long time.” Karen took Aaron from Stevie, letting her apply lipstick and slip into her heels.

“It’s not too much?” She asked, examining her appearance in the mirror. “I mean… I’m only one of the guests. Not even a bridesmaid!” She added jokingly.

“It’s not and you look really hot to be honest. Watch out for those filthy rich bachelors! They won't hesitate getting their hands on you.”

“Stop it, Karen. I don’t look half as good as you make it out to be.”

“You had a baby four months ago, you do look pretty damn perfect.”

“Thanks.” She said shyly, taking one last look at herself. “You’re a savior, I hope he won’t be too much trouble.” She pressed a kiss to her son’s cheek, while softly stroking the other one. “I’ll try to get back as soon as possible. It's not like the party will be the best of the year, I doubt I will want to stay for long.”

“Or you can enjoy yourself instead.”

“I’m going to Lindsey’s wedding. He’s marrying another woman. Did you forget it?”

“Point taken.”

“The guys are waiting for me, I don’t want to be teased for taking so long.”

“Yeah, go. We’ll see you later.”

Stevie took a deep breath and went outside, walking to the car, where Mick, John and Christine were already. The drive didn’t take long and it was spent with some catching up and mindless chatter. The two men not passing the opportunity to compliment Stevie’s appearance. If she was honest, it did feel great to be called beautiful, because she had been feeling anything but that since she got pregnant.

They had some free time before the ceremony started and Christine used it to usher Stevie aside from the other guests. “Have you changed your mind?”


“Have you thought about what we discussed?”



“Keep your voice down, we’re getting enough attention as it is.”

“I’m this close to making a scene, because you have gone completely insane.”

“I told you, Lindsey will never find out about Aaron and if he does, I’ll make sure to find someone and pay them good money to pretend they’re the father of my son.”

“Stephanie Lynn Nicks!”

“You’re not my mother to be using that on me, Chris. Please… You know where I stand with this. Let it go, I’m begging you.”

“He’s in there. He’s getting ready, but you can stop him. There’s still time.”

“I can’t see why I would do that.”

“Because Aaron needs a daddy and you need help raising him.”

“No, I don’t.”

“That time when I came to visit and you hadn’t slept the whole night? You’re sure you don’t need help?”

“I can take care of my baby.” Stevie said, her voice sounding defensive.

“I’m not saying you can’t, but there’s a reason why a child is meant to have a mother and a father. You’re taking that away from your own son. And when he grows to be a little older, when he sees families together, don’t you think he’ll come to you asking, where’s his daddy?”


She knew she was pulling on Stevie’s heartstrings, but she had to get through to her somehow. “I love you and I support you in everything you choose to do, despite what I think about it, but not this time, Stevie. I’ve never thought you were this selfish. You only care about what’s good for you in this situation.”

“That is not… true…”

“It is.”

Before Stevie could reply, Mick joined them. “Are you two done gossiping? This circus is about to start.” John followed them too, and all four went inside to find somewhere to sit.

Stevie examined every little detail of the way the church had been decorated. It was so over the top, tasteless even and she knew Lindsey had nothing to do with it. Her eyes eventually fell on him, dressed in a ridiculous tuxedo, he hated looking so formally. She bet he couldn’t wait to get out of it. A small part of her hoped he wouldn’t have listened to her. They could have adopted and this could have been their wedding. Maybe he wasn’t all that crazy about her after all. Soon enough, the bride came out too, wearing a dress that made her look like a muffin on top of a cake. If Stevie was a rude person, she would have started laughing. Out of all the women in the world, he had to pick out a copy of Stevie herself. It got more absurd when Kristen finally approached Lindsey and they stood at the altar together. She knew she wasn’t the only one thinking that as she felt Mick nudge her side, biting hard on his lips. She nearly lost it.

Christine, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking about little Aaron. He didn’t do anything to deserve not knowing his father. Lindsey would be the happiest man alive to know he had a son with Stevie. Christine thought she had met some stubborn people in her life, but none of them beat Stevie. She understood the part when Stevie said she didn’t want her heart broken, but it didn’t have to be like that. She and Lindsey didn’t have to necessarily be a couple, but raising their child together was a responsibility on both of their sides.

‘Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today, among family & friends, in the sight of God…’

That was exactly where Stevie stopped paying attention, while Christine was listening carefully to every single word. It seemed to be going forever, Stevie couldn’t wait until it was over. Kristen had said her I Do, now only Lindsey left. She was tapping her foot, glad it wasn’t making any sound, sighing for him to end this torture.

And it ended in the next couple of seconds, followed by shocked oohs and aahs from the people that had gathered for the ceremony, as well as bride and groom themselves, when Christine’s soft British accent echoed louder than ever before.

“Stevie had your baby!”

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