Don't do that again

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Over a month had passed and Lindsey's visits became frequent. Stevie even allowed him to stay over one night, although just like the first time, she offered him to sleep on the couch and he didn't complain, being around his son was much more important. 

Aaron was over five months now and Stevie had agreed to stop hiding the fact she and Lindsey were parents to a baby boy, but she wasn't about to show him off to the whole world. With that, people also started whispering that maybe Stevie and Lindsey were back together as well, but they weren't. He was more than willing for it to happen, he got lucky with a kiss from her here and there, but that was where it stopped. 

Today was the first time Lindsey was taking care of Aaron all by himself. He almost forced Stevie out of her apartment to treat herself to a day at a spa or a beauty salon, or whatever it was that women liked to waste money and time on. She didn't jump at the chance right away, she was nervous about leaving him alone with their five month old son, just a few short weeks back, he didn't know how to hold a baby! But after Lindsey promised her a couple of thousand times, they would be okay, she gave in.

Stevie came back right on time for Aaron's bed time. She felt slightly guilty, but the hours ticked away and she didn't notice how the sun set. She searched for Lindsey, eventually finding him in her bedroom, ready to put Aaron in his crib.


"What? What's wrong?" Lindsey jumped, turning around. "What is it, Stevie?"

"I wanted to give my baby a goodnight kiss." She said, looking apologetically at how she scared both her men. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Don't do that again, okay?"

She took their son and sat down, baby talking for a few minutes until Aaron's eyes started closing and he wasn't at all interested in her babbling. After singing softly until he finally fell asleep, Stevie took Lindsey by the hand and led him out of the room. 

"I don't know how to thank you, Linds."

"For what?"

"I had a fantastic day!" She exclaimed, entering the kitchen. She got on her tip toes, trying to reach two glasses. 

"Let me help you with that." Lindsey pressed against her from behind and for a second they both were very aware of it. "Here."

"Open the bottle too?" She pointed at a bottle of wine she had brought back.

"So, what did you do on your fantastic day?"

"Everything you suggested I should. Then I was going to get back, but Sharon made me stay and we went for dinner, and we talked and talked as if I had been locked away from people for years."

"Well..." Lindsey began, teasing her.

"Shut up." She laughed, holding up the glasses for him to fill up. "Here, hold these." He did and she took his face in both her hands and planted a kiss on his lips. "Thanks."

"If that's the thanks I get, you can take a day off tomorrow too."

"Don't push it." She pointed a finger at him and went to the living room. "And what about you two? Was everything alright?"

"We made a great baby, he's no trouble at all." Stevie swung her legs over Lindsey's and he began mindlessly caressing them. "You think we could make another one like that?"

"No, thank you. One is definitely enough for someone as old as me." He pretended to look disappointed, making the corners of her lips turn up. "And that question was just your way of getting in bed with me."

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